Tuesday 2 January 2024

No 14061, Tuesday 02 Jan 2024, Arden

Solution to 20D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Countryman took woman and fled outside (7) RWANDAN {R{W}{AND}AN}
5   The French have right to enter the port (2,5) LE HAVRE {LE}{HAV{R}E}
9   People say "Choose Kindle" (5) PIQUE (~pick)
10 Comic act riding a horse with a cougar (9) CATAMOUNT {ACT*}{A}{MOUNT}
11 Anatolia is in Arkansas, I am in Oregon (4,5) ASIA MINOR [T]
12 Egg on salt? (5) NITRE {NIT}{RE}
13 Somewhat sweet natured, blows the top once in a while (4) ETNA [T]
15 Being dismissive of English bowling, perhaps (8) ELBOWING {E}{BOWLING*}
18 He was born on a ship (8) BLIGHTER {B}{LIGHTER}
19 Narrated long story (4) YARN [DD] (Addendum - (~yearn) - See comments)
22 Violent eruption, after it's removed-unusual (5) NOVEL ViOLENt*
24 Silent greeting, recently it has become a hobby (9) PHILATELY {P}{HI}{LATELY}
26 Followers cheer as temperature becomes cold (9) ENTOURAGE EN(-c+t)TOURAGE Clue leads to ENCOURAGE?
27 Reprimand as one found refuge in church (5) CHIDE {C{HID}E}
28 Removed, in fact it's allowed (7) DELETED {DE{LET}ED}
29 Brave woman, gets a new avatar (7) SHAWNEE {SH{A+NEW}*E}

1   Record breaking genuine lift (6) REPEAL {R{EP}EAL}
2   Surrender in law, almost everyone gets exoneration (9) ACQUITTAL {AC{QUIT}T}{ALl}
3   Measure about a quarter, that's the goal (5) DREAM {DR{E}AM}
4   Free to include ten others, it's obvious who will win (2,7) NO CONTEST {NO COST} over {TEN}*
5   Time taken in genuine rise after that (5) LATER {RE{T}AL<=}
6   Famous writer, he is on China trail (9) HEMINGWAY {HE}{MING}{WAY}
7   Safe jump (5) VAULT [DD]
8   Opponents in a game meet up, show respect (6) ESTEEM {E}{S}{MEET<=}
14 Dealt with guns, dealt with drug (5,4) ANGEL DUST*
16 In the last four months, they're common-ships and European city folks (9) BERLINERS {BER}{LINERS}
17 European refusal wearing off (9) NORWEGIAN {NO}{WEARING*}
20 Want to finish after running one third in the middle (6) ?N?E?D (Addendum - INTEND {END}<=>{sprINTing} - See comments)
21 Coordinates with regular blue, once it becomes a solvent (6) XYLENE {XY}{bLuE+oNcE}
23 It's important to maintain temperature in the container (5) VITAL {VI{T}AL}
24 Material placed silently on top (5) PLAID {LAID}<=>{P}
25 Capital account, credit accepted initially (5) ACCRA {AC}{CR}{Ac...d}

Reference List
Woman = W, The in French = LE, Right = R, On = RE, English = E, Born = B, Silent = P, Temperature = T, Cold = C, Church = CE, Record = EP(Extended Play), Measure = DRAM, Quarter = E, Time = T, China = MING, Opponents = E,S, Coordinates = X,Y


  1. Replies
    1. And does it qualify as DD when its a noun and verb of the same def?

    2. Agree with you on DD. Maybe a CD with 'Yarned' as solution. Or more simply the clue can be 'Narrate a long story'.

    3. With 'Narrated' as homonym indicator? Good one and good solve!

    4. Na. Yarn isnt just story. Its long story.

    5. Prasad ji, dictionaries (Chambers, Collins and MW) list story as a valid synonym for yarn which is enough for a crossword clue.

    6. But yarn and yearn are not homophones

    7. Agree on the sufficient condition.
      But to use "long story" (which is the actual def, not synonym) and expect solvers to guess its a clever word play is my objection.
      There have been clues here in the past with "story" as def for yarn
      No objection there.

    8. That was a nice tool, IMO. The problem here is yarn and yearn are not homophones. So the clue is faulty.

  2. 26A- Not with followers as def.as indicated by you. Cheer is encourage and with the change it becomes followers.

    1. Its missing a link word. Ambiguous as it depends on where you want to place the def and its pronoun(or a comma).
      It could be also def in the middle.

    2. As Colonel mentioned the clue leads to ENCOURAGE. Since temperature becomes cold and not the other way around

  3. 20D Want=intend
    Finish is end
    Middle third of running =spr(int)ing

  4. Again easy by Arden standards.
    Thank u Arden!

