Wednesday 24 January 2024

No 14079, Wednesday 24 Jan 2024, Hypatia

Solution to 6D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

7   Wretched approach taking state backwards (8) PATHETIC {PATH}{CITE<=}
9   Hunter's gesture inspiring one man (6) NIMROD {N{1}{MR}OD}
10 Some kid likes South Indian rice cake (4) IDLI [T]
11 Anxious hoarder acquires collection in exchange (5,5) HORSE TRADE {HOR{SET}RADE*}
12 Counter about air-conditioning in transport (6) ABACUS {A}{B{AC}US}
14 Stress over driving licence, say in collision (8) ACCIDENT {ACC{ID}ENT}
15 People with raw talent and so dim (5,8) ROUGH DIAMONDS {AND+SO+DIM}* [RA]
18 Romantic quality inside Ali Smith's books (8) IDEALISM [T]
20 Upset small intestine consuming breakfast cereal (6) MUESLI {IL{S}EUM<=}
21 Hot princess sat capturing selfie initially? Sick! (10) INDISPOSED {IN}{DI}{POSED over {Se...e}
22 Study at the end of the day? Say No! (4) DENY {DEN}{daY}
23 Hand over and call it a day (4,2) TURN IN [DD]
24 Instrument covered in blood (8) CLARINET {CLAR{IN}ET}

1   Spooner's joke about vehicle for Mars, say (5,3) CANDY BAR (~bandy car to candy bar}
 Standard honorific respectfully inscribed in introductions! (4) SHRI Acrostic &lit
3   Missing fellow collects stamps (6) ETCHES fETCHES
4   Possibly coin term for what we used to call a secretary (8) INTERCOM*
5   Folly of brat disrespectful at new Church (10) IMPRUDENCE {IMP}{RUDE}{N}{CE}
6   Now, drugs do make one impassive (6) ?O?D?N (Addendum -  WOODEN{NOW+E+DO}* - See comments)
8   Succinct Rama krithi, ultimately performed in Saint Tyagaraja’s domain (8,5) CARNATIC MUSIC {SUCCINCT+RAMA+k...hI}*
13 Europeans, say, about university / college joined by Chinese (10) CAUCASIANS {CA}{U}{C}{ASIANS}
16 They keep locks secure? (8) HAIRPINS [CD]
17 Fracture after runner shifts sides initially (8) SPLINTER SP(-r+l)LINTER
19 Died out essentially through mutated gene disease (6) DENGUE {D}{ENG{oUt}E*}
20 A time for siesta? (6) MIDDAY [CD] (Addendum - dAy  (Rebus) - See comments)
22 Duck biting river weed (4) DRIP {D{R}IP}

Reference List
Small = S, Hot = IN, Princess = DI, Blood red = CLARET, Fellow = F, New = N, Church = CE, About = CA, Drugs = E, University = U, College = C, Died = D, River = R


  1. Good one. I did not think of it.

  2. 12A- Abacus. What is the indication for the first A? It cannot be about.
    Though I liked the clue, I wish there was an indication for the A.

  3. 22D- The link does not mention weed as such. But do we get it from an inane, insipid person?

  4. It was MIDDAY in the third week of December.
    Vladimir was in Chennai not by ACCIDENT...
    How could he miss the CARNATIC MUSIC festival?
    Though INDISPOSED his condition was far from being PATHETIC.
    How could he DENY eating IDLI and Vada?
    No way. No way.
    What happened next?

  5. Naturally!
    Glad Vladimir is enjoying Idli-sambar and Carnatic music.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. 6 down
    Answer is WOODEN = impassive
    NOW = NOW
    DRUG = E
    DO ==DO
    (Make one impassive, )WOODEN

  8. Pl.indicate how the three are put together to get wooden.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Either 'make' is on double duty or 'one' is redundant.
      Or 'make one' is the anagram indicator.

  9. 6D – {WOOD{E)N*}
    Def. – impassive
    (Now+do}* over ‘E’
