Sunday 7 January 2024

The Sunday Crossword No 3288, Sunday 07 Jan 2024,

1   Audibly gawps in flight (6) STAIRS (~stares)
4   Careful now, girlfriend (6) STEADY [DD]
8   Liz seen by the French border in holy town (9) BETHLEHEM {BETH}{LE}{HEM}
9   £1,000 in German currency (5) GRAND {G}{RAND}
11 Those seen in total swelter, sore, endlessly struggling? (4,9) SUMO WRESTLERS {SUM}{SWELTER+SORe}* Semi&lit
13 Knowledgable, listening to the radio (5,2) TUNED IN [DD]
14 Requisitions fruity drinks (7) PRESSES [DD]
16 I will leave banlieue swirling in clouds (7) NEBULAE BANLiEUE*
18 Revolted by Harry offering flower (3,4) DOG ROSE {ROSE}<=>{DOG}
20 It's enumerated poorly? (13) UNDERESTIMATE* &lit
23 Abrupt, harsh split (5) SEVER SEVERe
24 S. American, somewhat peculiar gent, in essence (9) ARGENTINE [T]
25 Journalist with 'no weight' rejected: fair? (6) BLONDE {ED}{NO}{LB}<=
26 Commercial extremely detailed on Bravo. 'Extremely'? (6) ADVERB {AD}{VERy}{B} 

1   Help to circumvent bachelor's woeful utterances (4) SOBS {SO{B}S}
2   Appelation reckoned to indicate something's authentically 'natural', primarily? (7) ARTISAN Acrostic &lit
3   Doddery older mole, one that's admired by others (4,5) ROLE MODEL*
4   During first half of supper, DMs me about desserts (6,8) SUMMER PUDDINGS {DURING+SUPper+DMS+ME}*
5   Group of rowers fed, we can hear (5) EIGHT (~ate)
6   Here you may store socks and pants (7) DRAWERS [DD]
7   Time to cut – and put to rest – uninspired play (3,7,4) THE WINTERS TALE {T}{HEW}{INTER}{STALE}
10 Fragment of asteroid? Is asteroid bringing cataclysm? (8) DISASTER [T]
12 Comedians cancel date with a hint of shame (5-3)  STAND-UPS {STAND UP}{Sh..e}
15 England having wet weather, pervasive liquid finally permeated (9) ENGRAINED {ENG}{RAIN}{p...vE}{l...iD}
17 Trouble: bishop lived up to expectations (at first) (7) BEDEVIL {B}{LIVED<=} over {Ex...s}
19 Thrice, Everyman having temperature taken, being old (3-4) ONE-TIME  {ONE}+I+ME} over {T}
21 Arles, Rouen regularly ignored; it's all been seen before (2-3) RE-RUN {aRlEs+RoUeN}
22 Rosemary? That lady's bold (4) HERB {HER}{B}

Reference List
The in French = LE, German = G, Journalist = ED, Commercial = AD, Bravo = B, Bachelor = B, Time = T, England = ENG, Bishop = B, Temperature = T, Bold = B