Sunday 22 March 2009

No 2525, Sunday, 22 Mar 09

Oh boy today is a real tough one, stumped for answers at plenty of places. I suppose one will have to be a Britisher to get many of these. Sunday has always been tough on me. (Addendums - with help from the ORKUT community)
1 - Rascal affected by onset of school (5) – {S}CAMP Annotation for Camp not clear
4 - Spike on brass choker (8)- NECK{LACE} Annotation for Neck not clear
10 - Heavenly body of huge celebrity (5,4) - GIANT STAR [CD]
11 - Follow suit, holding hearts (5) – C{H}ASE
12 - SW19 catchphrase? (6,3,6) - (Addendum - ANYONE FOR TENNIS) SW19 being the suburb forWimbledon
13 - Book finally reduced (5) – ATLAS (-t)
14 - LA or Lima, otherwise a city in Texas (8) - AMARILLO*
17 - Amaze son with it, playing in wood (8) – AS{TONIS*}H
20 - Singer from Crete? No, Rhodes (5) - TENOR [T]
22 - To settle argument, hold the best there is (4,3,4,4) - HAVE THE ???R WORD Maybe HAVE THE LAST WORD but it does not fit with 6D (Addendum - HAVE THE LAST WORD is correct)
24 - Name old boy, one in service (5) - R{OB}{I}N
25 - Goddesses - possibly three, if us (3,6) – THE FURIES*
26 - Composer almost bitten by boy's dog (8) - (Addendum - AL{SATI(-e)}AN)
27 - Handy baroque composer (5) - HAYDN*
1 - Dispense with guidepost on a path (4,4) - SIGN AWAY [CD]
2 - Flower girl left, pinched by naughty Lisa (9) - (Addendum - A{MARY}{L}LIS* also known as Naked Lily)
3 - What to do with a trainer making blunder? (3,4,4,2,2) – PUT ONES FOOT IN IT Annotation not clear
5 - Play in a tie (abandoned) in Potter's place? (7)
6 - Out of play (abandoned)?(6,4,5) - KICKED INTO ROUGH [CD] (Addendum - KICKED INTO TOUCH)
7 - A profit in return (5) – A{GAIN}
8 - Flat's old, nevertheless (4,2) - EVEN SO
9 - Employees on a Scottish island (6) - STAFF{A}
15 - Smoke with city girl (6,3) - LONDON IVY [CD] Don't know if this is correct Google search did not throw up anything
16 - Exploits rated silly by boy (6,2) - {TRADE*}S ON
18 - Sloth? One near it is trembling (7) – {I}NERTIA*
19 - Fire gun? (6) - (Update - HEATER [2])
21 - Language from that woman inside hydro (6) - (Addendum - S{HER}PA)
23 - Feelings caused by bishop - (Addendum - VI{B}ES This clue was not printed correctly both in the print and online editions. The actual clue as it appeared in THE OBSERVER of UK is 'Feelings caused by Bishop entering contests', hence the VIES)


  1. 3D is a double definition. A trainer is a kind of footwear, so you put your foot in it. "put ones foot in it" is also idiom for making a blunder.

  2. 1A: 1 - Rascal affected by onset of school (5) – {S}CAMP

    CAMP = affected. This word crops up often in the context of movies...e.g. "campy" acting when the actors get too melodramatic to be believable.

  3. I think 5 down is Etruria, a place famous for pottery Though cant figure the Play in it

  4. Well done Sudha,

    Here's how it comes about

    5 Play in a tie (abandoned) in Potter’s place? (7) ET R.U.R IA

    Wedgewoods pottery works is in Etruria, england

    A TIE and the czech play R.U.R (Rossum's Universal Robots) gives the answer.

    Answer worked out by John from the Orkut community
