Sunday 1 March 2009

No 2522, Sunday, 01 Mar 09

Finally we have CW No 2522 after last Sunday's faux pas. The Sunday CW has generally been my pitfall, but seem to have done reasonably well today, have not managed to work out 14A, 23A and 21D I have my doubts about 7D. (Addendum - managed to get 14A, 23A and 7D)
1 - Punctuation mark in line Cosmo translated (9) – SEMI COLON*
6 - Give birth to first of litter in den (5) – CA{L}VE
9 - Relief comes as swelling is reduced round central part of hock (5) – L{OC}UM (lump – p)
10 - They sell irons and balls (9) – GUNSMITHS [CD]
11 - Entirely the responsibility of Old Trafford? (4,2,3,6) – DOWN TO THE GROUND [CD]
12 - Type of necktie a Caledonian produces (5) – A{SCOT}
14 - Trite remark made by chap finally given free rein (9) - (Addendum - {P}LATITUDE)
17 - Shopkeeper burst into tears (9) STATIONER*
18 - Freely available religious work described by senior citizen (2,3) – ON TAP Annotation not clear
19 - Sales talk - head of investments trots out a clich̩` (2,5,3,5) Р{I}T {TAKES ALL S*}ORTS*
22 - The case for a range of investments? (9) – PORTFOLIO [2]
23 - One invading island, part of Asia Minor (5) - INDIA ?? (Addendum - IO{I}NA)
24 - Hungarian pianist's record? Sounds like it (5) - LISZT (~list)
25 - Left a station, badly polluted, to cross heart of Burundi (6,3) – PULLED O{U}T*
1 - Speaks about a western actor in musical (5,4) – S{A}{LAD D}AYS
2 - Parrot, first to mimic a cry of another bird (5) M{A}{CAW}
3 - Regain consciousness, fine and well after knockout, by the way (4,2,5,2,2) – COME TO THIN{K O}F IT
4 - Spot comic holing short putt (5,4) – LIGH{T UP*(putt – t)}ON
5 - Child molester in prison on Cephalonia (5) – NONCE [T]
6 - I name rhinoceros - wild no matter what the circumstances may be (4,4,2,5) – COME RAIN OR SHINE*
7 - Spill the beans about that in French resort (2,7) LE TOU{RIS}T ?? I don't think this is right (Addendum - LE TOU{QUE}T)
8 - Died down then stopped, after opener dismissed (5) – EASED (ceased – c)
13 - Crime writer in school is representing house (9) - CHARTERIS Author of the famous series with the main character named SAINT, have read most of them while in college
15 - Hoax victim left most of food girl brought round (5,4) – APRI{L FOO(food –d)}L
16 - Peasants set out around noon, by the way (2,7) – EN PASSANT*
19 - One member the Spanish push forward (5) – I{MP}EL
20 - Shropshire lad initially cast in silly soap (5) – SA{L}OP*
21 - Head of ruling party checking on a rota, maybe (5) - (Addendum - R{ON}DO ??)


  1. 18 - Freely available// religious work //described by senior citizen (2,3) – ON TAP Annotation not clear
    ON TAP: Freely available: i.e. when we open the tap we get water...
    O{N T}AP

  2. OAP may be old age pensioner, but I have never seen it being used anywhere, abbreviations being used in CW should have some kind of a precedent otherwise I can abbreviate anything in the world I can say OTP is for Old Time Pensioner'!!

  3. After NT, I looked up my COD and got it. Common in Britain and we are solving a British crossword.
