Friday 13 March 2009

No 9479, Friday, 13 Mar 09, M.Manna

Too many Cryptic definitions for my liking I stand by my remarks of yesterday. Posting with a lot of blanks. Addendum - final answers added after a lot of googling. 19 out of 30 ie 63% were Cryptic Definitions or double definitions, did not enjoy the CW AT ALL, today was worse than yesterday
1 - A word that meant nothing (6, 7) - BROKEN PROMISE [CD]
8 - Most of the book, old version initially, was to do with the dynasty (7) - ROMAN{OV}
9 - Look fixedly at holy trees around summer houses (7) - GAZE{BOS}
11 - Fire escape on board ship (6) - FUNNEL [CD}?? Funnels are not fire escapes if my answer is correct
13 - Importance of cardinal’s address? (8) EMINENCE [CD]
15 - Perhaps the fish was off (5) - (Addendum - SMELT [CD]) Dont know what relation it has with Perhaps and off
16 - Work of low relief? (7) - (Addendum - LINOCUT [CD])
18 - Wrapping pasty is wise in a seaside place (7) - (Addendum - S{WAN}AGE)
19 - Ann has no young to trouble (5) - ANN{O}{Y}
21 - Can a rich character be promoter of lawlessness? (8) - ANARCHIC*
23 - The French pope changed the order of masses (6) - PEOP*{LE}
25 - Detectives have an art in cracking Chinese secret societies (7) - TRIA{DIC} ??No indication for reversal of detective, clue indicates detective in plural. Annotaion for I not clear
26 - Splendid stock (7) - CAPITAL [CD]
28 - What is the meaning of life? (5, 8) - HARSH SENTENCE [CD] ??
2 - Story of upright type going to church (7) - ROMAN{CE} ?
3 - They belong to the same family (3) - KIN [CD]
4 - Church body (4) - NAVE [CD]
5 - How a military unit was systematically organised? (10) - REGIMENTED [CD]
6 - Hindmost sails of a three masted vessel (5) - MIZEN [CD]
7 - Lowest division of a large body (7) - (Addendum - SUBUNIT [CD])
8 - Won’t do it. Won’t become an entertainer (6, 2, 3) - REFUSE TO ACT [CD]
10 - Still life of a slice of bread and a piece of cheese? (7, 4) - SCENERY MEAL {CD}??
12 - One more small part he has in the film (5) - EXTRA [2]
14 - Show you were itching to see? (4, 6) - (Addendum - FLEA CIRCUS [CD])
17 - Somehow cater for a packing case (5) - CRATE*
18 - Resilience exhibited by parts of a flower (7) - STAMINA [2]
20 - Having favourites, relatively speaking (7) - NEPOTIC [CD]
22 - Conversion of many poems from one form to another effected by set of rules (5) - C{ODES}
24 - Direction can be given for a critical examination (4) - S{CAN}
27 - Erstwhile small Indian coin (3) - PIE [CD]


  1. I'm on vacation currently, haven't been in touch with The Hindu Crossword. Reading through this I can see why you didn't enjoy it. A lot of it isn't even CD or DD, more like straight definitions of obscure words.

    11A: FUNNEL is the smokestack of a ship, so the "fire escape" as an indirect definition seems OK.

    15A: I'm just guessing here...SMELT also means gave off a bad smell. Could "something was off" mean that it had an offensive odour? "Perhaps" is just there, perhaps, to indicate that its cryptic.

    25A: CID is the name for the department, so I think it can do for plural. If we parse the clue as an indirect anagram it makes a little more sense:
    detectives=CID, an=I, art=ART
    The definition does not fit, though. Chinese secret societies should be TRIADS, not TRIADIC.

    28A: If that is actually the answer, then the clue is very weak.

    2D: In typography, ROMAN is the upright typeface (as opposed to, say, Italic).

    10D: Is there such a phrase as SCENERY MEAL? Never heard of it; Google doesn't throw up any results for this either.

  2. Hi Shuchi,
    Well we can say on the whole that today's CW SMELT!!
    I wont buy FUNNEL as a fire escape in a ship, the definition Smokestack itself syas it all.

  3. Col,

    8 AC:
    What is explanation for "Most of the book" and ROMAN?

  4. I suppose ROMAN is ROMANCE(-ce) from the Mills and Boon variety of books

  5. May be it is Sketchy Meal

  6. Hi Eswaran,
    SKETCHY MEAL does sound more appropriate
