Wednesday, 21 March 2012

No 10416, Wednesday 21 Mar 12, Gridman

1   - Change state cycle (11) - ALTERNATION {ALTER}{NATION}
9   - Hung back, being drawn to a luxury car within (7) - TARRIED {T{A}{RR}IED}
10 - Prince broadcast link (7) - PAIRING {P}{AIRING}
11 - Satisfies conferences (5) - MEETS [DD]
12 - In accord about a will (2,3,4) - OF ONE MIND [CD]
13 - Neighbour of Q gets the French musical instrument (5) - TABLA {TAB}{LA}
15 - Musical drama without any conditions (2,7) - NO STRINGS [DD]
18 - Such a secret is not widely known to many (5-4) - CLOSE-KEPT [E]
21 - Wearies of green jewels? (5) - JADES [DD]
22 - Dud mender revised a lease clause (9) - REDDENDUM*
24 - Hindu mystic was cagey with British intelligence (5) - SWAMI {WAS*}{MI}
26 - One who whips after Charles is one who disagrees (7) - CLASHER {C}{LASHER}
27 - A rash developed by one in need of a shower? (7) - SAHARAN {A+RASH}*{AN}
28 - A good stage performer answers this summons (7,4) - CURTAIN CALL [CD]
1   - Australian boy on a sudden contraction that's involuntary (9) - AUTOMATIC {AU}{TOM}{A}{TIC}
2   - Destroyed there is a number (5) - THREE*
3   - Put back to work its neater version (9) - REINSTATE*
4   - Moreover, in a short while, continuing in a like manner (3,2,2) - AND SO ON {AND} {SO ON}
5   - Wicked trouble-maker having debt notices (7) - IMPIOUS {IMP}{IOUS}
6   - Din in leader's quarter (5) - NOISE {NO1'S}{E} or {NO1}{SE}
7   - Imagined to have competed amidst endless noise bouncing back (8) - VISIONED {VI{eSION}ED}
8   - A good journalist, up in years (4) - AGED {A}{G}{ED}
14 - Woman on street in Chennai? (8) - BROADWAY {BROAD}{WAY}

View Larger Map
16 - State short Scottish nobleman is under the kings (9) - RAJASTHAN {RAJAS}{THANe}
17 - The sort of worker who is employed for certain periods of times (9) - SESSIONAL [CD]
19 - Measure rather rude; queen is one who lasts (7) - ENDURER {EN}{RUDE*}{ER}
20 - Hats thrown around a mother in Indian show (7) - TAMASHA {T{A}{MA}SHA*}
22 - Blue vehicle returning at end of day (4) - RACY {RAC<-}Y} Put in {NAV<-}{Y} first and was stuck for ages
23 - Tribal having no new attitude (5) - ETHIC ETHnIC
25 - Vessel carrying vital stuff from Goa or Tamil Nadu (5) - AORTA [T]


  1. After the FM reminding us of Hamlet, today GM reminds of Macbeth, with the Thane in 16d. Was absolutely thrilled with the neighbour on the keyboard. With MI figuring in 24a, I was thinking of Q from the Bond series.

  2. Yes Kishore, I too liked the neighbour of Q. Unsuccessfully trying to fit in P,R,etc.until the French led me to tabla.

    1. The one I enjoyed immensely ( only after seeing Col's answer and the Link which I shared

      with many of my friends. Thanks Gridman & Col. Outstanding.

  3. Can someone explain 14, 16 and 22 Down clues?

  4. 14D-
    Woman- broad
    street- way
    in Chennai?-palce in Chennai (as indicated in the map)- def.

    kings- rajas
    than(e)- Scottish nobleman (always click the word underlined by Col.which gives you the meaning).
    short indiactes removal of 'e'

    Blue-def. (again refer Col.'s ref.)
    vehicle retuning- reversal of car-rac
    end of day- y

  5. I kept looking at U fr neighbour of Q for a long time, nearly till the end.

  6. Not quite happy with the 7D. Leads to VIED within SION.

  7. I agree with you Navneeth. I was also in the same vision and could not solve the clue.
