Friday, 30 March 2012

No 10424, Friday 30 Mar 12, Neyartha

Neyartha has taken us into a Haberdasher's shop today.
1   - Places a tune's translation in the digest (11) - ENCAPSULATE*
9   - Letter travelling at the speed of light? (1-4) - E-MAIL [CD]
10 - Creative king forces out the unionist living in a world of fantasy (8) - ARTISTIC A(-u+r)RTISTIC
12 - Appealing to include a public interest litigation about a type of carpet, say (3-4) - CUT-PILE {CUT-{PIL}E}
13 - A short letter about Mark's lease (7) - NOTELET {NOTE}{LET}
14 - Aunt, an advisor? (5) - AGONY [CD]
15 - Teach hero about a reciprocal pronoun (4,5) - EACH OTHER*
18 - Syd comes back with a soft drink and vitamin for the stomach upset (9) - DYSPEPSIA {DYS<-}{PEPSI}{A}
20 - Performed for the audience in checked clothing (5) - PLAID (~played)
21 - Ruby to locate a shelter for Olympian Lewis (7) - SCARLET {S{CARL}ET}
24 - Comic Cary with what sounds like clean, but, synthetic fabric (7) - ACRYLIC {CARY*}{LIC}(~lick)
25 - Zero in on the issue after accepting half of the inputs (8) - PINPOINT {P{INPuts}OINT}
26 - Australian scapegoat's Easter costume (5) - BUNNY [DD]
27 - The British press for a task force on the road (5,6) - FLEET STREET {FLEET} {STREET}
2   - Invalidate New York's seizure of the uniform supply from the south (7) - NULLIFY {N{U}{LLIF<-}Y}
3   - Knowledge about a fresh rising in the Eastern cape (9) - AWARENESS {A}{WAR<}{E}{NESS}
4   - Mark's misplaced article about an embroidery stitch (5) - SATIN S(+a)AT(-a)IN
5   - Obnoxious school-mate's Mac was lost in an African kingdom (7) - LESOTHO {ScHOOL-maTE}*
6   - Trust William to conceal the weave pattern (5) - TWILL [T]
7   - Set out to design trade-in schemes for stock (11) - MERCHANDISE {tRADe-IN SCHEMEs}*
8   - Prudent Cary asks Uma to issue odds using software initially (8) - CAUTIOUS {C}{A}{U}{T}{I}{O}{U}{S}
11 - Protect lady frightened by the flying reptile (11) - PTERODACTYL*
16 - Nature of the note sent up after the cleaning lady's deed (9) - CHARACTER {CHAR}{ACT}{ER<-}
17 - Careless with the halogen compound containing deuterium (8) - HEADLONG {HEA{D}LONG*}
19 - Charlie expelled by the Left block from the Oval (7) - ELLIPSE E(-c+l)LLIPSE
20 - Wear out minor with a moral tale (7) - PARABLE Anno pending {Addendum - {PARdonABLE - See comments)
22 - The taxi Alex provided was pivotal in the … (5) - AXIAL [T]
23 - … journeys to the falls (5) - TRIPS [DD]


  1. I wish Neyartha had taken Smitha of Kollywood fame into account.

    1. Sankalak often had textiles related chemistry clues and today Neyartha has taken me into my field of activity of which 20A was played very well.

  2. Replies
    1. 20D - Probably {PA{RAB<-}LE}? Aren't Bars supposed to Bar Minors? : )

  3. Pale could be minor(as against major) as in a pale shadow. But if bar is reversed, I am not able to find a reversal indicator. Is it 'out'?

  4. 'Don' (minor) is out. But where do we get 'pardonable' from?

  5. Msg from Ajeesh regarding 20D

    DON = to put on or wear
    Pardonable = MINOR
    out = deletion indicator

    moral tale = PAR(-don)ABLE

  6. Thank you Col. & Ajeesh. That clears it.

  7. Neyartha has taken us into a Haberdasher's shop today.

    Fine, as long as he does not take us to the cleaners...
