Saturday 23 February 2013

No 10704, Saturday 23 Feb 13, Scintillator

Cakewalk if compared with normal Scintillator standards. Quite a few Anagrams, don't recall so many in his earlier offerings.

1   Summarises engineers’ limitations (6) RECAPS {RE}{CAPS}
4   What you get with naive sympathy? (5,3) GREEN TEA {GREEN} {TEA}
9   Can splits deter a guy initially during courtship? (6) DATING {D}{A}{TIN}{G}
10 Depressed practitioner’s working for a long time (4,4) BLUE MOON {BLUE} {MO}{ON}
12 Fantastic sea view encompasses fifty fish (8) ALEWIVES {A{L}EWIVES*}
13 Account with tax entry (6) ACCESS {AC}{CESS}
15 Cure dirty linen (4) ECRU*
16 Research on chocolate causing absent-mindedness (5,5) BROWN STUDY {BROWN}{STUDY}
19 Sensational warning for Beckham? (6,4) YELLOW CARD [CD]
20 Reports say ranks took up arms (4) ROSE (~rows)
23 Not quite a colour-blind individual (6) RACIST [CD]
25 Girl’s left out request for falafel ingredient (8) CHICKPEA {CHICK}{PlEA}
27 Dream on wildly about love that’s abandoned (8) MAROONED {MAR{O}ONED*}
28 Evacuated vehicle with two lives in distress (6) CRISIS {CaR}{IS}{IS}
29 Ancient Israeli lifeboat (5,3) NOAH'S ARK [CD]
30 Hushed voices from champion teams (6) ASIDES {A}{SIDES}

1   Bureaucracy not just limited to communist states (3,4) RED TAPE [CD]
2   Car halted around St. Paul’s? (9) CATHEDRAL*
3   Least significant digit? (6) PINKIE [E]
5   Some members of revolutionary cartel irritate and annoy (4) RILE <=
6   Leaderless Congress, before start of campaign, is absorbed in a trying task (8) EXERCISE {sEX}{ER{C}{IS}E}
7   Tire of poet regularly coming up with cliche (5) TROPE {Ti}{Re}{Of}{Po}{Et} Why 'coming up'?
8   Discharge from any stem transplant (7) AMNESTY*
11 Support CD broke into pieces (7) BEDROCK*
14 Black opponents of yore are heavily disheartened (7) SWARTHY {SWART}{HeavilY} Not too sure of Anno. (Addendum - {SW}{ART}{HeavilY} - See comments)
17 Free of rivalry, popes undo conversion (9) UNOPPOSED*
18 Criticisms elevate excellent snaps (8) POTSHOTS {POT<=}{SHOTS}
19 A railway worker or a police officer in London? (7) YARDMAN [DD]
21 Slips by as sleep fades away (7) ELAPSES*
22 Money from unpleasant chores (6) OCHRES* Didn't get the connection to money?
24 This is about Indian government being terminated before conclusion (5) CIRCA CIRCAr
26 Fruit peel, say (4) PEAR (~pare)


  1. Received from Kishore via landline!!

    14 opponents- S W
    of yore are - Art
    Heavily disheartened- H Y

    1. I thought that was what was probably intended but was not sure what the definition of "art" in archaic English was.. I have heard of sentences that go Thou art...but when I saw the dictionaries online, they seem to convey that the archaic definition of art is closer to "be" (2nd person singular present)..

    2. I thought disheartened was appropriate to indicate removal of middle letter alone - like Heavily disheartened leading to HEA(-v)ILY.

    3. @Veer 8:53: Haven't checked dictionary, but 'art' in usage does give 'are'. The sentence 'Dust thou art and to dust thou shalt return' as an example

    4. Re Heavily disheartened

      As long as we are left with even number of letters on either side, disheartend can delete any number of letters within.

      Thus H Y
      HE LY (if there is such a word; I know there isn't here)
      HEA ILY

      We can't derive H ILY (because the letters on either side are not even.

  2. 'ochre' has also the meaning of 'money', esp. gold (because of the colour).

    BRB has this as the last of the meanings under the word.

    1. Ochre/money ok. But like Suresh has mentioned below, what is OCHRES?

  3. Relatively easy as Deepak said. But, what is ochres?

  4. In 7d Tire of poet regularly coming up with cliche (5), 'coming up' is not a rev ind but rather a link phrase. 'Tire of poet regularly with cliche' won't make sense. The use of 'coming up' makes a complete and meaningful sentence. Many clues make use of such combination words. I think you've noticed it here because it does not play the role of rev ind.

  5. 7D- as I read it
    'tire of poet' -alternate letters starting with e,p,o,r,t going in reverse

    1. 'Tire of poet' regularly gives TROPE there is no reversal involved

    2. Read it in reverse starting from 'e' of poet.

    3. In that case your answer will be EPORT

  6. Liked the 'yard man' & Noah's Ark.
    Tea & sympathy was new to me.

    1. Tea and sympathy generally goes together as a phrase. Not sure if one can be substituted for another? It's a bit like saying motherhood = applepie?

    2. There is no substitution Bhala as I see it. If you read the entire clue. It is what you may get with naive sympathy

    3. Not my read Suresh. I think 'naive' was intended to be 'green' and 'sympathy' for 'tea'

  7. Col: re 21D: Is the def 'slips by' or 'fades away'. I was inclined to think the latter, since fades doesn't work so well compared to slips as an anagrind

    1. to slip or glide away is the dictionary meaning of 'elapse' as per Chambers dictionary

    2. Accepted, but then I can't see how 'fades away' indicates an anagram

  8. Definitely easier for a Scintillator puzzle, but an enjoyable and really good one.

  9. Seeing an "easy" under my pseudonym for the first time! Glad it was enjoyed. 9 anagrams is not a lot, but the full anagrams were high, I think.

    Is it not fashionable to mention themes anymore? :)

    1. You've not clarified about the OCHRES issue?

    2. Scintillator you're very colourful today ;-)

    3. OCHRE can mean gold coin or wealth/money in general. I do not an issue with the plural, though the usage is not common. In hindsight a definition of PIGMENTS would have had me in safe territory :)
