Wednesday 18 September 2013

No 10881, Wednesday 18 Sep 2013, Buzzer

All shaken, not stirred today by Buzzer.
1   Directing any on-screen actor … (4,7) SEAN CONNERY* My COD
9   … run through part of drill (6) PIERCE [DD] (Addendum - {PIE{R}CE} - See comments)
10 New cabling around old house in the woods (3,5) LOG CABIN {L{O}G CABIN*}
11 Oddly showing enthusiasm for ornamental cases (5) ETUIS EnThUsIaSm
12 Tips point to Moneypenny’s head being accepted by more (7) EXTREMA {EXTR{EM}A} M=EM
13 Hellish time for fellow on the inside (8) INTERNAL IN(-f+t)TERNAL
15 Egg one on to embrace exercise of choice (6) OPTION {O}{PT}{1}{ON}
16 Move finally sanctioned to evoke a response (6)  ELICIT {movE}{LICIT}
18 Absolute power M had over main agency’s termination (8) MONARCHY {M}{ON}{ARCH}{agencY}
20 Noted poet of funny litotes (1,1,5) T S ELIOT*
21 Word of acknowledgement essentially from Germany (5) ROGER {fROm}{GER}
22 Internal unit of MI6 perhaps in breach (8) DIVISION [DD]
23 Told one to hold garments in a large shed (6) HANGAR (~hanger)
24 He’ll turn bad unexpectedly in a movie (11) THUNDERBALL*

2   Ten Euros mostly spent in transit (2,5) EN ROUTE {TEN EUROs}* I had always been spelling this as 'enroute'!
3   Has to have massages reportedly (5) NEEDS (~kneads)
4   Ensure there is no friction in a spring? (3,4) OIL WELL [C&DD]
5   Good-to-have thing worn over sleepwear (9) NIGHTGOWN {THING*}{G}{OWN}
6   On 007 say, it might help detect a reaction (7) REAGENT {RE}{AGENT}
7   Liberal with takes I have granted to cast of a picture (4,3,3,3) LIVE AND LET DIE {L}{I'VE} {AND} {LET} {DIE}
8   Dead anti-hero resurrected by end of fantasy film (3,7,3) DIE ANOTHER DAY {DEAD ANTI-HERO}*{fantasY}
14 Enthusiast showing interest for a helping of food (9) NUTRITION {NUT}RITION Anno pending (Addendum - {NUT}{R(-a+i)ITION) - See comments)
17 Nurture a revolutionary leader out of Ireland (7) CHERISH {CHE}{iRISH}
18 Getting up before noon, teen planned to catch 1 p.m. show (7) MATINEE {MA<=}{T{1}NEE*}
19 Unusually genial successor of Q is related to the queen (7) REGINAL {R}{GENIAL*}
21 Nightmare habit involves a corrective treatment (5) REHAB [T]

Image used by Kishore as reference while drawing

Image sent by Padmanabhan


  1. 14 Enthusiast showing interest for a helping of food (9) NUTRITION {NUT}RITION Anno pending


  2. Thanks, Deepak, for perfectly placing the sketch, without taking up centrespace.

  3. 9 … run through part of drill (6) PIERCE [DD]

    I took this to be PIE{R}CE

  4. Thanks Buzzer! Extremely enjoyable. Completed before 8.30AM

  5. Very enjoyable , perfect in all sense and smooth.

  6. Nice thematic, and once it became evident, the long ones became a bit easy.

    7D: something doesn't gel here for me. Either I haven't understood the anno correctly, or there's a niggling issue. Specifically:
    1) Why 'with' and 'takes' after Liberal?
    2) How did the 'and' get inside?
    3) Die = Cast? (as in the mould?). Then 'of' is superfluous (and I don't know if this is a valid connector)

    1. Liberal = L
      with = AND
      takes = insertion indicator
      I have = IVE
      granted = LET
      to cast = DIE
      of a = link word
      picture = LIVE AND LET DIE

      Not too convinced with the surface. This and 1A.

      Otherwise a nice puzzle

    2. I liked the puzzle. Usual Buzzer fare.
      On 7 D I feel takes should be 'take', as L and 'and' Share I've. But then it mars the surface, which is not so smooth.

  7. Unusually genial successor of Q is related to the queen (7) REGINAL {R}{GENIAL*}
    How R in the beginning?
    or Anno is (genial+r)*

  8. 18A Matinee show in Mumbai is the morning show, while in the South it normally refers to the 3 pm show.

    Matinee meaning morning, the Mumbaikars seem to have got it right.

  9. Jus' noticed... Ruskin Bond kinda looks like Narayamurthy of Infy

    1. You are right. They must have been separated at a Kumbh Mela. I should have stuck to my original idea of representing him with The Blue Umbrella!

  10. Very enjoyable theme (and puzzle) from Buzzer. Slightly on the easier side as compared to his normal offerings.

  11. W r t a message above

    The clue surface may be odd but still we can make some sense out of it if the clue writer had given some thought to it. I believe that the surface of

    Liberal with takes I have granted to cast of a picture

    may be

    Liberal - a liberal person
    takes - opinions,
    I - the speaker
    granted - allowed (remember non-liberals may sometimes restrict/control the thoughts (opinions, writings) of others)
    to cast- to thea ctors or players
    of a
    picture - film

    1. I feel the clue would make sense even without 'of'-
      "Liberal with takes I have granted to cast a picture", if cast is treated as a verb.

  12. Re matinee

    Matin may mean morning in Latin or French or whatever. But as for a matinee. Chambers has

    n a performance of a play, concert, or showing of a film held in the daytime, usu the afternoon;

  13. This Buzzer has nicely Bonded the bloggers together like Fevicol.

    Again, a very poor attendance. Any reasons for truancy here? Because onion price has shot up? Ah ! Vengaayam !! ( isn't this an outcry or a derogatory expletive in Tamil?

    I say' '' Yes Sir", everyday, dutifully, even though its very late for the class !! And when I do attend, I feel lonely; no teachers and no fellow-students !! But I still continue to 7 down .

  14. Thank you Buzzer for the 'bond' ing! Enjoyed solving it and surprisingly did better than I normally do with Buzzer- may be the theme helped.
    Martini was shaken well both by Kishore & Buzzer (into a matinee)
    Kishore's sketching seems to be improving with every outing. Keep it up! You have a fan following.

  15. Re 7d: In the surface I meant for 'take' in its noun form to mean a 'movie take' as in 'the amount of film (eg one scene) photographed, music recorded, etc at any one time'.

    There were 2 more Bond references lurking in the clues themselves - Dr.No and The Man With The Golden Gun.

    1. 15 Egg one on to embrace exercise of choice (6) OPTION {O}{PT}{1}{ON}

      Egg one on: {DR}{NO}

    2. 22 Internal unit of MI6 perhaps in breach (8) DIVISION [DD]

      M16 agent in the The Man with the Golden Gun

    3. Sorry, should have been clearer. The first letters of all clues top to bottom spell those two movies.
