Tuesday 11 February 2014

No 11005, Tuesday 11 Feb 2014, Buzzer

9   Destroy piece of code protecting switches (7) TORPEDO [T<=]
10 Fancy Independent publication out of Arizona (7) IMAGINE {I}{MAGazINE}
11 Pregnancy clearly includes a recurring series of changes (5) CYCLE [T]
12 Piercing without a tool (9) IMPLEMENT IMPaLEMENT
13 Atlas is an incredible adversary (9) ASSAILANT*
14 Musical composition is sweet to hear (5) SUITE (~sweet)
15 Cut right through English avenue … (7) ENGRAVE {ENG}{R}{AVE}
17 … gatecrash a pub and enter sans tension (5,2) BARGE IN {BAR}{GEt IN}
19 Dog catching ball nonchalantly (5) COLLY COoLLY Variant spelling of COLLIE as per Chambers
20 Flight scare as it nosedived (9) STAIRCASE*
22 During August, company got stronger (9) RECOVERED {RE{CO}VERED}
24 Technique to go down slope lines (5) SKILL {SKI}{LL}
25 Drive beat up used-car (7) CRUSADE*
26 Sauna set up outside New Jersey is capital (3,4) SAN JUAN {SA{N J}UAN}

1   Barrier inside railway building is rock-steady (8) STOCKADE {r{OCK-STEAD*}y}
2   Scrap of French bill for example (6) FRACAS {FR}{AC}{AS}
3   Present a dirty bum inherited (10) HEREDITARY {HERE}{DITARY*}
4   Propose date for new rule (8) DOMINATE (-n+d)DOMINATE
5   VIP section around General Post Office (3,3) BIG POT {BI{G PO}T} Never heard of a VIP being called a BIG POT. Wiki says A BIG POT translates to VIP in Chinese "大人物"
6   Outspoken empty-headed fan (4) VANE (~vain)
7   Left one cat to get support (8) LIFELINE {L}{I}{FELINE}
8   Focus on getting century initially (6) CENTRE  {CENT}{RE}
14 Take over leaderless revolution that is remarkable (10) SURPRISING {uSURP}{RISING}
16 One for putting gulf bloc in order (4-4) GOLF-CLUB*
17 Top housing estate is most tasteless (8) BLANDEST {B{LAND}EST}
18 Stinging northern plant trimmed at the top (8) NEEDLING {N}{sEEDLING}
19 Conservative uniform (blue) in a minister’s office (6) CURACY {C}{U}{RACY}
20 Show/hide a partition (6) SCREEN [DD] (Correction - [MD] - See comments)
21 Hostility of raging tsunami uprooting trees initially (6) ANIMUS tSUNAMI*
23 Drug bottle is periodically available (4) VIAL aVaIlAbLe


  1. 20 Show/hide a partition (6) SCREEN [DD]
    I took this to be a triple defn.

  2. Buzzer's label is missing at the top.

  3. Liked the trick capitalization in 22A.

  4. Replies
    1. Any link to the banks' strike? I heard a lot of people are going around from one ATM to the other, many of which have run out of cash. Sad.

  5. Here I am again with my digression(hope I don't get banned for my irritating intrusions!):
    Hi friends, my photo contest entry is waiting for your precious vote here:http://www.natureforever.org/biodivercityphotocontest.php

    1. I visited the site. Where the entries are displayed and the mode to vote is not clear. Some guidance please.

    2. You'll have to login using facebook

    3. Nice. Mine is the first vote.

      I was expecting to see a monkey, but tht was someone else's entry.

    4. I am faceless ! Shall have to wait for my daughter's arrival from office !! She'll vote for PP on my behalf !!!

    5. I don't even see my daughter's face in India!!

    6. Thanks friends, faceless or not! :) As I said elsewhere the word 'contest' is like a carrot dangled in front of the horse!

    7. PP Ma'am done ! Two votes from my side (Son and Daughter) !! :) Nice photo.

  6. 19 Dog catching ball nonchalantly (5) COLLY COoLLY

    What is the indicator for deletion of "o" pl ?

    1. Round-shaped letter 'O' for ball?

    2. 19 Dog catching ball nonchalantly (5) COLLY COoLLY

      Definition is a little confusing. DOG + O = COOLLY. He has used this type of clue earlier too.

      Was on the difficult side, but good clues.
      20 D was somewhar misleading (esp the slash. Was it necessary to have an MD?).

  7. 21D - ANIMUS

    As I have said many times here earlier, this English is a strange language.

    The root of ANIMUS or ANIMOSITY, which have negative connotations, is the Latin animus / anima for soul, breath or spirit.

    Some other words that have the same root like animation, animated and others do not have negative meaning.

  8. 1A- Does 'switches' indicate reversal?

  9. Kishore,
    Liked the cartoon. Barging into the barge with a barge pole- MD! does the name 'barge ploe' come out of the pole used to propel boats?

  10. Yes, It is.

    1. You got it. The pointer does look like a pole ...

  11. 10A- I always get confused with these 'out of's. From the surface reading, it looks as though 'publication' is out and not Arizona. Am I going wrong somewhere? {magazine- Az (Arizona)}

    1. As for confusing surface reading, 19 Across answer should be COOLLY, I feel. Hope Buzzer would clarify it.

  12. Col.'s link takes us to Collie ( a popular spelling) and he has indicated Colly as a variant as per Chambers.

    1. 19A : I meant the surface reading (inadvertently) leads us to COOLLY for 'nonchalantly' as definition. But enumeration is for 6 letters. As such O for Ball is removed to get COLLY and the definition being Dog. My doubt was, what was the deletion/omission indicator for 'o' here ?

  13. MB,
    Refer Raghunath@1.32.
    Dog (Colly) catching 'O' becomes coolly or nonchalantly- but 'dog' is the def.So,it is ADDITION of O and not deletion.

  14. 1d in DH today

    The old king is about 51, pet (6)

