Friday, 3 April 2015

No 11359, Friday 03 Mar 2015, Anon

1   Peacekeepers, criminal at research facility? Journalist is indifferent (11) UNCONCERNED {UN}{CON}{CERN}{ED}
9   Became angered, furious (7) ENRAGED*
10 Giant’s primary abode turned into shop selling wine (6) BODEGA {Gi...s+ABODE}*
11 Send revolutionary chronograph, for one (5) REMIT <=
12 Evergreen resolute peacekeepers escape (7) UNDATED UNDAunTED
15 Show a tendency, perhaps, to come out of the bid (4) TEND TENDer
16 Promoted the official side in upheaval (10) PUBLICISED {PUBLIC}{SIDE*}
18 Goblin, at the end of his meandering, is bankrupt (10) IMPOVERISH {IMP}{OVER}{HIS*}
20 You follow sailor to make amends (4) ABYE {AB}{YE}
23 Tutor is confused traveller (7) TOURIST*
24 Focus on odd lout leaving stream (5) RIVET RIVulET
26 Leading star’s break down is infrequent (6) SPARSE {Stars}{PARSE}
27 Irritate, put up with monster (7) BUGBEAR {BUG}{BEAR}
28 Moulded frames of annals held back art (11) ARCHITRAVES {ARCHI{TRA<=}VES}

2   Nullify the North Eastern entrance (6) NEGATE {NE}{GATE}
3   Chances do come back to gutted dacoits (4) ODDS {OD<=}{Da...tS}
4   Airline economy for group of cows, according to former minister (5,5) CABIN CLASS [CD]
5   Ecstasy of Sun God included initially in foxtrot, say (8) RADIANCE {RA}{D{In...d}ANCE}
6   Vegetarians will eat these cakes (7) EGGLESS [CD]
7   When sitar is discordant, it deteriorates (5,4) WEARS THIN*
8   German city buried in macabre menace (6) BREMEN [T] Remember these Musicians?
13 Decomposing place perhaps sent up smell (10) PUTRESCENT {PUT}{RE<=}{SCENT}
14 Arrival after commencement of certain exploit (9) ADVENTURE {ADVENT}{sURE}
17 Dominant hardcover, missing dustjacket initially, in tatters (8) OVERARCH HARdCOVER*
19 Last of the Mohicans, in right surroundings, thrive (7) PROSPER {PRO{m...nS}PER}
21 He leaves beehives when four return from assemblies (6) BEVIES {BEeh{iv<=>vi}VIES}
22 Swarm reverses direction in European city (6) PRAGUE P(-l+r}RAGUE
25 Father of Swedish music group (4) ABBA [DD]



  1. Not so off topic

    What is the difference between 'undated' and 'dateless'?

    1. Dateless - Having no limits in time

      Undated - Not marked with a date or not having long-lasting appeal

    2. Seedless Date, I have heard. Dateless?

    3. Dateless seed - origin unknown!
      As per Bhala 'Dateless' may be seedy.

    4. A seedless date does not have to worry about protection.
      Dateless seed ends up on Kleenex.
      ( And I run away before Mrs PP sends down her thunderbolts my way)

    5. Hyderabad is famous for seedless rapes.

    6. Undated may be that there is a provision/place for date which remains unfilled - like in cheques, certificates etc. Dateless may be without date.

    7. Further to Paddy's query @ 1:40 pm

      Shhhh! PP ma'am is lurking around!!

  2. 18 Goblin, at the end of his meandering, is bankrupt (10) IMPOVERISH {IMP}{OVER}{HIS*}

    Actually ans should be Impoverished.

    1. That is, he implies there is a mismatch between the parts of speech of 'bankrupt' and the intended solution.

    2. But in my opinion 'bankrupt' as a v. (with object) means 'reduce (a person or organization) to bankruptcy'. So I would think the def for word required. is all right.

    3. I too thought of that, but the problem is the 'is'. Can 'is' precede a verb?

    4. Can't 'is' be treated as a connector? 'Wordplay' is 'definition'

    5. In my 9.12 post, 'is' can be used before a verb, but in this case is out place.

      'Is' is a connector but it leads to the a noun/ adj.

    6. My considered opinion is:
      'is' here is a connector.
      'bankrupt' at the end is an adj in surface reading and a verb as def for word reqd.

    7. I too don't see any problem with this... seems normal...: )

  3. I agree with Ramesh. Got part of you in 5D.

  4. Feeling bad, having missed out on the best joke of the day- 'cattle class'. Thank you Col. for the best link.

  5. An enjoyable puzzle. Also enjoyed the folk tale of Town Musicians of BREMEN! The relevant link for 8D now looks blank. Earlier it carried ..."remember etc." With nothing on the link one can easily miss it.

    1. Nice to see the link being restored to its earlier state!

  6. 14D What is the deletion indicator? Am I missing something?

  7. It looks a little confusing.It sounds as though 'arrival' will come later.The 'of' coming before certain does not also help.

  8. Since I cannot actively participate in the blog comments in good time, here's my contribution . An excerpt from the Sunday Times Crosswords published in 1977 that I'm now doing, sitting by the East River ( Is it a river? more like an arm of the sea!) in New York on this bright and sunny day , now that spring is here, basking in the glorious sun, absorbing vitamin D The foreword says:

    '' crosswords are tradition;crosswords are respectable,called the opiate of the eggheads. Some crosswords, the very tantalising and intellectual ones, may be. But surely, they are more than that. Heaven knows how many precisely millions of human beings around the world attempt to solve a crossword every day.
    IT GOES ON:: people work out a crossword, a psychiatrist says, for the same reason children dismantle dolls or clockwork toys or men explore space. they want to discover what goes on, to satisfy the universal urge of mankind to solve the unknown .

    Another comment Our worthy compilers in THCC would be pleased to note:
    the compiler's job, should be to wrap up reasonably ordinary words in clues which are ultimately seen to be fair by the solvers but, which until the moment of breakthrough , disguise the answer in the wittiest possible way. Word play is the summit of crossword achievement and clues should encourage the imagination of the solvers to expand , to freewheel through all kinds of word-and-idea associations

    I am glad to see that ALL our compilers meet these standards in more than ample measure ! Bravo ..
