Enjoyed the CW today, specially some of the definitions, like in 23A.
1 Shoot oneself- life gone in case of suicide (6) SELFIE {S
4 Deadly accommodation? Wasn't that impressive (4,4) FELL FLAT {FELL} {FLAT} For a long time I was imagining a question mark after the definition
10 The instrument Gabby plays for money (4,5) BABY GRAND {BABY G}*{RAND}
11 Colourful part of the Baloch regiment (5) OCHRE [T]
12 Some return from Syria- is in utter chaotic state (7) TUNISIA [T]
13 Vehicle carrying man's body (7) CADAVER {CA{DAVE}R}
14 Big brains collect information one by one (5) GENII {GEN}{11}
15 Feature said to be in agreement with the subjects (8) CHINAMEN {CHIN}{AMEN}
18 Standard European feature seen on government buildings (8) FLAGPOLE {FLAG}{POLE}
20 European Christian order can't be dismissed (5) IRISH
23 With Prize tend to enter and make a killing (7) CLEAN UP {C{LEAN} UP}
25 Oil producer makes our stock market break into a song (7) LINSEED {LI{NSE}ED}
26 Once a PM heard loud noise (5) BLAIR (~blare)
27 Brave to now begin a novel (9) WINNEBAGO*
28 The almighty cares about those buried here (4,4) GODS ACRE {GOD}{S ACRE*} &lit
29 A direction given verbally to charge (6) ATTACK {A}{TTACK}(~tack)
1 Cripple gets two blood groups in theatre (8) SABOTAGE {S{AB}{O}TAGE}
2 Stop sign outside northern state (7) LEBANON {LE{BAN}O}{N}
3 German girl's smart- is taking food (9) INGESTING {INGE}{STING}
5 Hormone producer will shut growing business, and linger around (9,5) ENDOCRINE GLAND {END}{OC<=}{RINE GLAND*}
6 Dolly's out with a former cricket player (5) LLOYD*
7 The French own the road inside port (2,5) LE HAVRE {LE} {HAV{R}E}
8 Construct- those people will have a choice (6) THEORY {THE{OR}Y}
9 Owner capable of change, ensuring world peace (7,2,5) BALANCE OF POWER*
16 Torn ligament initially needs to be pushed in for straightening (9) ALIGNMENT {ALIG{N
17 Fruit supplement in the bush (8) SHADDOCK {SH{ADD}OCK}
19 General on battle field, finally on the safe side (7) LEEWARD {LEE}{WAR}{
21 Some like bananas in an artistic setting (7) IKEBANA [T]
22 It's cold comfort to serve up big ace (3,3) ICE BAG*
24 Girl gets 83.3% average (5) NORMA {NORMAL*5/6}
Delightful. :) last 30 min was spent cracking Anno's having got the answers. What a challenge!
ReplyDeleteI wholeheartedly support you. I too had quite a few without annos and had to look up the blog. One is so close but yet far. Delightful offering. Wide variety.
ReplyDeleteLiked the bananas in ikebana.
25A- 'Lied' for a song? Singing a lie? How about the tense?
ReplyDeleteDon't get so tense. Lied is a song
ReplyDeleteHow do we get lean in 23A? I guessed the answer but would like to know.
ReplyDeleteAlso, in clues like 26A, how do I figure out if the answer was blair or blare? I got this early on but waited to fill this till I got the answer for 24A. But, otherwise, how do you figure out which is the definition and which is the word intended? Can someone advise? Thanks.
Lean=tend. I figure out 26A the same way you did.
DeleteWry humour and tongue-in-cheek defs with lovely surfaces
ReplyDeleteMany nice clues. Got all except Baby grand, Chinamen, Gods acre, Winnebago, Balance of power and Shaddock. Thought shoot oneself is verb and selfie is a noun in 1A
ReplyDeleteLovely cw. I feel much elated. To be frank I drew a blank at the first try. With ardent support Arden's clues I could crack one by one.Virtually I was made to sweat which in turn yielded sweet.1,14,15a & 1d wonderful wordplay elicit out-of-box thinking power from within us. Thank you Ardenji.
ReplyDeleteVery strange. I did not know 'God's Acre' till recently. On a trip to U.S. I saw this on a board in a small cemetery and I started wondering and looked up. I was surprised to get the meaning and it stayed with me. I did not know then that it would help me to solve one of Arden's clues!