Wednesday 10 October 2018

No 12443, Wednesday 10 Oct 2018, Gridman

1   Discarded as specified (4,4) LAID DOWN [DD]
5   He bears down hard on behalf of church rector (6) FORCER {FOR}{CE}{R}
9   Good village officer's beat in India is important (7) PIVOTAL {PI}{VO}{TAL}
10 Fullness of a relationship in enclosure (7) SATIETY {S{A}{TIE}TY}
11 Record: "Wicked scion gives up new friend for kind of church" (9) EPISCOPAL {EP}{SCIOn*}{PAL}
12 Spread the word on head dropping compass (5) REACH pREACH
13 Food regimen at first didn't include "eggs, tossed" (4) DIET Acrostic
14 Girl's way to go in conversation (9) DISCOURSE {DI'S}{COURSE}
17 It is significant I am left with a new model (9) IMPORTANT {I'M}{PORT}{A}{N}{T}
19 Somehow save Indian service (4) SEVA*
23 Tie up holding new instrument (5) LANCE {LA{N}CE}
24 Fruit in a centre rotting (9) NECTARINE*
25 Send off detective inspector's girl (7) DISMISS {DI'S}{MISS}
26 Engineer in class is one who gives command (7) ORDERER {ORDE{RE}R}
27 Certain about Trade Union getting tie-up (6) SUTURE {SU{TU}RE}
28 Hopeful partisan will turn straight (8) ASPIRANT*

1   Pedlar is out — interprets visually (3-5) LIP-READS*
2   Bill gets one new opinion (7) INVOICE {1}{N}{VOICE}
3   Hate college head standing in place of son to do some sleuthing (6) DETECT DETE(-s+c)CT
 Still pawning a set of murals (4,9) WALL PAINTINGS*
6   Form of people who are not in (3-5) OUT-GROUP [CD]
7   Army officers take woman in — they are contemporaries (7) COEVALS {CO{EVA}LS}
8   At first, rigorously hard, yet the heavy man gets beat (6) RHYTHM Acrostic
10 Shy, small mischief-maker firm with roguish cousins (4-9) SELF-CONSCIOUS {S}{ELF}{CO}{COUSINS*}
15 Lodge owner is more blessed in accommodating the disheartened (8) HOTELIER {HO{ThE}LIER}
16 Rodent in earth with Asian temple all around (5,3) WATER RAT {WA{TERRA}T}
18 Dins roughly into police's way of thinking (4-3) MINDSET {M{DINS*}ET}
20 Retire abroad — to a foreign nation (7) ERITREA {RETIRE*}{A}
21 Good, cover eases on edges and moves smoothly (6) GLIDES {G}{LID}{EaseS}
22 Two consecutive letters to one revered leader (6) GANDHI {G AND H}{1}



  1. Home,sweet home. Yes, it is home coming.

    1. Ram,

      I meant Gridman's CW! I was back home almost a month ago.

    2. I thought you arrived just now. There is nothing wrong in wishing friends anytime.

    3. Thank you. Hoping to meet you soon at the Chennai meet.

    4. Lucky you guys. You meet during these meets. I cannot hope to attend the S&B meets:-(

  2. G & H was well done.
    These (and, a (as in 10A) etc.) take me by surprise- whether they are just connectors or figure in the solution.

  3. Replies
    1. Yes.
      What about Phantom?Raghu is not even coming here to comment.

    2. MB said he may start again soon.

    3. That is heartening to hear..
      One irresponsible comment should not deter a very good setter from setting

    4. And if he reads this I urge him to come here and share his insightful comments. He was one of the earliest commenters in this blog.

    5. I also urge him to come to Chennai and attend S&B meet :)
