Thursday 18 October 2018

No 12450, Thursday 18 Oct 2018, Arden

1   Unusual? No matterhas to cover one's head (3-1-7) TAM-O-SHANTER*
7   Pixie on the ledge, won't keep quiet (3) ELF shELF
9   Lashes spy agency over exposed film (5) CILIA {CI{fILm}A}
10 Flag — colour will fade gradually (4,5) BLUE PETER {BLUE} {PETER}
11 Followed very closely to get laid at random (9) TAILGATED*
12 Lied about writing gear (5) IDLER {LIED*}{R}
13 Animal egg kept over pot (3,4) ROE DEER {ROE} {REED<=}
15 It isn't counterfeit money (4) REAL [DD]
18 Call to attention — doubles break point (4) PSST {P{SS}T}
20 Films he makes in a European language (7) FLEMISH*
23 Host said to stash money (5) HORDE (~hoard)
24 Avoids work as mother waits (9) MALINGERS {MA}{LINGERS}
26 It's hot onion, but not on sausage (9) PEPPERONI {PEPPER}{ONIon}
27 Some return by taxi cab available at counters (5) ABACI [T<=]
28 Place for a song (3) LAY [DD]
29 Grime spread on land, it's just the beginning (11) GERMINATION {GRIME*}{NATION}

1   It's understood — one who retains Ashes will remain silent (8) TACITURN {TACIT}{URN}
2   Countrymen accept 50% share (8) MALDIVES {MAL{DIVide}ES}
3   Abuse and drink — depends on which one gets in the centre (5) SLANG SL(-i+a)ANG
4   Resolve tiebreakers, seek out the referee (7) ARBITER TIeBReAkERs*
5   Bolt from the blue? (7) THUNDER [CD]
6   Copy — copy those on either side (9) REPLICATE {REPLICA}{ThosE}
7   Praises the old place (6) EXTOLS {EX}{SLOT<=?} Slot up?
8   Beaver or sable? At last there's commotion (6) FURORE {FUR}{OR}{s..lE}
14 Segregate boiled candy (6,3) EASTER EGG*
16 Perhaps high time it is upheld for the intelligentsia (8) LITERATI {LIT}{ERA}{IT<=}
17 The turnaround American actor (8) THESPIAN {THE}{SPI{A}N}
19 Drum shifted to Burma (7) TAMBOUR*
20 Hide in Italy, behind film maker... (7) FELLINI {FELL}{IN}{I}
21 …himself exposed to church (6) CHAPEL {CHAP}{sELf}
22 Works in air, gets swelling (6) DROPSY {DR{OPS}Y}
25 One allows air lift to a city in Sudan (5) NYALA {A{LAY}N}<=



  1. 7D:din't find either slot up meaning place or tols meaning place.

    1. slot=place; however reversal indicator is not there?

    2. its also broadcasting (anagrin) slot.

  2. Col.
    No print edition tomorrow. If there is no on line CW, do we have a special or we also have a holiday?

    1. If I don't see the online edition tomorrow I will post a special by Karthikeyan at 7 AM

    2. Checked all the online editions, all of them have the announcement of no paper, so there will be a special at 7 AM

  3. 50% share for div., 'those on either side' for TE- innovative,interesting.
    Tam-O-shanter,Blue Peter,Cilia... learning continues.

  4. Liked 'lift & separate' technique involved in solving clues 17D & 21D.

  5. Do ellipses play a role BTN clues 20 and 21 Down?

    1. Except to join together the clues for surface meaning

  6. 23ac ... In today's Guardian cryptic cw 24 ac Pack stock for the audience(5).

  7. I though KKR would have brought this here.

  8. Yes Ram. He never misses these coincidences. Maybe busy with Pooja?

  9. Sorry friends, had to go to hospital to see a close relative. Just came back home.
