Tuesday 16 October 2018

No 12448, Tuesday 16 Oct 2018, Arden

1   Called you to check car under bonnetreally odd that it's non-polluting (6,7) CARBON NEUTRAL {CAR}{BONNE{U(~you)}T}{ReAlLy}
10 Help to get credit, it may be unpleasant (5) ACRID {A{CR}ID}
11 Scientist will provide one with money — outstanding! (9) CAVENDISH {CA{VEND}{1}SH}
12 Breaking News: "wine versus every other" — shows spite (9) NASTINESS {N{ASTI}N}{vErSuS} NN/News? See comments
13 Greeting — starts with an invitation to enter country (5) HAITI {H{An}{In...n}{To}I}
14 Old South African had lost — lost only his Dutch wife (7) BOLSTER {BO{LoST}ER}
16 Final offering, refuse to sparkle (7) GLITTER {o...nG}{LITTER}
18 Can coil around to the point (7) LACONIC*
20 Some came back by auto rickshas or bus, secretly (3,4) SUB ROSA [T]
22 Wrapover and side step (5) SKIRT [DD]
24 Rob's quite used to being called by another name (9) SOBRIQUET*
26 Say, have one drink around mid evening and it will propel you in space (3,6) ION ENGINE {ONE}{eveNing}{GIN} in {IE}
27 Nothing goes under a plane, mate! (5) AMIGO {A}{MIG}{0}
28 In a comfortable position as a model (7,6) SITTING PRETTY [CD]

2   Kind of a loose spray, basically (7) AEROSOL {A+LOOSE+spRay}* &lit
3   Staff allowed to play mind game (9) BADMINTON {BA{MIND*}TON}
4   In panic he went into a recess (5) NICHE [T]
5   Writer faces no pressure, one thinks (9) ENVISAGES {pEN}{VISAGES}
6   Foul smell, it's the first of several fish (5) TENCH sTENCH
7   "Man! Is it correct for one who believes in spirits?" (7) ANIMIST*
 Clinics ban it a treatment for the tendency to devour one's own (13) CANNIBALISTIC*
9   Moving a car on thin ice, one thing leads to another (5,8) CHAIN REACTION*
15 Overtax — no one can grow, this is the result (9) RECESSION {RE}{CESS}{NO 1<=} Semi&lit
17 I doctor, I cater — perhaps both overlap (9) IMBRICATE {I}{MB}{I+CATER}* New word for me
19 In stunt, clipped ends are red in colour (7) CHIANTI ? Anno pending (Addendum - {CHIc+ANTIc} - See comments)
21 Engineer cuts oil or Doctor? (7) OCULIST*
23 Intent is to protect oriental doctrine (5) TENET {TEN{E}T}
25 Signal for British prime minister to head north (5) BLEEP {B}{PEEL<=}



  1. What a beautiful puzzle!Thanks Arden.

  2. Happy and satisfied though there were a couple of blanks.
    The 2 tall pillars at either end came out nicely.

  3. 12A got NN after the explanation.
    Versus- is it used to indicate that asti comes in between N Ness?

    1. Every other indicates pickup of alternate letters from vErSuS,
      Wine here is ASTI

    2. Breaking indicates that. The 2 N's are broken by 'asti'.

  4. Many thanks, KRK and Padmanabhan!

