Wednesday 26 June 2019

No 12662, Wednesday 26 Jun 2019, Avtaar

1   Old city gang is backed by Gulf (6) BOMBAY {MOB<=}{BAY}
4   Found mean old dogs, say (8) AVERAGED {AGED} after {AVER}
9   Hot model, starting to undress, is unmoved (2,4) IN SITU {IN}{SIT}{Un...s}
10 Footwear imbued with slightly coarse stains (8) SCANDALS {S{Co...e}ANDALS}
11 Protest against unreasonable tax organised at last, say, by Hagar the Horrible (4,10) SALT SATYAGRAHA {AT+LAST+SAY}*{HAGAR}*
13 One who narrates stories about visiting exotic destinations, excepting South India (10)  ANECDOTIST {C} in {DEsTinATIONS}*
14 President Eisenhower's staff (4) PIKE {P}{IKE}
16 Foreigner waives a claim (4) LIEN aLIEN
18 Personal digital assistant? (10) MANICURIST [CD]
21 Supermom prepared healthy food with added milk (4,2,3,5) LADY OF THE HOUSE {HEALTHY+FOOD}*{USE}
23 Mention of deficit at Iona (8) CITATION [T]
24 Clammy pound is filled with waste at the boundaries and on the left (6) SWEATY {S{Wa.tE}{And}TY}
25 "It shows who's not fit to overcome tumour", Spooner said (4,4) SICK LIST (~lick cyst)
26 Sally's ashes (6) BREEZE [DD]

1   His tribe left Europe in a hurry (4) BRIT TRIBe* &lit
2   Note from Avtaar's guru (7) MESSAGE {ME'S}{SAGE}
3   Faculty position attracting Psychology's top talent eventually gets cancelled (8) APTITUDE {A(-t+p)PTITUDE
5   French soup is garnished with chives and soy (11) VICHYSSOISE {IS+CHIVES+SOY}*
6   Welsh sappers have recovered something that explains heredity (6) RENEGE {R{GENE<=}E}
7   This language — extremely beautiful — variant of Bulgarian (7) GUARANI bUlGARIAN*
8   Darkest, medium-brewed drinks stocked in the local area briefly (9) DISMALEST {DIS{M}{ALES}Trict}
12 Paintings by Rembrandt finally recovered during legal proceedings may be fantastic sights (11) ATTRACTIONS  {ART}{r...nT}<= in {ACTIONS}
13 National team wants new ball in the beginning (3,6) ALL BLACKS {BALL*}{LACKS}
15 Eventually, you grow fat playing this game (3-2-3) TUG-OF-WAR {yoU+GROW+FAT}*
17 Very clear and detailed order about festival in the North (7) EIDETIC {CITE<=}<=>{EID}
19 Naval vessel has top part flooded (2,5) IN SPATE {INS}{Part}{ATE} (Addendum - {INS}{PATE} -  See comments)
20 Deadly squall at Romania has moved upwards (6) MORTAL [T<=]
22 Set retracting ends of the polyp and cyst evenly (4) TYPE {thE}{p..yP}{cYsT}<=

Reference List
Hot = IN, About = C, President = P, Europe = E, Sappers = RE(Royal Engineers), Medium = M



  1. Tough and enjoyable. Lot of clues with variety and innovation. Thanks Avtaar.

  2. Replies
    1. I don't think the whole clue works as an extended defintion

    2. How does "p" get in then, pls.

    3. I think the anno might be INS + PATE, Naval vessel= INS, top part(person's head)= Pate

    4. Yes Satyen. INS (Naval vessel)+PATE (top part). Def: Flooded

  3. 17d typo def includes "detailed"

    1. Yes. Definition is "very clear and detailed"

  4. Many Happy Returns Of The Day, Arden Sir.
    Hope you have a great day and a fantastic year ahead.

  5. Happy birthday, Arden. May the good Lord bless you with a long life with peace & happiness.

    Avatar: construction of SALT SATYAGRAHA and MANICURIST is superb. LADY OF THE HOUSE evoked memories of PG Wodehouse. 9 across was seen as a clue by me very recently. Maybe, Guardian.? Great grid.

    1. Thanks , Raju for the feedback and compliment. Mere coincidence if 9A also appeared in the Guardian

  6. Can anyone kindly explain how Sally's ashes is breeze?

    1. Sally (verb) to effortlessly go.through a in sally forth. Breeze also means the same - to breeze through something

      Breeze also is a coal mining term -cinders, ash or dust from coal

  7. 21A. USE wherefrom?
    24A. How do we get STY?

  8. USE(v)=MILK(v) to exploit

    STY from POUND

  9. Thank you Avatar for an enjoyable CW with lots of varieties. I was found wanting for a few annos like the above 2.
    Happy Birthday & many Happy returns of the day,Arden. May you keep us delighted with many more CW's!!

  10. Tough but fair clues. Enjoyed the grid
