Saturday 20 July 2019

No 12683, Saturday 20 Jul 2019, Scintillator

1   Obstacle being chic? (6) HICCUP  {CHIC}* [RA]
4   Captive sailors went round in circles (8) ABSORBED {ABS}{ORBED}
9   Complex vitamin bonds in lettuce (6) BLINKS {B}{LINKS}
10 Publicity-seeking noisemaker – one can go on and on (8) PRATTLER {P}{RATTLER} P for Publicity? (Addendum - {P{RATTLE}R} - See comments)
12 Pay attention to opinion and reputation (4,4) TAKE NOTE {TAKE}{NOTE}
13 Software engineer's uncontrollable itch to consume drug (ecstasy) (6) TECHIE {E+ITCH}*{E}
15 Short skirt invites endless disapproval, again! (4) TUTU {TUt}{TUt}
16 These can give rise to shocks (10) GOOSEBUMPS [CD]
19 Undoubtedly, Faraday by and large was working out Newton (3,3,4) FAR AND AWAY {FARADAY+WAs}* over {N}
20 Taking top off, search a person for hazard (4) RISK fRISK
23 Wind not inspiring the States (6) FLATUS {FLAT}{US}
25 Forks out behind old insects (8) ODONATES {O}{DONATES}
27 Where a lion is (lair?) mostly withdrawn, rejective (2,6) IN DENIAL {IN DEN}{LAIr<=}
28 Trade in cherry gives me energy for promotion (6) REDEEM {RED}{ME+E<=}
29 Rent lettings for occupation (8) SETTLING*
30 A 30-sec video before release of Joker (6) TEASER [DD]

1   Use a tee in home (7) HABITAT {HABIT}{A}{T}
2   An insect showing hesitation – Roach, possibly (9) CRICKETER {CRICKET}{ER}
3   Dunk in sauce that's cold (6) UNKIND*
5   Rub on the back softly (4) BURP ? (Addendum - {RUB<=}{P} - See comments) &lit
6   Failing man penned sad notebooks (2,3,3) ON THE EBB  {HE} in {NOTE}*{BB}
7   Judges change heart, eject violently (5) BELCH BE(-n+l)LCH
8   They can leave you in stitches by running errands (7) DARNERS*
11 Seat of old dynasty in Turkey (7) OTTOMAN [DD]
14 One casts aspersions on Queen departing Great Britain and Ireland? (7) ISLANDS {1}{SLANDerS}
17 Sense of endless mist, possibly? (9) MOISTNESS {SENSE+O+MISt}* &lit
18 At home, a lungi is worn about the groin (8) INGUINAL {IN}{A+LUNGI}*
19 When baby boomers were born in, i.e., stiff conditions (7) FIFTIES* That clarifies yesterday's statement :-)
21 Right, ask him about a place in North India (7) KASHMIR {R+ASK+HIM}*
22 Cold outcome of partners securing last grade in engineering branch (6) SNEEZE {S}{N}{E}{E{Z}E}
24 Study accounts of auto firm, Tesla (5) AUDIT {AUDI}{T}
26. Gape at flight turning north (4) YAWN {WAY<=}{N}

Reference List

Drug = E, Ecstasy = E, Newton = N, Old = O, Energy = E, Tee = T, Book = B, Queen = ER, Of = O, Right = R, Partners = S,N,E, Engineering Branch = EE(Electrical Engineering), Tesla = T, North = N

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded linksTheme word Anagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous



  1. Replies
    1. I see what both of you mean but sorry I think the clue has no def but only wordplay. I appreciate the Col's question mark against the clue.

    2. Burp (from
      to rub or pat (a baby) on the back to help get rid of air in its stomach.

    3. I thought it was an &lit too

  2. 10a p(rattle)r. Rattle (n) is a device to make noise.

  3. Tough for a change.
    I see a theme perhaps with hiccup, sneeze, burp, belch, goosebumps

  4. 22d a doubt:last can be Z. Last grade?. Branch is EEE IMU.

  5. Hiccup. Chic is fine. How RA fits? sun God?

    1. RA is short for reverse anagram. Hicc anagram(med) gives chic.with UP as anag indicator.

    2. I did get this without much issues, but is hicc a word in itself?

    3. Anagram chic*.Put the anagram indicator-Up.
      In Reverse anagrams you have to provide the anagram indicator.

    4. (hicc)* leads to chic, I do get that. But if the anagram constituent is not a word in itself how far is it considered acceptable? I recall a discussion on another puzzle, where BOYSCOUT was clued as Scoby, and there was some debate around that.

    5. True what you say but in RA, you can make an anagram from a valid word, insert the appropriate anagram indicator even though the fodder may not be a valid word.

  6. This was tough!Took ages for me to complete.

    1. Hic hic hurray for this non- yawn burp after a belch, followed by a sneeze ! Very gaseous !Thanks, Scintillator.

  7. KKR did well to find the theme. As always blog is informative- esp. in a toughie like this. Thanks to Col. and all other clarifications.

  8. From Monday 22nd Jul onwards till the 9th of Aug the blog may appear later than 8:30 AM as I am on the West coast of the US where the time difference is 12 1/2 hours which means 8:30 AM will be 8 PM on the previous day here. Will do my best anyway to stick to the schedule but delays may be expected.
