Monday 20 July 2020

No 12992, Monday 20 Jul 2020, Arden

Solution to 14D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular/novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Spooks check drop, briefly go for a make up (6) FACIAL {FA{CIA}Ll}
4   Have to stay inland — getting a tan (8) BROWNING {BR{OWN}ING}
9   Crescent shaped unit, it goes in late (6) LUNATE {L{UNit}ATE}
10 Work behind counter, the banks offer solution (8) ANTIDOTE {DO}<=>{ANTI} and {ThE}
12 It keeps you warm underneath and trim (8) FURBELOW {FUR}{BELOW}
13 Cleaner in trouble, a char woman comes in (6) BLEACH [T]
15 Sure to interrupt a troll, checking (12) ASCERTAINING {A}{S{CERTAIN}ING}
18 Neat choice in the beach, sleeps over (5-3-4) SPICK-AND-SPAN {S{PICK}AND}{NAPS<=}
21 A tendency to go off course (6) ADRIFT {A}{DRIFT}
22 Bird getting close to cat, surprising! (8) STARLING {STARtLING}
24 County will sign up after a short game (8) CHESHIRE {HIRE}<=>{CHESs}
25 Small, handicapped, without home (6) MINUTE {M{IN}UTE}
26 Particle status — essentially three become one (8) POSITRON POSIT(-i+r)RON
27 Soldiers will stop that menace (6) THREAT {TH{RE}AT}

1   Fail to get accommodation post season (4,4) FALL FLAT {FLAT}<=>{FALL}
2   Study document, make it small... (8) CONTRACT {CON}{TRACT}
3   ... for no reason, as the bowler’s not in the team (2,3,4,2,1,3) AT THE DROP OF A HAT [DD]
5   Fame lost when he left US city (4) RENO RENOWN without {WheN}
6   Faith keeps him going around (8,7) WHIRLING DERVISH [CD]

7   Regular mission on local weather chart (6) ISOBAR  {mIsSiOn}{BAR}
8   Leaves shortly with the novelist (6) GOETHE {GOEs}{THE}
11 Demo to take on the ruler... (7) MONARCH {M{ON}ARCH}
14 ... slow to move as one gets poetic support (7) ?N?A?T? (Addendum - ANDANTE {AN}{DANTE} - See comments)
16 Update it — use your skill (8) APTITUDE*
17 Most comfortable position, finally stops advance (8) SNUGGEST {S{p...oN}UGGEST}
19 Plan to get an assistant, it’s crazy (6) MADCAP {M{ADC}AP}
20 Documents on synthetic fibres (6) BRIEFS*
23 About to unload from stuff on old boat (4) ARGO cARGO

Reference List
Home = IN, Soldiers = RE, Study = CON, Assistant = ADC, About = C

No tales for a few weeks as Dr RKE is busy writing for a text book on Neurosurgery


  1. Andante-slow tempo.One-an+dante-poet.

  2. Replies
    1. Got it.

    2. Not exactly Paddy.
      In is the containment indicator and Land = Bring

    3. Thank you Col.
      I am weak in spotting the words to be split- inland to (in land)

  3. Sad we will be missing Dr.RKE's tales,but happy it is for a good cause.

    1. Hope he resumes his tales here soonest.

    2. On the other hand. I am not sad and I trust Dr RKE devotes all his attention on the work on hand. In the Sixties neurologists were fewer in India I think. An older cousin came from Ooty to Chennai for treatment of tumour in brain. I took him to Dr B. Ramamurthy. Later I bought and read a book by Dr BR on the science and his work. Of course I enjoyed Dr RKE's tales but we must not hanker for a good thing to last forever. Nor can we expect him to write textbook after textbook. Great riches. Infinite variety. These are needed.

  4. Excellent clues all. Hats off to Arden.

  5. Enjoyable puzzle today. Thanks, Arden.

  6. Request DrR.K.E. to give me a tip or two to keep my nerves calm, sans,of course, the surgery...

  7. Replies
    1. I am J.Pon Isacki Muthu, recent entrant to solve the cws
