Saturday, 11 February 2023

No 13786, Saturday 11 Feb 2023, Incognito

8   Fruit and vegetable? Right! (4) PEAR {PEA}{R}
9   German submersible vessel protecting snake in Utah (1-4) U-BOAT {U{BOA}T}
10 Fastener found in Chennai ladder (4) NAIL [T]
11 Loves pine tea? (6) OOLONG {OO}{LONG}
12 Encore!... Encore organised, including commencement of melodious overture (4,4) ONCE MORE {ENCORE}* over {Me...s}{Ov...e}
13 Wrongly enrich and include saint's name (8) CHRISTEN {CHRI{ST}EN*}
15 Old Lenin is wrongly connected to internet (6) ONLINE {O}{LENIN*}
17 Nepal district horse (7) MUSTANG [DD]
19 Perhaps, an award for wasting away of body part (7) ATROPHY {A}{TROPHY}
22 Prohibit girl with the French piece of jewellery (6) BANGLE {BAN}{G}{LE}
24 Horribly vile technology allows terribly evil leaders to rise magically (8) LEVITATE {VILE*}{Te...y}{Al...s}{Te...y}{Evil}
26 Lagos don travels in Venetian boats (8) GONDOLAS*
28 Some Detroit editors took part in violent protest (6) RIOTED [T] Is there an error here?
30 Female with a measure of land gets ticket cost (4) FARE {F}{ARE}
31 Mashed flesh in part of a cupboard, perhaps (5) SHELF*
32 Shoo away in part of West End (4) SOHO*

1   "Duck, love!" (4) ZERO [DD]
2   Parson is terrible! Giving shelter to fire-raiser? (8) ARSONIST [T]
3   Move ahead of model financial plan (6) BUDGET {BUDGE}{T}
4   Military officer gone broke producing perfumery product (7) COLOGNE {COL}{GONE*}
5   Ticks project (5,3) STICK OUT {TICKS}* [RA]
6   Dental covering English male damaged (6) ENAMEL {EN}{MALE*}
7   For example, Pinocchio circulates lira (4) LIAR*
14 African language initially hated across America (5) HAUSA {Ha..d}{A}{USA}
16 Perhaps Miss MacIntosh is confused after absence of scam (2-3) NO-HIT macINTOsH*
18 Sewing implements without a point? Unnecessary! (8) NEEDLESS {NEEDLE{S}S}
20 In olden times, you parked in river shed (8) OUTHOUSE {OU{THOU}SE}
21 Good girls' spectacles (7) GLASSES {G}{LASSES}
23 Golden Gate redesigned without using Noel's contraption (6) GADGET {GolDen+GATE}*
25 Five fire back at rear of enemy and confirm (6) VERIFY {V}{FIRE<=}{e..mY}
27 Love male in country (4) OMAN {0}{MAN}
29 Repeat excited customer's hasty order for starters (4) ECHO Acrostic

Reference List
Right = R, Utah = UT, Love = 0, Saint = ST, Old = O, Girl = G, Female = F, Model = T, Military officer = COL, English = EN, Point = S(outh), You = THOU


  1. Though back in Bangalore U.S.A. does not seem to leave Kishore- one can get a whiff of it here and there!

    1. As he said, he was still breathing in Cal air while setting this round.

  2. Yes,there seems to be some mistake about Detriot/ Rioted.

  3. I made a mistake- Detroit and not as written.

    1. Anind has to be a verb or equiv.
      Editors is noun!
      And then there is extra t.
      Even if all were granted somehow:
      Too convoluted for incognito.

  4. There is indeed an error in 28a. My i and o seem to have got mixed up!

  5. Some Detroit can also mean no need to consider entire word Detroit.
    So, some Detroit = detroi (leave the last letter).
    Editors may be the anagram indicator.
    (Detroi)* = rooted.
    not very convincing though.
