Monday, 13 February 2023

No 13787, Monday 13 Feb 2023, Vidwan

Solution to 6D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Talk about final fall of humans (5) WORLD {WOR{falL}D}
4   Advocates are heroes! (9) CHAMPIONS [DD]
9   Can't use 'mental' for mental (7) NUTCASE*
10 Capital of Lanka or basically organised mob (7) COLOMBO {Ca...l}{Of}{La..a}{Or}{MOB*} First four words on Double duty?
11 An ill-tempered woman or girl makin' reels (9) GRIMALKIN*
12 Discussion about Union's local revenue jurisdiction (5) TALUK {TAL{U}K}
13 Would you push at last for an answer to a stupid question? (3) DUH Tail Acrostic
14 A right man in a champion team (9) ARGENTINA {A}{R}{GENT}{IN}{A}
17 Some red wine for Moses (5) EDWIN [T]
19 Excellent meal without slightest of pepper (5) SUPER {SUP}{peppER} Slightest to take last two letters? (Addendum - SUPpER - See comments)
21 Love not! Love not! She's mad! Opt out! Immediately! (2,3,4) ON THE SPOT {0+NoT}{SHE*}{OPT*}
23 Hellenic ornithologists returned holding a big bird (3) ROC [T<=]
24 Welcome torment with love (5) HELLO {HELL}{0}
25 Sicilia regularly follows Vatican City Prior and Pope (5,3) URBAN VIII {sIcIlIa}<=>{V} after {URBAN} Enu should be (5,4) 
28 Highs and lows? More about them! (7) EXTREMA {EXTR{'EM}A}
29 Kind of a dry day measure (7) YARDAGE {A+DRY}*{AGE}
30 One pays to see pet actor's plays (9) SPECTATOR*
31 Small point for attaching cable to computer display (5) SPORT {S}{PORT}

1   Wife at home for example besides sweetheart? Something needed to toast! (9) WINEGLASS {W}{IN}{EG}{LASS}
2   Breaking down? Time to grin perhaps! (7) ROTTING {T+TO+GRIN}*
3   Church set aside money for crisis situation (5) DRAMA DRAchMA
4   Dismissing a bold king's record-keeper (5) CLERK {CLEaR}{K}
5   Insect carries a small cold object on the way up (9) ASCENDANT {ANT}<=>{A}{S}{C}{END}
6   'Belief in gods' is mankind basically escaping to occasionally enter kind of man-made protective cover (9) P?L?THE?E (Addendum - POLYTHENE (POLYTHEism}{eNtEr} - See comments))
7   Resistance to current legislation? (4,3) OHMS LAW [CD]
8   Start small joint (5) SHOCK {S}{HOCK}
15 Ran out to join fight set off by the most illiberal (9) NARROWEST {RAN*}{ROW}{SET*}
16 UN can toil actively for a disease preventive measure (9) INOCULANT*
18 Men turn it on for support (9) NUTRIMENT*
20 Subtle to the regularly seen range of colours (7) PALETTE {PALE}{To+ThE}
22 Friend with money? Negative! (7) PAISANO {PAISA}{NO}
24 Reportedly mends shoes (5) HEELS (~heals)
26 He pays to get particular English ruby (5) BUYER {BUY}{E}{R} (Addendum - {E+RUBY}* - See comments)
27 Boy gets title of man, returns, rules! (5) NORMS {S{MR}ON}<=

Reference List
Union = U, Right = R, Love = 0, Vatican = V, Them = EM, Small = S, Wife = W, At home = IN, Time = T, Church = CH, King = K, Cold = C, English = E, Ruby = R


  1. 18d ends with letter t. 31a can't be shock. Please check the same.

  2. 31a. Clue is sport. Small (s) and port is cable slot to insert. Hence it is sport which is also to display.

  3. 10a new type of clhe.
    &lit with c&DD.

  4. 16d inoculation is the measure?
    Inoculant is the material used in the measure!

  5. 1a talk is "words" as per dictionary.

    1. word=talk as per chambers thesaurus

    2. language, dialect, slang, cant, jargon, speech, utterance, words technical idiolect colloq. lingo
      From online chambers thesaurus.

  6. A bit tough. Got all except PAISANO. A new word for me!
    Thx Vidwan
