Tuesday 28 February 2023

No 13800, Tuesday 28 Feb 2023, Bruno

Solution to 16A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Old and reticent person on a tram in Oklahoma's excited! (11,4) EXCLAMATION MARK {EX}{CLAM}{A+TRAM+IN+OK}*
9   Person who receives an older relative with small peg (7) GRANTEE {GRAN}{TEE}
10 Parent partial to love goddess - short like Napolean? (7) PARVENU {PARent}{VENUs}
11 Ray of moonlight's starting to appear after galestorm (5) GLEAM {Mo...t}<=>{GALE}*
12 Spooner's secure with fake weapon (9) MATCHLOCK (~latch mock to mocklatch) 
13 Should hiding love and pain be a sign of masculinity? (9) MOUSTACHE {M{0}UST}{ACHE}
15 Company spends regularly to advance grass (5) SEDGE {GE}<=>{SpEnDs}

16 Fabric's ninetyfold firm at one end tied in knots, when separated, collapses (5) N?L?N (Addendum - NYLON NiNetYfOLd* - See comments) 
18 Namedropping in private to get alliance, essentially, among other things (5,4) INTER ALIA {INTERnAL}{allIAnce}
20 Concerned with city losing inhabitants? Stick with this method of being green (9) RECYCLING {RE}{CitY}{CLING}
23 Hairy Emma intends to get shaved regularly (5) MANED {eMmA+iNtEnDs}
24 Until any individual starts mutating, these animals can only be found in water (7) NAUTILI {UNTIL+Any+In...l}*
25 Art form at its core's one form of magic, mostly (7) ORIGAMI {fORm}{1}{MAGIc*
26 Poor? Adapt fresh crops for cultivation (8,3,4) STRAPPED FOR CASH*

1   Digital bands playing in German get invited to England's south (10,5) ENGAGEMENT RINGS {IN+GERMAN+GET}* in {ENG}{S}
2   Drinks at posh house (7) CHATEAU {CHA}{TEA}{U}
3   Robot from America plants vegetable in empty urn (9) AUTOMATON {A}{Ur{TOMATO}N}
4   Sailor's crew dumps leader to one side (5) ABEAM {AB}{tEAM}
5   Indian politician - one kept in a temporary location is tense (9) IMPATIENT {I}{MP}{A}{T{1}ENT}
6   No further disrobing, One Direction! (5) NORTH {NO}{fuRTHer}
7   Tissue obtained from dead criminal contained no Iodine (7) ADENOID {DEAD}* over {NO}{I}
8   A punch on the mouth and chin wacked, slunk away (7,8) KNUCKLE SANDWICH*
14 Half of critters on ice eat fish's heart - that's savage (9) CRITICISE {CRITters}{IC{fISh}E}
15 More thrifty small credit supported by setter's platform (9) SCRIMPIER {S}{CR}{I'M}{PIER}
17 American city on the outskirts of Chandler needs to obtain what in Mexico would be "polish" (7) LACQUER {LA} on {Ch...eR} over {QUE}
19 Plant - an acacia surrounding another plant (7) LANTANA [T]
21 Communist Party recruits that man - an animal (5) CHIMP {C{HIM}P}
22 Sticky substance's very loud to detonate (2,3) GO OFF {GOO}{FF}

Reference List
Old = EX, Oklahoma = OK, Small peg = TEE, Company = GE, Name = N, Concerned with = RE, England = ENG, South = S, Posh = U, America = A, Sailor = AB, Indian = I, Small = S, Credit = CR, What in Mexican = QUE, Communist Party = CP, Very loud = FF


  1. 16A: F (one end of "firm") and "ietd" (anagram of "tied"), when removed from "ninetyfold" leaves "n, n, y, o, l" which when rearranged, becomes NYLON = fabric

  2. Col, Origami art picture at the wrong place

    Thank Bruno!

  4. @ Prasad - today that man is HIM. Just 2 days back u asked for that man - He.

