Thursday, 16 February 2023

No 13790, Thursday 16 Feb 2023, Crescent

Solution to 4D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Is Dr X seen in the grid for some reason :-)

7   An opening of air transport shrinks what was once a big distance in India (6) YOJANA {AN}{Air}{JOY}<=
8   Steep price put on spice (8) MACERATE {RATE}<=>{MACE}
9   Jet from home to Kentucky (4) INKY {IN}{KY}
10 A parts recall together with phone narrowing band of growth for Apple? (6,4) ANNUAL RING {ANNU{A}L}{RING}
11 Cast shout very loudly smothering tenor's remarkable performance (3,5) HOT STUFF {SHOUT}*{FF} over {T}
12 Cold concerning swimmers? (6) OFFISH {OF}{FISH}
14 Dull day other than in recess (4) DRAB {D}{BAR<=}
15 Nuts bringing in hard cash for Thailand (5) BAHTS {BA{H}TS}
16 About time to shut up (4) CAGE {C}{AGE}
18 Area with high risk inhibits American soldier in East Africa (6) ASKARI {A}{RISK*} over {A}
20 Draw straws for one slot? (4,4) CAST LOTS {SLOT}* [RA] Semi&lit
22 Norm to ultimately dig in here - in a mess? (6,4) DINING ROOM {NORM+tO+DIG+IN}* Semi&lit
24 Respectable groom (4) TIDY [DD]
25 Leave half-full, not even bagging what might be left (8) FURLOUGH }FUll}{R{L}OUGH}
26 Split brown stems of a palm (6) RATTAN {RAT}{TAN}

1   Drain in France for shower (8) DOWNPOUR {DOWN}{POUR}
2   Jar has a bay set providing an upper chamber (5,5) RAJYA SABHA*
3   Musical piece from Texan, a duet (6) XANADU [T]
4   Plane figures in game for children inspired by ordinary gulls (8) ?C?A?O?S (Addendum - OCTAGONS {O}{C{TAG}ONS} - See comments))
5   One very unusual stunted tree (4) ARAR {A}{RARe}
6   Survives in twigs under leaves (6) STANDS [DD?] (Addendum - underSTANDS - See comments)
8   Say Reverend Spooner's old lady's family? (3,2,3,5) MAN OF THE CLOTH (~clan of the moth to man of the cloth)
13 Version of Italic that's spread lot further (10) FACILITATE {FA{ITALIC*}TE}
15 Highlight of round in match (5,3) BRING OUT {B{RING}OUT}
17 Inducing disheartened, sedate fans to become overambitious (3,5) GET IDEAS {In...nG+SEDATE}*
19 Start to see eye to eye, possibly over an error (4-2) SLIP-UP {See}{PUPIL<=}
21 Dismal doctor irritated nurses (6) SOMBRE {SO{MB}RE}
23 Crazy wanting son so badly (4) ILLY sILLY

Reference List
Home = IN, Very loudly = FF, Tenor = T, Day = D, Hard = H, About = C, Area = A, American = A, Left = L, For in French = POUR, Ordinary = O, Gulls = CONS, Son = S


  1. Good one Prasad. Did not know this meaning of twig. Worth adding to the ref.list.

  2. What's the anagram indicator for 22a? What's the role of "here" in 22a?

    1. Hyphen and commas sometime need rephrasing the sentence.
      Read it as
      In a mess(.. ) here

  3. No anagrind. That's why Col.has classified it as semi &Lit.

  4. Good enjoyable surfaces- a good example is 21D.

  5. Tough challenge today. Biffed many clues. Thanks to Col. for the blog.

  6. Out of syllabus. Still in the lowest rung of the ladder. Probably because of high allergy to ambiguity.

    Banat, banat, banjaye. ' Hopes are still not dupes'

  7. 4D is a promotion clue. Any novice who gives the correct solution with correct annotation will be promoted.

    1. 4D - {O}{C {TAG} ONS}
      Definition: Plane figures
      Game for children = TAG
      Inspired by = Containment indicator
      Ordinary = O
      Gulls = CONS

    2. Sreelakshmi you are no longer to consider yourself as a Novice. Congratulations

  8. Tough... Got stuck with YOJANA. Then could not parse STANDS. Misspelt SOMBRE & was stuck for RATTAN.
    Lot of learning though!
    Thanx Colonel!
