Tuesday, 14 February 2023

No 13788, Tuesday 14 Feb 2023, KrisKross

Rangoli by Gowri

Solution to 8D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Supporting married partner in a traditional manner (8) FORMALLY {FOR}{M}{ALLY}
5   Helps to catch very old ducks (6) AVOIDS {A{V}{O}IDS}
9   Magician's finale, with pigeons flying all around, entrances (8) OPENINGS {m...aN} in {PIGEONS}*
10 Machine design by engineer having no substance (6) PLANER {PLAN}{En...eR}
12 Principal and others welcoming the French folks (9) ELEMENTAL {ET AL} over {LE}{MEN}
13 Unacceptable, however you look at it (3,2) NOTON <=>
14 Beloved date eagerly anticipates romantic overtures (4) DEAR Acrostic Semi&lit
16 When speaking, the universe spun (7) WHIRLED (~world)
19 Lover unhappily married (7) ADMIRER*
21 Champ first cuts with axe (4) CHEW {Cuts}{HEW}
24 Soldiers in rebellion left, capturing nothing (5) TROOP {PO{0}RT<=}
25 Be quiet and sleep, having complaint that is most acute (9) SHRILLEST {SH}{R{ILLE}ST}
27 Sweet child of Charlie and Rosemary, possibly hugging you (6) CHERUB  {C}{HER{(~you)U}B}
28 Terrible place to take a break - one boring day wasted (8) DYSTOPIA {STOP}{1} ibn {DAY}*
29 I, for one, second replacing amateur with veteran, essentially (6) LETTER L(-a+e}ETTER
30 Plain ugly novel - not grand hit (8) UNLOVELY {UgLY+NOVEL}*

1   Daisy perhaps fought or flew (6) FLOWER*
2   Smoker may use this jacket (6) REEFER [C&DD]
3   Nimble goalie falls, missing ball (5) AGILE GoALIE*
4   Less serious match (7) LIGHTER [DD]
6   Lover's gift fast grabbed by arrogant sweetheart (9) VALENTINE {VA{LENT}IN}{swEet}
7   Openers at Lord's added ninety, playing naturally (8) INNATELY {At+Lords+NINETY}*
8   Strain for pressing a suit? (8) S?R?N?D? (Addendum - SERENADE [CD] - See comments) 
11 Brake makes a deep sound when cycling (4) SLOW (+s)SLOW(-s)
15 Partner regularly used magical charm (9) ENRAPTURE {PARTNER+UsEd}*
17 A lunatic at sea, sailing (8) NAUTICAL*
18 It describes male fashions that could be obscene (8) IMMODEST {I{M}{MODES}T}
20 Wine from Champagne, so refreshingly uplifting (4) ROSE [T<=]
21 Keep that old vehicle right in front (5,2) CARRY ON {YON}<=>{CAR}{R}
22 Worried? Let me start to pray here (6) TEMPLE {LET+ME+Pray}* Semi&lit
23 Doctor dates ultimately pretty girlfriend (6) STEADY {DATES+p...tY}*
26 Fire in block consuming bar (3,2) LET GO {LE{T}GO}

Reference List
Married = M, Very = V, Old = O, The in French = LE, Be quiet = SH, Charlie = C, Amateur = A, Grand = G, Male = M, That(old) = YON, Block = LEGO, Bar = T


  1. 30 Across ...there is an extra 'd'

    1. Yes the answer is UNLOVELY
      Request Col to correct

  2. Thank you Ramki for a lovely CW nd timely too- on special request?

  3. 8d reminded me of
    Chaudavi ki chand ho...

  4. If 8D is not solved by a novice or non-regular by 1 PM anyone else may provide the solution and annotation

  5. 8D, definition = suit (pay suit to)
    Solution = serenade
    Strain = Seed
    For = near
    SE (RENA) DE

  6. Just an attempt by a novice

  7. Pressing, I reckon is the anagrind.

  8. 8D-serenade-strain(music) for pressing(Compelling) a suit(match)-CD

    1. May be but more likely persuading!

    2. 8 down
      Press one's suit means, get down on one knee and make a proposal, ie Serenade

  9. Tricky clue and Nice word play on 13 D - NOT ON. . will it be/ DD. ??? I have taken it as (NOT)(ON) . look - ON. The actual def. showing as ' under no circumstances' for unacceptable. I have solved it. but not convinced my anno.

    1. It is just a palindromic clue, as indicated by "however you look at it". Def is "Unacceptable".
      Col, the answer is given as "NOTON" - request you to edit it to "NOT ON". Thanks.

    2. Thanks Ramki. Enjoyed solving your grid.

  10. 8dn - DD?
    SEREANADE - singing & proposing r both serenading?
    Lovely cw.
    Thanx Ramki

    1. Strain as noun means: the sound of a piece of music
      Or in simple terms Music/song.
      So the clue becomes:
      Song for (on the occasion of) proposing/persuading a lover.

      Chaudavi ka chand ho
      Yeah aftaab ho
      Jho bhi ho sanam

      Best one I heard.

    2. 8D seems to have puzzled many. It was intended as a Cryptic Def.
      Strain is song
      Press one's suit is to propose marriage (made by a man to a woman)
      A serenade is a song sung by a man to his beloved. Hence it is a "strain for pressing one's suit"
      The surface story could be about a struggle to iron a suit!

  11. Quite an apt puzzle for Valentine's Day. Missed a few. But good one.

  12. Thanks Col for the blog and all of you for the comments.
    Yes - it was intended to be a themed puzzle for Feb 14th and the themed words have been highlighted.

  13. Thank you Gowri for the lovely Rangoli!

  14. Nice thematic puzzle. I biffed Serenade and came here for the explanation. Thank you KrisKross for the puzzle and Col. for the blog.

