Thursday 23 February 2023

No 13796, Thursday 23 Feb 2023, Dr. X

Solution to 20D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1 Across is Brilliant

1   Method of killing husband? Had poisoned rum slyly (5,8) MODUS OPERANDI {hAD+POISONED+RUM}*
8   Discontinues incorporating long jumps in figure skating (5) AXELS {AXE{L}S}
9   Shone in good series with England's captain crushed by outcome (9) GLISTENED {G}{LIST}{EN{En...d}D}
11 Badly treated husband, irritated and bored, seeks end of matrimony (4,4,2) HARD DONE BY {H}{AND+BORED}*{m...nY}
12 Woman chasing a tennis pro (4) ASHE {SHE}<=>{A}
14 Needs crackers to tackle company's ciphers (7) ENCODES {EN{CO}DES*}
16 Communicated with trafficker about getting hold of ecstasy finally (7) RELAYED {DEALER}<= over {e...sY}
17 Allow one cutting grass around park to go after end of chore (7) EMPOWER {M{P}OWER}<=>{c..rE}
19 Dismissal from job - lost home, have no money (5-2) HEAVE-HO {HOmE+HAVE}*
21 Retire and live without stress finally (4) EXIT{EXIsT}
22 Rebuking a cheat pursuing innocent person (10) LAMBASTING {A}{STING}<=>{LAMB}
25 Briefly, lottery is a random betting system (9) TOTALISER {LOTTERy+IS+A}*
26 Order some Vedic texts (5) EDICT [T]
27 Where knife is pointed in position of greatest difficulty (2,3,5,3) AT THE SHARP END [DD]

2   Individual, endlessly wealthy, acquires island of dreams (7) ONEIRIC {ONE}{I}{RICh}
Confused as ball spun wide, bouncing over Dhoni's head (6,4)  UPSIDE DOWN {O+SPUN+WIDE}* over {Dh..i}
4   Element is argon perhaps (5) ORGAN*
5   Hug new bride excitedly in European capital (9) EDINBURGH {HUG+N+BRIDE}*
6   Bohemian band going topless (4) ARTY pARTY
7   Playing at Sydney, English lost in succession (7) DYNASTY {AT+SYDNeY}*
8   Desire to conduct one review about workforce's performance (11) ACHIEVEMENT {ACH{1}E}{VE{MEN}T}
10 Capturing criminal and rogue finally - want fearless person (11) DREADNOUGHT {D{AND+ROUGE}*H}{wanT} Anno for DH not clear (Addendum - {DR{AND+E}*OUGHT} - See comments}
13 Groups saving Earth cry for complete change (5,5) CLEAN SWEEP {CL{E}ANS}{WEEP}
15 Beats idiot involved in nobbling purses (9) SURPASSES {SURP{ASS}ES*}
18 Indicate mad tinpot dictators at Centre (5,2) POINT AT {TINPOT+d..tAt..s}* 
20 Omission of learner, one involved in rebellious row (7) E?I?I?N (Addendum - ELISION {L}{1} in {NOISE<=} - See comments)
23 Country formerly in trouble over money, beginning to advance (5) BURMA {RUB<=}{M}{Ad,,,e}
24 Expression of contempt about rival's latest bunkum (4) BLAH {B{r..aL}H}

Reference List
Husband = H, Long = L, Good = G, Company = CO, Park = P, Money = M, New = N, English = E, Earth = E, Learner = L


  1. 10d want/thirst:drought over and+e*

  2. Good solve. Took a while to decode your solution.
    Dr (eadn)* ought. Right?

  3. Dear all - as per colonels request - me too added my photo.
    Paddy - u next! πŸ™‚

  4. Lovely crossword from Dr X. 2d, 10d new words for me. "You learn while you solve" seems to be the motto of Dr X!

  5. 1 Across is Brilliant
    Col, only an MO can design such MO!!!

  6. 20D is still not solved by non regulars?

  7. Yes, nobody has solved so far. Since it is 3.45 already, I feel you can go ahead.

  8. 20D: ELISION means omission. L+I in ESION (rebellious row)

  9. Trying to use the convention here:
    20D: {NOISE}< over {L}+ {I}

  10. L for learner, I for one, NOISE< for row.

  11. Very nice grid. Thrilled to solve fully.
    Thanx Doc!
