Tuesday, 2 May 2023

No 13854, Tuesday 02 May 2023, Karaoke

Solution to 8D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Take arabica, arnica potions heartily to begin with (2,6) AB INITIO {arABIca+arNIca+poTIOns}
6   Finally, you must breathe air thru mother's womb (6) UTERUS Tail Acrostic
9   Can iterating part cover back wall of the eyeball? (6) RETINA [T<=]
10 Mummy and daddy take drug and son cuddles date (4,4) DEAD BODY {D{E}AD}{BO{D}Y}
11 Unusually India hunts for native language (10) HINDUSTANI*
12 Warning - No entry for Ladies! (4) OMEN {Only MEN} (Addendum - wOMEN See comments)
13 Figure out home bird leaving base for ocean (8) RHOMBOID {HOM(-e+o)O+BIRD}*
15 Most inhuman Conservative leaves first (6) OLDEST cOLDEST
16 Special entrance fee allows right for leisurely walk (6) STROLL {S}{T{R}OLL}
18 Upset barber will do this (8) DISTRESS DIS-TRESS
20 Egyptian goddess' top altered or unaltered? (2,2) AS IS (-i+a)ASIS 
21 Vigilant advice to a ballet dancer maybe (2,4,4) ON YOUR TOES [DD]
23 Kid is stuck inside handrail (8) BANISTER {BAN{IS}TER}
24 Abrupt aimless shot in messages (6) EMAILS AIMLESs*
25 Wasteland is extremely desolate and sterile, right? (6) DESERT {De...tE}{St...lE}{RT} (Addendum - De...tE}{St...lE}{RighT} - See comments)
26 Resignation of Bond [New] in progress (8) PATIENCE {PA{TIE}{N}CE}

2   Ugly mark from terrible mishap (7) BLEMISH [T]
3   Diana maybe a nymph (5) NAIAD*
4   Inedible fungi to get promotions from agency (9) TOADSTOOL {TO}{ADS}{TOOL}
5   Card game for spinster? (3,4) OLD MAID [DD]
6   System of medicine in complete agreement to kill small mouse (5) UNANI UNANImous
7   Stitch by English doctor on passenger having heart block (9) EMBROIDER {E}{MB}{R{blOck}IDER}
8   Low-cut garment, top off, take off (7) U?D?E?S (Addendum - UNDRESS sUNDRESS - See comments)
14 Rubbish illicit liquor (9) MOONSHINE [DD]
15 Obstetrician's treatment on short term primarily and most doubtful (9) OBSCUREST {OB'S}{CURE}{Sh..t}{Term}
17 One who gives evidence in trial gets worried (7) TESTATE {TEST}{ATE}
18 Excursion after nightfall! (3,4) DAY TRIP {DAY}{TRIP}
19 Achilles lost interest in rebellion to defeat decisively (7) SHELLAC ACHiLLES*
21 Frenzied technocrat leaves crumbling ranch with the group (5) OCTET TEchnOCraT*
22 Kid from the bad seed ignored occasionally (5) TEASE {ThE+bAd+SeEd}

Reference List
Drug = E, Date = D, Base = E, Conservative = C, Special = S, Right = R, Ocean = O, New = N, Promotions = ADS, English = E, Doctor = MB, Obstetrician = OB, Interest = I


  1. 8d. Undress. Means take off. Is the low cut garment sundress?

  2. 12A- I took it as (Women-w)= omen

  3. 25A- RT also from extremes of RighT

  4. Good one from KKR. Several good clues. Able to finish on time (though I started late)

  5. It was a smooth ride for me today!
    My favs...21a On your toes, 26a Patience and 7d Embroider.
    Thanks KKR

  6. 18A- Day trip-excursion; After night-day; fall -trip. Is this correct?

  7. 18-A was a superb clue & waited till noon (accessing this site) to know the exact solution. Thank you dear esteemed Koteswara Rao for this brain-teaser.
    Did manage to solve almost all other ones except for 13-A, 26-A and 15-D besides as already mentioned 18-A.

  8. Very nice. Enjoyed solving especially 10,11,21,23A (you did keep us on our toes with clever clues ) and 7,22D. In 10A something like papa instead of daddy? Thanks hor a good crossie.

  9. Smooth sailing today. Favs were UTERUS, DESERT, BANISTER, BLEMISH to name a few. Thanks Karaoke and Col.

  10. Lovely grid KKR! My fav - DEAD BODY. I loved the clue.
    ON YOUR TOES & PATIENCE r also nice.
    Thank u.

  11. Vladimirs PATIENCE was about to DESERT him!
    The NAIAD, whom he had glimpsed thru the BANISTER
    was nowhere to be seen.

    Drunk on MOONSHINE & dancing ON HIS TOES to the OCTET's tunes;
    his DAY TRIP was about to end!

    Imagine his DISTRESS, when he woke up the next day,
    to the OBSCUREST of scenes!

    He was lying beside a DEAD BODY, of an OLD MAID,
    wearing a beautiful

    He knew it was a bad OMEN & no TESTATE could save him!
    After all he had administered UNANI medicine for her TOAD STOOL allergy!

    What happened next?

  12. Bhargav Sir! Kindly excuse the stealing of ur idea & the audacity to write a long verse in place of a short limerick!!

  13. Teasing and excellent grid!! Satisfied with my performance.

