Wednesday 24 May 2023

No 13873, Wednesday 24 May 2023, Dr. X

Solution to 5A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.
Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Discouraged to drink and drive (8) DOWNCAST {DOWN}{CAST}
5   Make-up is marvellous, most gorgeous (6) ?A?R?C (Addendum - FABRIC {FAB}{RICh} - See comments))
10 Toxin in container broken by clumsy lout (7) BOTULIN {B{LOUT*}IN}
11 Destruction caused by reactionary men in rebellious row (7) EROSION {E{OR<=}SION<=}
12 Students he encouraged showing brilliance (5) SHEEN [T]
13 Einstein's analysis about essence of gravity is thorough (9) INTENSIVE {EINSTEIN}* over {graVity}
14 Runs after girl abducted by monstrous hoodlum in confusion (6-6) HUGGER-MUGGER {R}<=>{HU{G}GE} and {MUGGER}
18 Take a gem deviously with a plan and escape (4,1,7) MAKE A GETAWAY {TAKE+A+GEM}*{A}{WAY}
21 Like to embrace girl hurt about making a bloomer (9) AMARYLLIS {A{MARY}{ILL<=}S}
23 Contradict opinion endlessly (5) BELIE BELIEf
24 Exceptionally strong guy working with head of Mossad in Middle Eastern country (4,3) IRON MAN {IR{ON}{Mo...d}AN}
25 Juice is fresh and cold, a little tangy (7) EXTRACT {EXTRA}{C}{Ta..y}
26 Harry returned to pick up old article about Australian lizard (6) GOANNA {NA{O}G<=}{AN<=}
27 Greedy head of monarchs ousted, mutineers went berserk (8) ESURIENT mUTINEERS*

1   Shame seabed's polluted (6) DEBASE*
2   Top opener for Bangladesh dismissed after wicket gets more damp (6) WETTER {bETTER}<=>{W}
3   Stop unionist interrupting visit at a plant (9) CALENDULA {CAL{END}{U}L}{A}
4   Crime lord on launch filled with drugs gets a sense of dread (7,7) SINKING FEELING {SIN}{KING}{F{EE}LING}
6   Nut in a cereal (5) ACORN {A}{CORN}
7   Wild girls in American bars (8) RAILINGS {GIRLS+IN+A}*
8   Container by mistake taken by British Airways to capital city (8) CANBERRA {CAN}{B{ERR}A}
9   What one will find in previous TH publication - person who's no longer of interest (10,4) YESTERDAYS NEWS [DD]
15 Brutal old rogue snatching article in capital city (4,5) ULAN BATOR {BRUTAL+O}* over {AN}
16 Intoxicated German is slurring (8) SMEARING*
17 Good Buddhist monk outside house in American state (8) OKLAHOMA {OK}{LA{HO}MA}
19 Will perhaps sleep around afternoon (6) PLEASE {PLE{A}SE*}
20 Old tenor welcomed by band, a group of six musicians (6) SEXTET {S{EX}{T}ET}
22 Male on vacation overwhelmed by lust in Arabic country (5) YEMEN {YE{MalE}N}

Reference List
Men = OR, Runs = R, Girl = G, Cold = C, Old = O, Article = AN, Wicket = W, Unionist = U, Drug = E, American = A, Old = O, House = HO, Afternoon = A, Tenor = T


  1. Four-Letter Word (Unprintable!)

  2. Good- both the clue and the solution.
    Reminded of an old password joke. Reply by a novice when asked if she remembered the password and she promptly said**** (she has seen that only ion the screen!) Printable!!

  3. Coming to today's CW, let us thank Doc for an absorbing puzzle. I am more familiar with Iguana and needed help to get 'Goanna'.

  4. 5a FABRIC =. Make- up
    FAB =. Marvellous
    RIC(h) = Most of gorgeous

  5. 5Ac FABRIC - {FAB}{RIC(-h)} - Make-up
    Marvelous - Fab, most gorgeous - Ric(-h)

  6. Origination of great one in making (10)
