Tuesday 5 March 2024

No 14114, Tuesday 05 Mar 2024, Arden

Solution to 19D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Live coverage of break during IPL, is it New York? (3,5) BIG APPLE {B{I{GAP}PL}E}
5   American central bank admitted the statute is defective (6) FLAWED {F{LAW}ED}
10 Jesus! I enjoy being outside (7) SAVIOUR {SAV{I}OUR}
11 Time consuming, it's about a country in Africa (7) ERITREA {ER{IT}{RE}A}
12 Kannada or Tamil, some of it comes straight from the heart (5) AORTA [T]
13 Gather under cover, one goes for duck (9) SHELDRAKE {RAKE}<=>{SHiELD}
14 Go on line by coincidence (12) HAPPENSTANCE {HAPPEN}{STANCE}
18 Served rivals who became tyrants (5,7) SLAVE DRIVERS*
21 Reform over masters' admission in old college (4,5) ALMA MATER {AL{MA}{MA}TER}
23 Fight to catch river fish (5) SPRAT {SP{R}AT}
24 Miss Turner fills up gas and gets something to eat (7) LASAGNA {LA{GAS<=}NA}
25 Beer bottles - dispatch a messenger (7) APOSTLE {A{POST}LE}
26 Secure around a governor (6) SATRAP {S{A}TRAP}
27 She goes into a depression, he follows (8) ADHERENT {A}{D{HER}ENT}

1   Stop supporting bus conductor (6) BUSBAR {BAR}<=>{BUS}
2   26 no alternative to rule (6) GOVERN GOVERNor
3   Increase pressure and work on stone (9) PROPAGATE {PR}{OP}{AGATE}
4   Testing ground for holy bishops (5,9) LORDS SPIRITUAL {LORDS}{SPIRITUAL}
6   Placed right inside for a land owner (5) LAIRD {LAI{R}D}
7   Defect is not with the make up (3,5) WAR PAINT {WARP}{AINT}
8   Departs, having taken a chance with disease (8) DIABETES {DI{A}{BET}ES}
9   Repeated refusal to come down from paradise (14) NEVERNEVERLAND {NEVER}{NEVER}{LAND}
15 Bird modulates voice (9) TURNSTONE {TURNS}{TONE}
16 Countrymen face terrorists hiding real bomb (8) ISRAELIS {IS{REAL*}IS}
17 Cat creates some problem in the shop (8) MARMOSET {MAR{SOME*}T} Cat or Monkey?
19 Man follows law, I suffer pain (6) ?R?T?E (Addendum - WRITHE {HE}<=>{WRIT} - See comments)
20 Select range, erect on all sides of the road (6) STREET {Se..cT}{RangE}{ErecT}
22 Hot stuff comes up during a team game (5) MAGMA [T<=]

Reference List
About = RE, Master = MA, River = R, Pressure = PR, Work = OP


  1. 7D anno has P missing - it is {WARP}{AINT}
    Yes MARMOSET is a monkey and not a cat - I also had the same doubt

  2. 4d LORDS = testing ground or test ground? Can someone explain?

    1. Yes, it should be tedt ground. Better still, test venue.

    2. Testing ground requires a ? Or !.
      But Arden seems to have done away with such requirements in recent additions.

  3. 21A- wordplay in def.?
    Also, the apostrophe thst is needed for wp makes it difficult for us to get 'mama' (plural)

    1. Whats the role of admission! (With over as container)

      The "in" Gets solvers confused but some setters insist its OK. We had this debate sometime back on "in" as link word.

  4. Also 26a, Indian or Desi could have preceded Governor
    Also 10a, when Jesus is being referred to for saviour should there not be Jesus, say? Or will Jesus! Suffice?

    1. Jesus Christ would be more accurate and it has OED
      PROPER NOUN [the NOUN]
      In the Christian religion, the Saviour is Jesus Christ"

  5. Today’s CW by Arden, I suppose is more for veterans since (a compressed wordplay ) which is similar to Math’s Teacher skipping a few steps during solving (brilliant students are supposed to know) and arrive at solution. Nevertheless, whatever I could crack were really top notch for eg: 7D, 5A etc., . Thanks Arden.

  6. 19d WRITHE = I suffer pain
    WRIT = Law
    HE = Man

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

