Wednesday 27 March 2024

No 14133, Wednesday 27 Mar 2024, Hypatia

Solution to 5D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Medium hard soap beats ordinary cleanser (7) SHAMPOO {M+H+SOAP}*{O}
5   Relish a drop of honey in prune bringing back appetite (7) CHUTNEY {C{Ho..y}UT}{YEN<=}
9   Extended support? (7) ALIMONY [CD]
10 Runs after guy grows older (7) MANAGES {MAN}{AGES}
11 Tenant's smaller room initially taken by sweetheart (6) LESSEE LESSE(-r+e}E
12 Strangle target or choke (8) GARROTTE*
14 Secret language in unfinished Tagore novel (5) ARGOT TAGORe*
16 Made fun of free style clue in 1-Down (9) RIDICULED {RID}{1{CLUE*}D}
18 Testing an elector's patience (9) TOLERANCE*
19 Passage budding from love for boy in '70s Bollywood movie (5) LOBBY {(+l-b)LOBBY}
20 Regularly filtering info, basic data compiled has repetitive errors (8) FACTOIDS {inFo+bAsiC+daTa+cOmpIleD+haS}
22 Shopping deal ends during month in Amazon, say (6) JUNGLE {JUN{s...nG}{deaL}E}
26 Ready tea cakes and bread (7) CHAPATI {CHA{PAT}I}
27 Multiple images from East of USSR at a variance (7) AVATARS [T<=]
28 Second book released by gambling site (7) SETTING {S}{bETTING}
29 Woman grabbing warm blanket (7) SHEATHE {S{HEAT}HE}

1   Trick disheartened model, taking everything (5) STALL {SiT}{ALL}
2   Lost American girl (5) AMISS {A}{MISS}
3   Assignment work? Essentially, it goes overhead often (9) PROJECTOR {PROJECT}{wORk}
4   Line in-between bull and African antelope (4) ORYX {O{RY}X}
5   Seize authoritatively, before Knight does? (10) C?M?A?D?E?  (Addendum - COMMANDEER {COMMA}{N}{DEER} - See comments)
6   Extremely useful article about radius (relating to a bone) (5) ULNAR {Us...uL}{AN<=}{R}
7   Place entertaining late comers? (9) NIGHTCLUB [CD]
8   The old criminal strayed in the past (9) YESTERDAY {YE}{STRAYED*}
13 Dingo's evil action (10) WRONGDOING {DINGO}* [RA]
14 Camera feature for a narcissist? (9) AUTOFOCUS [DD]
15 Australian city’s unfriendly spirit, per Spooner (4,5) GOLD COAST (~cold ghost to gold coast)
17 Reckon copper kidnapped by cold mobster's dead (9) CALCULATE {C}{AL}{CU}{LATE}
21 Animal chiselled in Ashoka pillar (5) OKAPI [T]
23 Reportedly plotted to shoot (5) GRAFT (~graphed)
24 Follow tennis? Sure - from time to time (5) ENSUE {tEnNiS+sUrE}
25 Major sporting event put up without access to podium (4) DAIS aSIAD<=

Reference List
Medium = M, Hard = H, Ordinary = O, Boy = B, Second = S, Book = B, American = A, Line = RY, Knight = N, Doe = DEER,  Radius = R, The old = YE, Cold = C, Mobster = AL


  1. Good one from Hypatia. Thank you.
    Loved the Narcissist for a change!
    RA was good but tough to get. Bingo! (when you get it!)

  2. The SETTING YESTERDAY in Mumbai.

    Vladimir is seen in a NIGHTCLUB in Chowpatty savouring CHAPATI with Bombay CHUTNEY.

    He was sure of nothing AMISS.

    Little did he know of a video- camera kept in AUTOFOCUS to capture any WRONGDOING.

    What happened, rather what did ENSUE next?

  3. Tough one, but enjoyed cracking it.

  4. Grinding work but elated at the end! Great puzzle from Hypatia.

  5. Clever and different use of 'Shoot' in 23 D to denote Graft.
    a. A detached shoot or bud united or to be united with a growing plant.
    Hard to get.

  6. 5D- Superb clue and equally superb choice by Col. Filled in with the hep of crossings and just deciphered the anno.

  7. 5d COMMANDEER; seize authoritatively; COMMA(,) N(Knight) DEER (DOES)

  8. I was reminded of The Sound of Music song-
    Doe a deer.......

  9. Lovely Grid.
    So many aha moments.
    Thanx Hypatia
