Thursday 14 March 2024

No 14122, Thursday 14 Mar 2024,KrisKross

Solution to 21D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Churchman in the olden days, ready to control Italy (6) PRIEST {PR{I}EST}
4   Beginner shot selfies that are dull (8) LIFELESS {L}{SELFIES*}
10 Places to go excitedly? Some nude resorts (9) RESTROOMS {sOMe+RESORTS}*
11 Weakness of a boy overwhelmed by success (5) HABIT {H{A}{B}IT}
12 Prepare to print form before game of tennis (7) TYPESET {TYPE}{SET}
13 Women's work, mostly performed by men (7) DISTAFF {DId}{STAFF}
14 Journalists in opening of movie "Batman returns" (5) MEDIA {Mo..e}{AIDE<=]
15 Plane bearing royal crosses border (8) AIRLINER {AIR}{LINE}{R}
18 Chronicle of tailless tigress running wild (8) REGISTER {TIGRESs+R}* (Correction - {RE+TIGRESs}* - See comments)
20 Dressing for dance (5) SALSA [DD]
23 Champion exhausted, nervous in track (7) SPONSOR {SPO{Ne...uS}OR}
25 Unfriendly animal briefly controlled by force (7) DISTANT {DI{STAg}NT}
26 Shakespearean character lofty in speech (5) ARIEL (~aerial)
27 Abruptly put out rage inside - could be harmful (9) DANGEROUS {D{ANGER}OUSe}
28 "Lived in camp" - entertaining article by journalist (8) TENANTED {TEN{AN}T}{ED}
29 Supports chances (6) STAKES [DD]

1   Temporary leave, followed by discharge? On the contrary (4-4) PART-TIME {PART}{EMIT<=}
2   Weak batting by pair regularly included in team - finally game lost (7) INSIPID {IN}SI{PaIr}De}
3   Goddess of performing arts and studies, always in white basically (9) SARASWATI {ARTS+And+St...s+Al...s+In+Wh..e}
 DI eventually succeeded in arresting criminal for financial wrongdoing (7,7) INSIDER TRADING {DI+s...eD+IN+ARRESTING}*
6   Encourage those having spirit (5) ETHOS* [T]
7   Cover containing rupee became wrinkled (7) EMBRACE {R+BECAME}*
8   Start a journey with extremely suave, well-dressed gentleman (3,3) SET OFF {SuavE}{TOFF}
9   Run inside, kiss wife, winning good game (8,6) CONTRACT BRIDGE {CONT{R}ACT}{BRID{G}E}
16 Unyielding boss at last is splitting target (9) INSISTENT {IN{bosS}{IS}TENT}
17 Gives a name to pet bass swimming outside island (8) BAPTISES {PET+BASS}* over {I}
19 Feeling sorry - no time to accept love (7) EMOTION {NO+TIME}* over {0}
21 Spooner cites items required to imprison humorist (7) L?A?O?K (Addendum - LEACOCK (~ key lock to leacock) - See comments)
22 Squint-eyed like a German philosopher (6) ASKANT {AS}{KANT}
24 Treat tips of nails, oily locks and skin here? (5) SALON {Na..s+Oily+Locks+And+Skin}* &lit

Reference List
Italy = I, Beginner = L, Boy = B, Royal = R, Of = RE, Running = R, Journalist = ED, Batting = IN, Rupee = R, Run = R, Good = G, Island = I


  1. Krisskross made us work hard today. Learned a few and could not get a few.

  2. Yes it is an old usage. Hence added the phrase "in the olden days"

  3. 7D: I got stuck due to the parsing like this:
    Cover is cased
    Rupee is re
    Containing as containment indicator
    Wrinkled= c(re)ased
    Later when the crossing was not happening then corrected. Also realised it is cover not covered to use cased.

  4. 18A Isn't there an error in annotation. An E is missing. I thought OF is RE and TIGRES

    1. I think 'running' = on = re

    2. That is correct. The intended anno is RE (of) + anagram of TIGRES(-s), running wild is the anagrind.
      Col, request you to change the anno. Thanks.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Thanks KKR, Ramki and B.N.Acharya.
      I stand corrected.

  5. 21d Leacock. After Stephen Leacok the humorist; Spoonerism of (~see lock)
    why items? shouldn't it be item, to get lock?

    1. Answer is correct. LEACOCK (humorist)
      But Spoonerism works on pronunciations. Spoonerism of Leacock would be Key Lock (items required to secure - two items)
      Hope this clarifies.

    2. Thanks. Oh yes. Spooner cites = spooner mentions.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Not sure the annotation is perfect. A qualification for the humorist might be missing. šŸ¤”

  6. 12A GAME is distinct from SET in tennis(game, set and match). A different word could have been chosen imho.

  7. +1. A part of tennis? Or a part score of te Nisha?
