Thursday 28 March 2024

No 14134, Thursday 28 Mar 2024, Hypatia

Solution to 20A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

Skilful American surgeon starts to operate in theatre (6) ADROIT {A}{DR}{Op...e}{In}{Th...e}
9   Shift and say nothing to intimate friend (5,3) ALTER EGO {ALTER}{EG}{O}
10 Harry - old, loyal and crazy (8) DOOLALLY*
11 Burning daughter's saved by hero struggling with time (3-3) RED-HOT {D} in {HERO}*{T}
12 Sanctions loud speeches after conflict (8) WARRANTS {RANTS}<=>{WAR}
13 Can exercise beginning from dumbbells be repeated (6) LOOPED {LOO}{PE}{Du...s}
14 Small animal's a sweet runner, per Spooner (7) MEERKAT (~ kheer mat to meerkat)
17 Building used if Iceland's quarantined (7) EDIFICE [T]
20 Drink helping king out (6) ?O?I?N (Addendum - POTION POrTION - See comments)
22 Say, front runners in party helped the US from time to time (8) ATHLETES {pArTy+HeLpEd+ThE+uS}
25 Walks after small breaks (6) SPACES {PACES}<=>{S}
26 Dispose of fish food (8) DUMPLING {DUMP}{LING}
27 King Khan essentially in Jamnagar, after dancing leaves grand function finally (8) MAHARAJA {kHAn} in {JAMnAgAR}*
28 Request going through to obtain seal (6) GASKET {G{ASK}ET}

1   After developing Covid, Australia had deported one champion (8) ADVOCATE {COViD+A}*{ATE}
2   Parliamentarian's hugged by that woman - a big mistake! (6) HOWLER {H{OWL}ER}
3   Last to work with current leader (6) STALIN {LAST*}{IN}
4   Initially cinema adapted plays with no music (7) CALYPSO {Ci...a}{PLAYS*}{O}
5   Surprised that pioneer went ahead (8) STARTLED {START}{LED}
6   Rated in exchange (5-3) TRADE-OFF {RATED}* [RA]
7   Discount offer on gigantic reflecting screens (6) IGNORE [T<=]
15 Actor in a blue mackintosh (8) RAINCOAT*
16 One can't remember when a man is carelessly swallowing ecstasy and cocaine (8) AMNESIAC {A+MAN+IS}* over {E} and {C}
18 Detergent or a bit of soap in clothes basically getting thinner (8) CLEANSER{Cl...s}{LEAN{Soap}ER}
19 Accessory seen in Zurich and Baghdad (7) HANDBAG [T]
21 Frequently poor, possibly has almost nothing, basically! (6) ORPHAN {pOoR}{P}{HAs}{No...g} &lit P/Possibly? (Addendum - {pOoR}{Po...y}{Has}{Al...t}{No...g} - See comments)
23 Recognition in controlling Dadagiri, essentially (6) HOMAGE {HOM{dadAGiri}E}
24 Lines disconnected by Telco's first volunteer (6) ENLIST {LINES*}{Te..o}

Reference List
American = A, Daughter = D, Time = T, Can = LOO, King = R, Exercise = PE, Small = S, Grand = G, Australia = A, Parliamentarian = OWL, Current = IN, Ecstasy = E, Cocaine = C


  1. 21d basically P.... H.. A..... N.....

  2. Oh! Frequently poor gives OR and then first letters?

  3. Liked the parliamentarians owl!!

  4. CGB sir, Joe's mustache close to Col's........nicely drawn........

  5. 3dn I think the definition could be "current leader"
    Last* STAL + IN (With = IN)
    Current leader of Tamilnadu: Stalin !?

  6. 20a - {PO{-R}TION}
    Def. Drink
    Helping / serving - Portion
    King - R - out (Deletion indicator)
    Hence , POTION - Pisonous Beverage

  7. 20a POTION = Drink
    PORTION = Helping (-) R for King, Out. deletion indicator

  8. Nice grid.
    In 22ac - from time to time is just for surface?
    In 4dn - no is O?
    Otherwise loved
    Thank u Hypatia!

  9. OK. 22ac - from time to time is for selecting alternate letters.
