Thursday 16 December 2010

No 10026, Thursday 16 Dec 10, Nita Jaggi

Reasonably decent offering from NJ today as compared to her normal standards.
7   - General garments (8) - OVERALLS [DD]
9   - Mess up the game for the heartless pal in the East (6) - {RUM}{PaL}{E}
11 - Watery twister in the middle (9) - WHIRLPOOL [CD]

12 - Come to the river individually (5) - {R}{EACH}
13 - Sharp ill-tempered woman is a bit devilish (6) - {SHREW}{D}
14 - Leave out the completed ballet move (8) - {OVER}{LEAP}
17 - Higher prices for infant oil is on display (9) - INFLATION*
22 - Untidy pretty girl will heartlessly leave in retrospect (8) - {DISH}{EVaEL<-}
23 - First patient inside strictly banned out the new hospital item (6) - {BED{P}ANn*}
25 - Greek character is a doctor figure (5) - {RHO}{MB}
27 - Use the device (9) - APPLIANCE [DD]
28 - Break time in the sun up direction for the topless woman (6) - {EAST}{hER}
29 - It may be something fortunate in disguise (8) - BLESSING [CD]
1   - Grab most of the household chore with false statements (7) - {HOG}{WASH}
2   - Bad behaviour of the French in the villa outside Los Angeles at the end of the day (7) - {DE}{VILla}R{Y} How do we account for the 'R'
3   - It is classified into groups (5) - BLOOD [CD]
4   - Cat sound (4) - PURR [E]
5   - Mouthpiece for the lecturer (7) - SPEAKER [DD]
6   - As the case may be for each of the occurrences (7) - {PER}{HAPS}
8   - Grant everything to the woman in an ocean current (9) - {ALL}{O{W}ANCE*}
10 - Bring up the football team mostly circling a track in front (7) - {ELEV{A}{T}En}
15 - Castle has a different series ignoring small breeding grounds (9) - {ROOK}{sERIES}
16 - Sad jackal is in front of a young bird (7) - {BLUE}{J}{A}{Y}
18 - Decorated the road structure for Nancy Drew's guy (7) - {ADOR*}{NED}
19 - Take up a cause finally for the partner (7) - {E}{SPOUSE}
20 - Work unit cut out a prickly pear (7) - {OP}{UNTI*}{A}
21 - Forcibly urged on an experience (7) - UNDERGO*
24 - Throw the small tablet (5) - {S}{PILL}
26 - Brought up the British journalist (4) - {BR}{ED}


  1. Hi
    What DE-VIL(-la)R-Y (a magically appearing R there) ! Though we got EAST(-h)ER BLESSING in the same row (28a,29a) we got hospitalised too (BED(+P-n)AN* and BLOOD) UNDERGOing DISH-EV(-a)EL<-ment and RUMPLE-ing. It required an OVER LEAP of faith to believe some of the HOG-WASH E-SPOUSEd here. SHREW(D) must have reminding CV of the Taming.
    ELEV(A T)E(-n),BLUE-J-A-Y , ROOK-ERIES(-s), were nice. OP-TUNI*-A had to be confirmed by Google.
    Orkut’s been hilarious this morning not handing out its imagined donuts every now and then.

  2. 19 - Take up a cause finally for the partner (7) - {E}{SPOUSE}

    E-spouse a la e-trading, e-commerce, e-motion (without using the bedpan)

  3. The sentence starting with "It .." in my first post is just that, a sentence. Maybe relevant on some days, not today.

  4. Sorry, OPUNTIA wrongly spelled in first post.

  5. Once again a superb selection of cartoons, the second one vulgar but not vulgarly presented by the cartoonist, the first quite relevant in the Indian context with the price just upped yet again.
    Kishore, I have read the Shakespeare play and have also seen it put up on stage in Madras by a visiting UK troupe.

  6. Liked the numerical cycle of the first cartoon and just got to the bottom of the second one.

  7. 2 D. By outside Los Angeles, NJ would have thought that LA out for R (side) ..LOL

  8. Ajeesh, there is an 'outside' chance that outside means inside ;-). Depending upon which side of the fence you inhabit, the other side is outside for you but inside for your neighbour...

  9. 23A: Cartoon's unbelievably hilarious!!!

    "outside Los Angeles" = -LA + R is unexplainable.

  10. Gaphite gold note :)
    Did not get Hogwash, Rookeries and Bluejay today.

  11. Kishore,Re.outsied-inside: I am reminded of a joke during our college days when we used to make fun of a lecturer who was not well up in English,atleast the spoken part.One day a student came late to the class and he could not imm. say "come in".Instead,he went out and said"get out"!!

  12. 28A- Is 'her' for a woman accepted instead of 'she'? I mean the topless one!

  13. Paddy, :-)

    There was one more about cricket where people who get 'in' to bat go 'out' of the pavilion and when then get 'out', they come back 'in'.

  14. Kishore

    You, talking of cricket..... good, I like it.

  15. Lasardo in the ET crossword today
    'Get air distributed for man who doesn't find it tough being old'

  16. DDS, :-). Sometimes the cobwebs are swept away !
