Saturday, 9 November 2013

No.10926, Saturday 09 Nov 2013, Gridman

Gridman gives us a special to commemorate the World Chess Champion-ship being held at Chennai

6 Boyfriend has hidden drug from partner-to-be (7) FIANCEE (E in FIANCE)
7 Of a bone - one covered in resin next to another one (5) ILIAC (1 next to 1 in LAC)
9 "Non-pro" is kept out of trust in chess organisation (4) FIDE (non-pro, ie con kept out of confide)
10 Engineers dug and made economies (10) RETRENCHED (RE TRENCHED)
11 Winner's advocate? (8) CHAMPION 2
13 Just a moment, assistant! (6) SECOND 2
15 Quarrel over egghead being kept out of series (4) SPAT (e kept out of SPATE)
17 11 has couple of articles written by head of deputies (5) ANAND (AN AN D)
18 Quiet! I pawn vessel! (4) SHIP (SH I P)
19 Take a chance by raising a bit of money? (4,2) TOSS UP CD,DD
20 No big container - etui, for example (5,3) SMALL BOX
23 Noble, a professor backed model-actor in distress (10) ARISTOCRAT (A RIS< T OCRAT*)
26 Soft broadcast by a couple (4) PAIR (P AIR)
27 Most of the 'handiwork' is crazy (5) MANIC (MANICure)
28  Colt learns secretly from challenger (7) CARLSEN (C LEARNS*)

1 Those who are in the swim together? (5,5) WATER MATES CD
2 Duty of the French king after a month (6) OCTROI (OCT ROI)
3 Peak college head left for others (4) REST (cREST)
4 Like 007, some are this to kill (8) LICENSED CD
5 Record is featured in paper (4) DISC (IS in DC)
6 Trust footballers' appeal with a bit of hope (5) FAITH (FA IT H
8 A big number and one go round shrub in city (7) CHENNAI (C 1 go around HENNA )
12 Draws close to the listener among Poles (5) NEARS (EAR in N S)
14 House permission for a place of outing in California (6,4) CASTLE PASS
16 Expert's way in India up for schedule in US (7) PROGRAM (PRO MARG<)
17 Near expert involved in a father's check (8) APPROACH (PRO in PA CH)
21 Changes to a female's slips (6) ALTERS (fALTERS)
22 Bulb not off! One's working (5) ONION (ON 1 ON)
24 Out of it, one's amiss (4) SYNC CD
25 Speed contest (4) RACE (E)



  1. Thank you Gridman for the World Championship special. Let us all join together in Wishing Anand the best of exchanges and for a sixth crown.

    Happy to have done most today and in time!

    Hurray for Kishore's cartoon. Whether it is 1984 or 2013 BIG BROTHER is always listening!

  2. Reminding members that today we have the next edition of IXL.

  3. Batchmates is a single word. How about water mates (1D)?

  4. Add Mates to the list of themed clues

  5. It will get into the theme only if it is checkmate!

  6. I see you are a 'pun-dit'- punning even with names! I must say it took me a while to unscramble it.

  7. Brilliant one, Gridman! Many thanks.
    Good morning all - best wishes to Anand!

  8. Congrats to our blogger who is now on top of the IXL leaderboard.
    This week I have sent off the sol grid, but it's the proper names/nouns that beat me.
    Language skill is one thing, geographical/biographical skill is another!

    1. CONGRATS, KISHORE for being the first on the Leaderboard. Good show on behalf of THCC bloggers.

      CV: Thanks for the reminder for today's !XL. Fairly easy but agree , what's with the proper names? Better than the last week's with a couple of RMDC types. Any idea as to who the compiler is? If we had the email ID of all the other participants, they could be roped in to become THCC members )I mean those who aren't, already ) Col: go after your quarry ! Any possibility of a post-solution discussions on closed
      rounds? Could be a good feedback to the compiler and/ or organizers>

  9. Wow, four of the top 5 in IXL Leaderboard are from Bangalore, the lone exception being Bharati Shankaran Hemmady from Mumbai, the author of my all-time favourite TV commercial, Surf Ultra - daag dhoondte reh jaoge!

    1. Is it so? didn't know even though she is my friend in facebook through cryptic crossword society group

  10. 21D: I don't understand the anno. Is 'slips' on double duty?

    Kishore, 21D in the answer grid needs alteration.

  11. Thanks all.

    Solution grid updated.

    1. So now you have a camera to capture live subjects as inspiration for your cartoons

  12. 21 Changes to a female's slips (6) ALTERS (fALTERS)

    The above clue is unusual.

    Changes - ALTERS
    to a female - [if you add the word ALTERS to a female, F]
    's - is
    slips - mistakes - falters

  13. Kishore,
    Belated congrats! Keep it up.

  14. Replies
    1. Congrats Kishore! You pipped me in WR 5. All the best in Finals.

    2. All the best to you too, Renga
