Monday, 18 November 2013

No.10933, Monday 18 Nov 2013, Sankalak

Sankalak is as entertaining as ever, but I am under the weather and under influence.  After posting this, I intend to snooze the whole day !

1 Planes in flight publicise drug deals (3,7) AIR TRAFFIC
7 Underground television (4) TUBE 2
9 See through a regulation about volume of information (6) RUMBLE (RULE about MB)
10 Substance with an effect, one corrupted with loss of time (8) CAFFEINE (AN EFFECt 1)*
11 Three notes done with and protected (8) DEFENDED (D E F ENDED)
12 Film story about knight, India’s first (6) TALKIE (TALE about K I)
13 Grow weak, losing head in mental distress (7) ANGUISH (lANGUISH)
16 Gradual destruction? Or is one mistaken (7) EROSION (OR IS ONE)*
17 Adjective that may get transferred in a rhetorical device (7) EPITHET CD
19 Shortage in capital of Panama, a university town (7) PAUCITY (PA U CITY)
22 Little one of a bird that is small, pale (6) CYGNET (Little one of a S WAN)
23 GI leaves grieved nun suffering, demoralised (8) UNNERVED (NUN SUFFERING-GI)*
26 Disagreeable chap with a painful front (4-4) FACE ACHE 
          I have a feeling I have blundered here !
27 The highest State doctor stumped (6) UPMOST (UP MO ST)
28 Tea time talk (4) CHAT (CHA T)
29 Workers affected in penal colony (6,4) LABOUR CAMP
2 Get cover without a hint of shame and get one used to it (5) INURE (INSURE -s)
3 Illustration for a skilled article carried by leaders in Time and Uttarardha (7) TABLEAU (ABLE A in T U)
4 Make a change in people in these days (5) AMEND (MEN in AD)
5 The appearance projected by a democrat in front (6) FACADE (A D in FACE)
6 A feta-rice concoction from the restaurant (9) CAFETERIA (A FETA RICE)*
7 Right back, English psychologist created a framework (7) TRELLIS (RT< ELLIS)
          When I tried to give a link now, I found the person I was thinking of was American, not English. So, I might
          have some error here!
8 Creature beginning to bill and coo in appeal (9) BANDICOOT (B AND COO in IT)
14 Skin irritation that made harpy snap perhaps (5,4) NAPPY RASH (HARPY SNAP)*
15 A doubting Thomas, the gangster was difficult to convince (9) SCEPTICAL (SCEPTIC AL)
18 Brown sahib on a line from the circle (7) TANGENT (TAN GENT)
20 Made of a metal, stylish, containing a storage device (7) CHROMIC (CHIC containing ROM)
21 Excellent meal, wanting in a bit of pungency, beginning to bore (6) SUPERB (SUPpER B)
24 Pacific island sees Uranus endlessly distorted (5) NAURU (URANUs)*
25 The salt of a racecourse! (5) EPSOM 2


  1. 26A I have a feeling I have blundered here !

    From the Urban Dictionary
    FACE ACHE - an insult used against an unattractive person.

  2. 7 Right back, English psychologist created a framework (7) TRELLIS (RT< ELLIS)
    I think the reference is to Havelock Ellis

  3. I had the same feeling as Kishore about Face ache until I saw Col.'s entry.

  4. Yes, I saw them and wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the files or should I say flies!

  5. A doubt- rumble and see through? Is it in the sense of look/ browse through?

  6. Nice cartoon Kishore. The cartoon represents anagram of flies. Typical of government dept. to have flies* disappeared or displaced.

  7. Rumble = to reveal or discover the true character of

  8. My father used to quote from "An elegy written in a country churchyard" by Alfred Tennyson-

    "A ploughman plods his WEARY way ....." which contains this and other transferred epithets.
    Here is a link to the poem-

  9. Kishore, sorry to hear you are under the weather. You should manage to pull yourself out of it or up from it soon.

    In a down-and-out light-hearted wish, may I say 'Down you could be, but never out....':-)

  10. Cheer up Kishore. Get well soon.

  11. Finished my pre-prandial snooze and looking for the postprandial one. Thanks all. Paddy quoting the poem has described my day quite well:

    ' ... plods his way through the dreary day ...'

    1. And Richard is right when he says 'never out' . I have not stepped out of the house today.

  12. dear kishoreji
    in the solution should 3 Down not read as "Tableau" instead of "Tableu". the clue includes "article"

  13. When Sankalak compiles, the fingers fly! No wonder, none of the bloggers have swatted. Great to solve.

    Clues of my day: FACE ACHE and AIR TRAFFIC

    KISHORE: what ails thee, my friend? do not get NAPPY RASH, lying in bed !

    1. One death has already happened because of the incident. But I am beleaguered more by the antihistamines which have left me with fuzzy intelligence and stupor, so no immediate cause for an untimely departure. I do have some swelling and subcutaneous coagulation in my palm, where a six footed creature committed sepukku carrying out a sting operation on me.

    2. Oh, Pole Pole !! You're not fuzzy or in a stupor ! Your humor , even in illness and agony abides. Get well soon. Go easy on the antihistamines. Rest well, my friend, that's the best cure. Avoid Khatha items totally. especially, Tamarind etc. Rest assured, you have lot of goodwill from all of us for you to sting back, like a scorpion !

    3. Asante sana, Mzee

    4. Why did you have to pick up a fight with a six footer, of all things! take care and follow medical advice and take rest if advised so. Puns can wait!

    5. I did not. It was a suo moto action.

  14. Re: 1 Across - I got the inspiration to share this will all bloggers here since many of you could be regularly flying between cities and capitals. I had shared it with a limited few some time ago.

    Click here to get mind-boggling information about flights. Please allow for sometime for the images to download. You can identify the planes flying over your head or city. Move the cursor to any place in the world and place it above the image of any of the aircraft you see. Double-click to get full details of the flight.

    Will be glad to have your views.

    1. Read the opening sentence as " ....I got the inspiration to share this with all bloggers..."

  15. Hello everyone, the THC app on my iPhone is not downloading the crossword for the past many days. Anybody else facing the same problem ? I think it may be because of the redesign due to which the online crossword location may have shifted but am not sure. Any help/suggestions ? Thanks

  16. i try to do the hindu crossword; am sometimes successful but very often, stumped. stumbled on this site and follow it regularly. i enjoy your explanations.
    thanks a lot for the help.
    would like someone to reply to a query of mine though. what kind of mind set is needed to solve crosswords? sometimes i get them all, but not often! it is not that i dont have the language capability, but it is as though i have to second guess someone else's thinking; i find that i have to clue in to someone else's schema.....
    is it only me, or do others also feel the same way.

  17. Geetha, just keep trying! Once yo've been solving these CWs for some months, the inspiration comes faster, and easier. Of course, some setters have more complex clues than others. Then we have to make our grey cells work harder!!
    Kishore - do get well soon. Sorry to hear you are not feeling so well.

  18. Even some experienced solvers get stuck for a few words occasionally. Nothing to get worried. As Rita had said above, the level of difficulty changes with each setter. Keep following the blog AFTER your initial attempts and keep checking where and how you can improve. Knowledge of the language is only one part- following and interpreting the wordplay comes only with practice. At least that is how I improved. Keep at it and good luck.

    Pl. visit this site to get lot of info about soving CW's-
