Friday, 15 November 2013

No.10931, Friday 15 Nov 2013, Sankalak

Sankalak laid down so many clues as to what he wanted me to draw, that I fell for it like a billiard ball into a pocket

1 Lawyer who was invited to the pub? (9-2-3) BARRISTER AT LAW (CD-A lawyer who was called to the 'Bar')
8 Is it possible for a primate to find a snack? (6) CANAPE (CAN APE)
9 To sacrifice meal, I’m to be trained (8) IMMOLATE (MEAL I'M TO)*
11 Endless rhetoric by a Scot, a priest (9) ORATORIAN (ORATORy IAN)
12 Bright light from a single ampere lamp (5) GLEAM (T)
13 It fixes a camp shelter, shelter with a fixture for hanging the coat (4,3) TENT PEG (TENT PEG)
         I remembered to dig a snake pit too, when fixing tent pegs
15 But such glass is not necessarily blemished (7) STAINED (CD)
17 Bodily fluids that cause a buzz- yours and mine (7) HUMOURS (HUM OURS)
19 Bachelor in ego trip gets a flower (7) BEGONIA (BA IN EGO)*
21 The worse for drink but firmly fixed (5) TIGHT (2)
23 Extortionist who makes a big noise always (9) RACKETEER (RACKET E'ER)
25 A small piece from somewhat fiery newspaper people with time (8) FRAGMENT (F RAG MEN T)
26 Summer house from which to look at the pipal (6) GAZEBO (GAZE BO=pipal)
27 A wild guess, like aiming a gun at night (1,4,2,3,4) A SHOT IN THE DARK (2)
1 Withdraw from commitment to support in the open (4,3) BACKOUT (BACK OUT)
2 The kind of verse to dissipate anger (5) RENGA (ANGER*)
         Remembered one of our poster boys ;-) I did not know he was poetic !
3 Unrehearsed but somewhat important bit of play, with you in France (9) IMPROMPTU (IMP OR*tant P TU) (IMP ROMP TU) Thanks to Venkatesh
4 Jogs the memory concerning personalities (7) REMINDS (RE MINDS)
5 The crowd has no right for skimpy swimwear (5) THONG (THrONG)
         I first drew this in the cartoon, and saw that it was hardly visible (the thong I mean) ...  Anyway, you
         would hardly be interested in a lawyer in a thong, unless ...
6 Trojan war leader, game man, no kidding! (9) AGAMEMNON (GAME MAN NO)*
7 Industrial waste found in brightly coloured, soft earth (3,3) RED MUD (RED MUD)
10 Sound made by money? Good (4) TING (TIN G)

14 Bridge partners have order to include Indian flower in charts to help in calculations (9) NOMOGRAMS (NS have OM including MOGRA, i.e. N(O(MOGRA)M)S)
16 Get garage redesigned to form a cluster (9) AGGREGATE (GET GARAGE)*
         Funnily in this clue, one can take either 'redesigned' or 'redesigned to form'  as the anagram indicator since 
         both 'form a cluster' or 'cluster' could work as definition.
17 Imitate Henry, independent, smart man (3,3) HIT OFF (H I TOFF)
18 Instrument with which South Africa managed soldier (7) SARANGI (SA RAN GI)
19 The light green paint that one reportedly purchases (4) BICE (~BUYS)
20 Space over a bit of hair causes obstruction in the plumbing (7) AIRLOCK (AIR LOCK)
          I don't want to split hair(or hairs), but a bit of hair is also 'air', though the clue does not want us to do that ...
22 The speed generated by a system possesses appeal (5) TEMPO (T)
24 Energy made suspect by dropsy (5) EDEMA (E MADE*)


  1. 2 The kind of verse to dissipate anger (5) RENGA (ANGER*)
    Remembered one of our poster boys ;-) I did not know he was poetic !

    I did not know I am a poetic god!

  2. 3 Unrehearsed but somewhat important bit of play, with you in France (9) IMPROMPTU (IMPOR*tant P TU
    somewhat important IMP
    bit of play ROMP
    you in France TU
    Defn: unrehearsed {IMP}{ROMP}{TU}

  3. 24 Energy / made suspect // by dropsy (5) EDEMA

    1. Is this not a an a American spelling? Just a clarification.

  4. Smooth as Sankalak. I wanted to say 'silky', but then Kishore may connect it to the 'bar' and make me tipsy,tight.....!

    1. I have heard many drinks being called 'smooth' too !

    2. But smooth is not connected to the bar!

    3. Now, isn't it? Reflect ...

  5. I put in 'tent pin' in stead of peg and got caught for the ting.(misplaced the N-Yen?)

    1. Who needs a peg when the whole bottle is there?

  6. As always, Sankalak delights!

  7. I'm not quite sure how BARRISTER AT LAW works. Could somebody explain?

    It's Sachin everywhere - be it the news papers or TV channels. It kind of feels like the media and people are going a bit overboard with this one. He's done great things all right, but I think this kind of attention is enough to embarrass anybody.

    1. Invited to the pub is called to the bar. A lawyer who is called to the bar, is a barrister-at-law, as used in British legal parlance.

  8. I crossed over this crossie top to bottom and left to right fluidly, as the signature of Sankalak was patent, right from the outset. Amazing that one can presage the sage's message so nicely ! In Orkut the name of the compiler is not given and only after visiting the blog my presumption was proved right.

    Clue of my day: BICE
    Does HIT OFF also mean to imitate?

    Can the Drones Club be also a Bar Council? Drunk as Lord? To add to Kishore's list: STINGO, LEGLESS, LICK ONES ELBOW, RAISE ONE'S KNEES. Great cartoon. Kishore !!

    Other fellow-drunkards
    intoxicated, inebriated, drunken, befuddled, incapable, tipsy, the worse for drink, under the influence, maudlin; blind drunk, dead drunk, rolling drunk, roaring drunk, drunk as a skunk; sottish, tippling, toping, gin-soaked; informaltight, merry, the worse for wear, woozy, two/three sheets to the wind, under the table, plastered, smashed, wrecked, sloshed, soused, well sozzled, blotto, blitzed, stewed, tanked (up), soaked, bombed, hammered, blasted, off one's face, out of/off one's head, out of one's skull, wasted, wired, in one's cups, reeling, cock-eyed, zonked, guttered, fuddled, stinko, ratted; informallegless, steaming, bevvied, paralytic, Brahms and Liszt, half cut, out of it, having had a skinful, bladdered, trolleyed, well away, squiffy, tiddly, out of one's box, having had one over the eight, cut, steamed, mullered, slaughtered, lashed; vulgar slangpissed, as pissed as a newt/fart, rat-arsed, arseholed; informalfou; informalloaded, trashed, crock, juiced, sauced, squiffed, swacked, strung out, liquored up, out of one's gourd, in the bag, zoned, blitzed, ripped; informalshickered, shot; informalfull, as full as a goog, inked; informallekker; euphemistictired and emotional; informalstoned, lit up, as tight as a tick; informalhalf seas over, pixilated; archaicsotted, besotted, foxed, screwed; rarecrapulent, crapulous, inebriate, bibulous, ebrious, ebriose, ebriate

    Heady, eh? I know, because I have gone throiugh all these conditions in Bombay and Mombasa.
    Now I'm a near TT.

    ANDY CAPP, any one?
