Friday 8 November 2013

No. 10925, Friday, 08 Nov 2013, XChequer

Neat clues.  Some work allocated to readers.


1 Nearly exploit commanding position in commission (6) DEPUTE :: de(put)e[d]
4 More than one saw shows featuring rhythm and blues (8) PROVERBS :: prove(R B)s
10 Regime to possibly lead in change in some progression (9) GEOMETRIC :: regimeto* c
11 Moderate / chill (5) RELAX :: DD :: I was wondering whether it is 'chill out' for the sense of 'relax' but Chambers supports this. 
12 Person of high social standing (Earl) rejected condition to adopt ward (7) EFFENDI E F(FEND)I< ::
13 Vespers for the dead occurring in room with sticky smell (7) PLACEBO :: place BO
14 Irrational / voiceless sound in speech (4) SURD :: DD
15 Doomed without a group of fast developing nations being made up (10) FABRICATED ::  fa(BRIC)ated 
19 National singles won by our compatriot (10) INDONESIAN :: Ind(ones)ian 
20 Captive in retreat caught hard blow (4) WHOP :: W(h)OP<
23 Clears a city's premier square (7) ACQUITS :: a c "quits!"
26 Caretaker sent back rubbish following start of new year (7) JANITOR :: Jan 1 tor<

27 Fey, sidesplitting, humorous contradiction (5) IRONY :: Clever clue :: Fe y
28 Requests Spain to cut some trees (9) BESEECHES :: b(ES)eeches 
29 Understood to be good-hearted for a change (8) GATHERED :: g hearted*
30 Cancel show initially planned for victory (6) REPEAL :: reader to provide anno (On edit: See comments)


1 Stages becoming small after sixty minutes (7) DEGREES :: degree s
2 Suggested vacant pad to house drunk for free (9) PROFFERED :: anag of 'forfree' in p[a]d
3 You will get empty gesture of approval in conclusion (3,3) THE END :: reader to provide anno  (On edit: See comments)
5 Repeat run picking up tempo (5) RECAP :: (on edit, following a comment) R PACE <
6 Greed to possess an article but after losing an article - there's a difference (8) VARIANCE :: [a]vari(an)ce
7 Pound in anger indicating channel on moon (5) RILLE :: ri(L)e
8 Convinced about interest on foreign exchange rising by half a dozen times (7) SIXFOLD :: s(i xf<)old
9 Salt (boric) endlessly sprinkled around beltways (8) ORBITALS :: anag of saltbori[c]
16 Perhaps fine-tune a colour with appropriate shades (8) READJUST :: reader to provide anno  (On edit: See comments)
17 Model's filled with passion, kept in check somehow with trinket (9) TCHOTCHKE :: t c(hot)ch ke :: Please look it up for origin and pronunciation!  In Tamil we would call it "ondrai anna saamaan" (article worth one-and-a-half annas) :: Now, why is this word in the grid? Please discover yourself!  (On edit: See comments where the answer is provided the answer)
18 Something with distinct, independent existence loses its origin in copy, becoming the very opposite (8) ANTITYPE :: reader to provide anno  (On edit: See comments)
19 Sorcerers entering in grand visual representation (7) IMAGING :: i(magi)n g
21 Examination's through, normal to lose heart (7) PERUSAL ::  per us[u]al
22  Pepper can easily produce this effect, hence almost an expression of contempt over unknown drug (6) SNEEZE :: snee[r] Z E
24 Ring, ring - stop ringing! (5) QUOIT :: qu(o)it :: Good clue. The dash has its purpose in indicating change in instruction by the speaker. The EM is by its own right. I got the anno just as I was writing the answer here.
25 Weapon injured breast dislodging bone (5) SABRE :: breas[t]*


  1. 30 Cancel show initially planned for victory (6) REPEAL

    REVEAL (-v) {+P}

  2. 3 You will get empty gesture of approval in conclusion (3,3) THE END :: reader to provide anno
    You THEE to get N[-o]D
    (THE E)(N[-o]D)

  3. 16 Perhaps fine-tune a colour with appropriate shades (8) READJUST :: reader to provide anno

    1. {A+RED+JUST}* shades is Anagram Indicator
      Defn: Perhaps fine-tune READJUST

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Yes, re-written anag fodder is more like it and the indication of the anag signal leaves no doubt.

    4. Nice puzzle xChequer.

      From what I see, the clue is not an anagram (definitely not an indirect one)

      Perhaps fine-tune = def [ RE(A)D + JUST]
      a = a
      colour = red
      with = connector
      appropriate = just
      shades = containment indicator

    5. "colour with a" might give RE(A)D
      How would 'a colour with' give RE(A)D?

    6. 'A' shaded or covered by [RED + JUST]

    7. There's something amiss. I don't think "with" works as a containment indicator.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. I think it's fine after all. It's A shaded/ covered by RED and JUST to give READJUST

  4. 18 Something with distinct, independent existence loses its origin in copy, becoming the very opposite (8)

  5. 18 Something with distinct, independent existence loses its origin in copy, becoming the very opposite (8) ANTITYPE


  6. Thanks to readers who supplied annos. I wanted to make the blog participatory!

  7. 1A- The clue as given here differs from the print edition. has there been any subsequent change not incorporated in the print edition? Print edition shows 'position in commission' instead of 'delegate'.

  8. On the whole difficult and a little abstract, at least for me. For example an Yiddish (and unknown to many) word like 'Tchotchke' could have had a much easier and more direct cryptic def. This is my view- maybe I am expecting too much.

  9. The print edition here in Vizag has 1a as "Nearly exploit commanding position in commission". I do not know where the revised version of the clue is.

    Also How is premier square = quits in 23a?

    1. 1 A in Hyd Ed too has commission.

      QUITS: adj . equal, even, level, square from Chambers.

  10. Puzzle on the difficult side and I felt not as smooth as his previous puzs.

    14 Irrational / voiceless sound in speech (4) SURD :: DD

    A surd is an 'irrational number' and not just 'irrational'.

  11. Clears a city's premier square (7) ACQUITS :: a c "quits!"

    a - a
    city's premier - C
    quits - square

    We are square - We are 'quits'.

  12. Text of Clue 1a revised as per printed version. I had an earlier one with me.

  13. Now, why is this word in the grid? Please discover yourself! Because it's another pangram today.

    Thanks to CV for standing in for me yesterday and today as I am busy with the wedding preparations for my younger sons wedding on the 10th. Thanks in advance to Kishore who will be handling the next two weekdays. Sunday has already been scheduled for a special by Balderash. I may or may not make an appearance over the next three days.

    1. Wish the function every success. I have to cancel my trip because of a conference here on Nov 10. Regards to everyone.

  14. Even 27A is a little different in the print edition. The unrevised version given by CV here is better and crisper though

    1. Clue text restored to printed version. Sorry for the discrepancies.

  15. 16 Perhaps fine-tune a colour with appropriate shades (8) READJUST.

    Wonder whether 'shades' is used as a verb (if so, I think 'with' is wrong grammatically). Or the answer would be: RED + JUST around 'a', 'w' or 'with '.

  16. 5 Repeat // run / picking up tempo (5) RECAP :: rev of pacer
    should be {R}{ECAP<=}

  17. 1 Nearly exploit commanding position in commission (6) DEPUTE :: de(put)e[d]

    What's role of 'commanding'?

  18. Deccan Chronicle Chennai edition carries an interview with Shrikanth on his biography of MGR. Here is the link

    Keep up the good work Shrikanth. Looking forward to your book on Madyrai.

    1. Thanks Padmanabhan. Was not in yesterday. Just seeing...:)

  19. Text of Clue 22 D as per Delhi print edition:
    Pepper can easily produce this effect, hence almost an expression of contempt over unknown drug (6)

    Can Anno be SNEE[r] Z E ? Don't know if E can be for drug.

  20. Clue Text of 28 A as per Delhi print edition:
    Requests Spain to cut some trees (9)

  21. What's with different editions having different clues?

  22. 23 Clears a city's premier square (7) ACQUITS :: a c "quits!/

    " CBI clears the Premier. CBI has no legal existence, says Guwahati High Court today. So everybody has a party tonight.

  23. Let me make it clear that if some of the clues were/are different from the published ones, the fault is mine. I was less than careful. Apologies to the solvers and more particularly to the setter.
    Is it a lesson learnt by me? No, it is a lesson that I gave others but one that I did not practise this morning.
