Thursday, 11 June 2009

No 9556, Thursday, 11 Jun 09, Nita Jaggi

Mum's the word!!
 4 - Large tubs have a fish full of energy (8) - BUST*{LING}
 8 - Current from the lamp erected (6) - AMPERE [T]
 9 - One in Poland has a Greek picture of a special journey (10) - P{I}L{GR}{IMAGE}
10 - Connect the little woman at home (4) - {JO}{IN}
11 - Pay without it again for the burning material (4) - P(-a)Y{RE}
13 - Each to sit heartlessly in the Emergency Room during the springtime holiday (6) - EA{S(-i)T}{ER}
15 - Order to clean off the sacred space (7) - {CH}{ANCEL*}
17 - Artist is quiet about the pox (4) - {RA}{SH}
18 - Initially, neat, eleven emblems marked on a tree (4) - {N}{E}{E}{M} [T]
19 - Have faith in a worker holding back the garment (7) - BE{LIEV<-}E
21 - Tea for the French, on Tuesday in the house (6) - CHA{LE}{T}
22 - Cut off the platform for an animal (4) - STAG(-e)
25 - Regularly gals use the sticky substance (4) - {G}{L}{U}{E} [T]
26 - I have partnership amidst the Romans to hit in anger the seven workers (10) - {I}RONSM{ITH*}S is the only thing I can think of, but the annotation does not fit the clue (Addendum from Maddy's comments below - {I}RO{NS}M{ITH*}{S})
27 - Final word taken in by an officer in grief (6) - L{AMEN}T
28 - Noise of an insect at noon to note the hard fruit (5,3) - (~beetle){BETEL} {N}U{T}
 1 - Scholar in New Jersey has a round instrument (5) - BA{NJ}{O} I love the twang of the Banjo.
 2 - Choice for a strange pot for one is on the menu (6) - {OPT*}{I}{ON}
 3 - Soldier is in a wrong pose at the end of the day (5) - SEPO*{Y}
 4 - Bump on the belly of an expecting woman (5) - BULGE [DD]
 5 - Dreamlike for certain to hold the hand of the young boy (7) - SUR{R}E{AL}
 6 - Rock spread on miles on the way at lunchtime (9) - LIME*{ST}{ONE}
 7 - Disregarded the General going up to the French, is caught by the journalist (9) - {NEG<-}{LE}{CT}{ED}
12 - Anger displayed in the practice area (5) - RANGE*
14 - Mark the boat with a circle in an hour to almost see the political candidate (4,5) - {D}{ARK} H{O}R{SE(-e)}
15 - Dare an opponent to fight? (9) - CHALLENGE [CD]
16 - Many in to censor the declaration (5) - EDI{C}T
19 - Natural substance has a small fragment of uranium for the soldiers (7) - BIT{U}{MEN}
20 - Public survey in Durham area is taken up for the fine powder (6) - {POLL}{EN<-}
22 - Mount an attack on a group of volunteers climbing up (3,2) - SET {AT<-}
23 - Passageway on a cay (5) - A{ISLE}
24 - Spread hate following the start of the Democratic end (5) - {D}{EATH*}


  1. @26 A - I have partnership amidst the Romans to hit in anger the seven workers (10) - {I}RONSM{ITH*}S is the only thing I can think of, but the annotation does not fit the clue

    My take...

    Could it be - Workers - definition
    Anno - {I}RO{NS}M{ITH*}S - though this is the first time Iam seeing ROM being used for romans. Generally come across only 'pr' (from pax romana) and vir ( latin root for man).

  2. Maddy,
    Your annotation looks logical

  3. Hi colonel,
    more daily questions from a newbie.

    @15A: How is {CH} derived from ORDER
    @28A: How did you get "U" in {BETEL}{N}U{T}
    @22D: Could you please explain the solution.


  4. Naveen,
    Sorry for late reply, was busy
    15A - CH is a British Honour, check the link shown against order in the clue.
    28A - No idea about the U the answer provide is what the setter intended
    Mount an attack on a group of volunteers climbing up (3,2)
    Mount an attack = Definition = SET AT<-
    a group = SET
    volunteers climbing up = AT<- (TA is Territorial Army)

  5. @ anonymous - Doing the honours for the col in his absence.

    15 A - CH is crossword abbn for order. derived from th ebritish chivalric order "The Order of the Companions of Honour" which is denoted by the letters CH. the Col has given a link for the same in the clue itself.

    @28 A - The anno can be slightly modified to give (~beetle){BETEL} {N}{UT}. 'ut' is a syllable in musical notes to denote the first notes of amajor scale. Hence it is a Xword abbn for note

    @22D - Mount an attack on a group of volunteers climbing up (3,2) - SET {AT<-}
    Mount an attack - def.
    A group - set
    volunteers - TA from territorial army
    Climbing up - reversal indicator - TA<-
