Thursday, 31 March 2011

No 10116, Thursday 31 Mar 11, Sankalak

1   - In food it is important for a youngster, they say (7) - {PRO}{TEIN}(~teen)
5   - A bit of the medicine in the prescriptionbe thrifty (6) - {SCRI{M}P} Didn't know this synonym of prescription.
11 - Meat that is current, in good French wrapping (5) - {B{AC}ON}
12 - The end of a trial maybe (9) - JUDGEMENT [CD]
13 - Claim ripe for resolution based on experience (9) - EMPIRICAL*
14 - Swaying movements made by posh car (5) - ROLLS [DD]
15 - The stuff of some TV shows (4) - TALK [CD] Cartoon, kind courtesy of Richard.
17 - Champion the cause of an English mate (7) - {E}{SPOUSE}
21 - The acquired skill of a convict leaving the sense of right and wrong (7) - conSCIENCE
22 - Ruler who was a strange star (4) - TSAR*
26 - Code-man with a feeling of guilt (note omission) (5) - reMORSE
27 - Such a gas is imperceptible in one sense (9) - ODOURLESS [CD]
29 - Argue heatedly and rattle ace, oddly (9) - ALTERCATE*
30 - Builder with service unfinished gets no return (5) - {MASs}{ON<-}
31 - Kidnap through a second-grade channel (6) - {A}{B}{DUCT}
32 - A remedy for a negative unit of force (7) - {A}{NO}{DYNE}
2   - Summing-up familiar to serial viewers (5) - RECAP [CD]
3   - Holding an office for a time means I have to leave retinue in disarray (6) - TENUREi*
4   - Give a shot! (6) - INJECT [CD]
6   - Goodbyes that rise and echo surprisingly (8) - CHEERIOS*
7   - They seek perfection in thoughts about database (9) - {IDEA}{LISTS}
8   - Fertiliser in a vessel, with deposit underneath (6) - {POT}{ASH}
9   - They may be governed by verbs (7) - OBJECTS [CD]
10 - Worship? I do, with crafty lies (7) - {I}{DO}{LISE*}
16 - Delicate material valued, cut roughly (9) - {LACE}{RATED}
18 - Dazzlingly fast system of measures encompassing every occasion initially (8) - {MET{E}{O}RIC}
19 - Learned one, Tamil king protected by senior (7) - {S{CHOLA}R}
20 - A gift dispatched in advance (7) - {PRE}{SENT}
23 - Antelope one found on scouring Palam (6) - {I}{MPALA*}
24 - Not the kind of occasion for frivolity (6) - SOLEMN [CD]
25 - French-American journalist was falsely implicated (6) - {FR}{AM}{ED}
28 - A German location in the wilderness enjoys attention (5) - ESSEN [T]

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

No 10115, Wednesday 30 Mar 11, Sankalak

1   - Coach, diligence, crossing Riga afresh (8) - {CAR{RIAG*}E}
5   - A more healthy workman (6) - FITTER [DD]
10 - Greek character, Edward, is silenced (5) - {MU}{TED}
11 - A winner in the deck maybe (5,4) - TRUMP CARD [CD]
12 - "But a lifetime of — !No man alive could bear it” (Man and Superman) (9) - HAPPINESS [E]
13 - Out of practice and irritable, dropping a note (5) - cRUSTY
14 - Cowboy show, poetry in a vacant port city (5) - {Ri{ODE}O}

16 - Pumped up, like some unreasonable prices (8) - INFLATED [DD]
18 - It holds a record set in a social group (8) - {CAS{SET}TE}
20 - Medicos, say, are where ships may be seen (5) - DOCKS(~docs)
24 - Tested and heard in court (5) - TRIED [DD]
25 - Siren user thwarted in children's rooms (9) - NURSERIES*
27 - Light and strong metal (9) - ALUMINIUM [CD]
28 - What Marx wanted the workers of the world to do (5) - UNITE [CD]
29 - Come out with ecstasy, come together (6) - {E}{MERGE}
30 - Any leads, suspicious, are investigated (8) - ANALYSED*
1   - Resin found in temporary lodgings: horror? Not half (7) - {CAMP}{HORror}
2   - Part for a wind instrument containing bug was recorded again (7) - {RE{TAP}ED}
3   - Lemur trapped in certain drier plains (5) - INDRI [T]
4   - Good, speak for a drain (6) - {G}{UTTER}
6   - Eider, limp, struggling, is put in danger (9) - IMPERILED*
7   - Journey by trains running to time (7) - {TRANSI*}{T}
8   - Showing signs of lack of sleep? (3-4) - RED-EYED [CD]
9   - Cooking, the French way (7) - CUISINE [CD]
15 - Finished with performance or taking things too far? (9) - {OVER}{DOING}
17 - One of those needed for 9 (7) - UTENSIL [CD]
18 - A salt it is found in a wooden case (7) - {C{IT}RATE}
19 - Somehow slice up a sharp-pointed thing (7) - SPICULE*
21 - Reviewers, some occupying armchairs? (7) - CRITICS [CD]
22 - Temporarily lay off South American writer beginning to dither (7) - {S}{US}{PEN}{D}
23 - British (English) people in a German city (6) - {BR}{E}{MEN}
26 - Match the performance (5) - EQUAL [CD]

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

No 10114, Tuesday 29 Mar 11, Sankalak

1   - Do this and you can't go further (5,3,5) - REACH THE LIMIT [CD]
10 - Rep, teased, turns extremely anxious (9) - DESPERATE*
11 - With time, antler becomes a sharp thing (5) - {T}{HORN}
12 - Small role reversed in nets (5) - {TRAP}{S}<-
13 - Cover with stones east to west, make a speech and disappear (9) - {EVAP<-}{ORATE}
14 - He attacks one who helps after rescue begins (6) - {R}{AIDER}
16 - A meeting of the university in a part of the school (5) - {FOR{U}M}
19 - Support at home for intelligence (5) - {BRA}{IN}
20 - Periodic head count (6) - CENSUS [E]
25 - Shown in vivid detail by a calligraphist working without list (9) - GRAPHICALlist*
26 - Collector's item: with the American, it would be strange (5) - CURIOus
27 - To attach tags to ducks is something forbidden (5) - {TAB}{OO}
28 - Made the envelope ready for posting (9) - ADDRESSED [CD]
29 - For honouring the memory of a commoner, am I to be different? (13) - COMMEMORATION*
2   - Rapturous election officer is tending not to move (8) - {EC}{STATIC}

3   - A conservative cuts and bites (5) - {C}{HEWS}
4   - Journey to a large gathering in empty tunnel (6) - {Tun{RAVE}neL}
5   - It helps one to reach higher levels (8) - ELEVATOR [CD]
6   - Bring into force the right education, structured without a trace of acrimony (9) - INT(R)ODUCEa*
7   - Would the standards body exclude this line on the map? (6) - {ISO}{BAR}
8   - Journalist who tried desperately to hold ring (6) - {EDIT{O}R*}
9   - Divine messenger in a strange land (5) - ANGEL [T]
15 - Creepy thing, farmer's friend (9) - EARTHWORM [CD]
17 - Deny knowledge of a girl's demand (8) - {DI'S}{CLAIM}
18 - Kind of coffee to treat sores especially (8) - {ESP}{RESSO*}
21 - Modest about unusual cloth made from rags (6) - {SH{ODD}YMy COD
22 - Semiprecious thing of silver with a note attached (5) - {AG}{A}{TE}
23 - Grass with a bad smell smothers a doctor close to vertigo (6) - {B{A}{MB}O}{O}
24 - Flier using wind energy (6) - GLIDER [CD]
26 - At the top it provides a number with relaxation (5) - {C}{REST}

Monday, 28 March 2011

No 10113, Monday 28 Mar 11, Sankalak

1   - Furniture for ministers (7) - CABINET [DD]
5   - Wake up call gets journalist frightened (7) - {ALARM}{ED}
9   - Creator of the enigmatic smile (8,2,5) - LEONARDO DA VINCI [CD]
10 - U.S. State loses article in the end to an original American (6) - INDIANa
11 - Need, in a part of Mumbai, for spring onion (8) - {S{CALL}ION}
13 - German eleven afflicted by headache (8) - M(I)GRA(I)NE*
15 - Beaten and browned (6) - TANNED [DD]
18 - Live, conquering desire (6) - RESIDE*
19 - Way to order a meal of one's choice (1,2,5) - A LA CARTE [E]
22 - He clucks wildly and laughs (8) - CHUCKLES*
24 - Kind of justice that has grace and beauty (6) - POETIC [CD]
27 - Rules for a good life featured in film (3,12) - TEN COMMANDMENTS [DD]
28 - Loser is confused by primates (7) - LORISES*
29 - Workers, shown the way, managed successfully (7) - {HAND}{LED} Workers?
1   - First of stars dropped from musical rewritten to include key element (7) - {CAL{C}IUMs*}
2   - Light-haired hero of fiction, about 50 (5) - {B{L}OND} My COD
3   - Malawi of old (9) - NYASALAND [E]
4   - A spot put up by some people in the Nilgiris (4) - {TOD}{A}<-
5   - Bad diction could give away a compulsive drinker (6) - ADDICT [T]
6   - It takes quite a beating in the smithy (5) - ANVIL [CD]
7   - Title for church people, new symbol accepted by Othello for one (9) - {MO{N}{SIGN}OR}
8   - Police officer, new in performance, acted reluctantly (7) - {DE{IG}{N}ED}
12 - Unity in a number (3) - ONE [DD]
14 - It generates heat in the kitchen (3,6) - GAS BURNER [CD]
16 - Media personality, not necessarily a sailor (9) - ANCHORMAN [CD]
17 - The Spanish royal moose (3) - {EL}{K}
18 - Artist's performanceit is in clear confusion (7) - {REC{IT}AL*}
20 - Matter to be investigated in the end is covered (7) - {EN{CASE}D}
21 - In the skin it is a bit of a tender mismatch (6) - DERMIS [T]
23 - They are tied in unions (5) - KNOTS [CD]
25 - The French not upset in relating to voice quality (5) - {TON}{AL}<-
26 - Make slow progress with a part of the foot (4) - INCH [DD]

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Special 4, 27 Mar 11, Interrobang

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Lattice given as illustration for 9a in the CW of 6 Feb 11 (slightly modified to avoid more than two consecutives unches ,but probably still breaks some rules. Maybe too much black space)

Please submit your answers, with annotation, in the comments section. Remember the restriction of 3 PP.

No 2627, Sunday 27 Mar 11

1   - A master of light farce with point to get across (8) - {TRAVERS}{E} Had to cheat on this. Couldn't find any Travers? (See comments)
5   - Wrong answer for peninsula (6) - {CRIME}{A}
9   - Aunt Sally, perhaps? (4,4) - FAIR GAME [CD]
10 - Dessert - seconds accepted by timid type (6) - {MOU{S}SE}
12 - Suffer, popular course of remedial treatment incomplete (5) - {IN}{CURe}
13 - Malibu, drab for us surprisingly (9) - SURFBOARD*
15 - Type of rhyme senior eleven composed (7,5) - LEONINE VERSE*
18 - Novel author left out all the time, at first (7,5) - {FOREVER} {AMBlER}
21 - The old one getting out of bed is a speculator (9) - {THE}{O}{RISER}
22 - Daring support garment, extremely versatile (5) - {BRA}{V}{E}
23 - Spotted motorway leading to Yorkshire town (6) - {M}{OTLEY}
25 - Little known about Greek character, a monster (8) - {MINO{TAU}R}
26 - Follow notice in programme (6) - {SH{AD}OW}
27 - Champion eight reportedly unhappy about capsizing (8) - (~crew){CRU}{SAD}{ER<-}
1   - Petty quarrel at home making midday meal (6) - {TIFF}{IN}
2   - A coin for each person (6) - {A}{PIECE}
3   - Agree, oddly, with bearded man, one volunteering for extra work (5,6) - {EAGER*} {BEAVER}
4   - Dickens character, strong man securing power with money (7,5) - {SAM{P}SON} {BRASS} Thanks to Google, Dickens not being my forte.
6   - Letter from Greece from air hostess (3) - RHO [T]
7   - Wholesale slaughter in Israeli port after religious ceremony (8) - {MASS}{ACRE}
8   - City, Lincoln, run by university administrator, we hear (8) - {ABE}{R}{DEEN}{~dean}
11 - Liqueur, one imbibed by imposing George Eliot character (5,7) - {GRAND} {MARN{I}ER}
14 - What some violent troublemakers wear for kicks? (6,5) - BOVVER BOOTS [CD] Thanks to google. Never heard of this before.
16 - Frequently ring two newspapers (8) - {O}{FT}{TIMES}
17 - Beverage teenager brewed (5,3) - GREEN TEA* My daily cuppa.
19 - False rumour an eccentric put about (6) - {C{AN}ARD}
20 - In heart of Vietnam, blunder causes extreme fear (6) - {T}{ERROR}
24 - Italian novelist in the city centre of Bologna (3) - {EC}{O}

Saturday, 26 March 2011

No 10112, Saturday 26 Mar 11, Sankalak

Not happy with so many E's/CD's today
1   - Votive offering (9) - SACRIFICE [E]

5   - A bender close to club in the outskirts of Glendale (5) - {B}{IN}{G)(E}

8   - Swift creation – land of small people (8) - LILLIPUT [CD]
9   - Two-wheeler loses a ring to a duck (6) - SCOoTER
11 - Yogic posture (5) - ASANA [E]
Asana before Beer

Asana after Beer
12 - Very big English canal, repaired and without a trace of congestion, is fit for sailing (9) - NAVIGABLEc*
13 - An inducement to bring up what has been taken in (6) - EMETIC [E]
14 - Disinclined to work at home, with money given by state, TN, returned (8) - {IN}{DOLE}{NT<-} TN is now planning to give out Laptops as dole!!
16 - Attraction of one in a Tiffany fabrication (8) - {AFF{I}NITY*}
18 - Put in place and make ready for use by a trendy shop, say (6) - INSTAL(~in stall)
22 - He comes after one in occupation (9) - SUCCESSOR [CD]
23 - The bird to make master sound like a bird (5) - {MA}{CAW} My COD

24 - Willows, outsize, rise randomly (6) - {OS}{IERS*}
25 - A flier, say could be a defector (8) - {A}PO{STATE} Anno for PO pending (See comments)
26 - Vikings, a new inclusion amongst the French (5) - {D{A}{N}ES}
27 - A seat I can reach deviously (4, 5) - CANE CHAIR*
1   - Include vanadium and silver in disposal, save from loss (7) - {SAL{V}{AG}E}
2   - Mix-up of pictures (7) - COLLAGE [E]
3   - A ministerial pot churns out ersatz adornments (9, 6) - IMITATION PEARLS*
4   - Lizard found in Antiguan areas (6) - IGUANA [T]
5   - Non-intrusive accompaniment from Euterpe? (10, 5) - BACKGROUND MUSIC [CD] What's the Euterpe connection?
6   - Eminent person but unfit (7) - {NOT}{ABLE}
7   - Sincere set near collapse (7) - EARNEST*
10 - Where do breads come from? From a proven source (5) - OVENS [T]
15 - Supply of drugs that a good man has destroyed (5) - {ST}{ASH*}
16 - Go missing, as do some fearing apprehension (7) - ABSCOND [E]
17 - Group within a group (7) - FACTION [E]
19 - One cat and another danced with love to this music (7) - {T(O)CCATA*}
20 - On which to begin driving (3, 4) - LOW GEAR [CD]
21 - Call without notice! (4, 2) - DROP IN [CD]

Friday, 25 March 2011

No 10111, Friday 25 Mar 11, Sankalak

1   - Instrument of agreement, the best in retrospect (9) - {ACCORD}{ION<-}
5   - Dopes, transformed, sat for photos (5) - POSED*
8   - Frightening, like an adder? (6) - CREEPY [DD]
9   - Worker to run away with an eland, say (8) - {ANT}{ELOPE}
11 - Girl at home but proud about her looks (4) - {VA}{IN}
12 - International boat races designed for stunts (10) - AEROBAT(I)CS*
14 - A place to live in for a chap in extremes of affluence (5) - {A{BOD}E}
15 - The joy of French glitter (7) - {DE}{LIGHT}
16 - Greek character gives voice to thoughts (7) - {MU}{SINGS}
17 - Drum — short party article (5) - {CONG}{A}
19 - Without which guns and cannon are useless (10) - AMMUNITION [CD]
20 - Concert by professional — first in music (4) - {PRO}{M}
22 - Obviously they did not like school! (4-4) - DROP-OUTS [CD]

23 - Fleet that could give a prosecutor fire power (6) - {ARM}{A}{DA}
24 - Turn the gauge back to zero (5) - RESET [CD]
25 - The smallest and neatest test in aid distribution (9) - DAINTIEST*
1   - A recess with some ceremonial cover (6) - ALCOVE [T]
2   - They represent the elements in short (8,7) - CHEMICAL SYMBOLS [E]
3   - Cord for ensuring a tie (4) - ROPE [CD]
4   - Substance that could not shock one! (3-9) - NON-CONDUCTOR [CD]
5   - A quiet priest being sick is most common (10) - {P}{REV}{AILING}
6   - Tobacco addicts on the move need it — a coach on fire? (7,8) - SMOKING CARRIAGE [DD]
7   - Kind of eyes seen in a river pest — unusual (4-3) - {DEE}{P-SET*}
10 - Disturbing a decent siesta is made unavoidable (12) - NECESSITATED*
13 - Homeless and penniless — not working, exhausted (4-3-3) - DOWN-AND-OUT [DD]
16 - Wander aimlessly with a stingy socialist in retreat (7) - {MEAN}{DER<-}
18 - The effect of one thousand on agreement (6) - {I}{M}{PACT}
21 - Court order commonly in demand (4) - WRIT [CD]

Thursday, 24 March 2011

No 10110, Thursday 24 Mar 11, Sankalak

1   - Necessary component of avoiding population explosion (6,8) - FAMILY PLANNING [CD]

8   - A number find concealment in the freight yard (6) - EIGHTY [T]
9   - Untrue love traps abstainer with high voice (8) - {FALSE}{TT}{O}
11 - Retinue in action got off the express, say (9) - {DE{TRAIN}ED}
12 - Fine material found first in Long Island (5) - {L}{ISLE}
13 - Soldier gets on in years but copes with it (7) - {MAN}{AGES}
15 - In the process of being produced — sodium with a smell! (7) - {NA}{SCENT}
17 - Hard blows for hawks caught slipping (7) - THWACKS* (hawks+ct)
19 - A northern storm breaks bar in window (7) - {TR{A}{N}SOM*}
21 - What a doctor may do to a patient when in doubt (5) - REFER [CD]
23 - Weavers use it with control, to appear large and frightening (9) - {POWER}{LOOM}
25 - A winner, he fights for a cause (8) - CHAMPION [DD]
26 - Looking back, filing suit involving the English shows extraordinary ability (6) - {G{E}NIUS<-}
27 - Poles in dance halls rebuilt in a part of Britain (7,7) - CHA(N)NEL I(S)LANDS*
1   - Liberty got when rescued on order (7) - {FREED}{OM}
2   - Power of vision with altered start (5) - (-s+m)MIGHT
3   - The girl accountant, challenged, is lacking in vitality (9) - LETH(A)RGI(C)*
4   - A German standard accepts boy as a fictional hero (7) - {A}{LAD}{DIN}
5   - In the nose a part that is seen as a lesion (5) - NASAL [T]
6   - The total resources (less liabilities) — of a fisherman? (3,6) - NET ASSETS [CD]
7   - A wooded area for unending relaxation (6) - {FOr}{REST}
10 - The burden concerning America (4) - {ON}{US}
14 - A sudden break for media people (4,5) - NEWS FLASH [CD]
16 - Say, look carefully and see the shaft around which you walk up (9) - (~stare){STAIR}{WELL}
17 - Old land in Europe that halved the competition (6) - {THat}{RACE}
18 - Assume that the spouse is wrong to accommodate Penny (7) - {SUP{P}OSE*}
19 - The place to go to do something with enthusiasm (4) - TOWN [CD]
20 - A note repeated once by sibling in an imitative representation (7) - {MI}{ME}{SIS} If repeated it should have been MEME or MIMI
22 - The last word about an old viceroy (5) - {RIP}{ON}
24 - Bulb that may make one's mouth — and eyes — water! (5) - ONION [CD]

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

No 10109, Wednesday 23 Mar 11, Cryptonyte

8   - What the foreign minister has to deal with — infidelity perhaps (8,7) - EXTERNAL AFFAIRS [DD]
10 - Complain about new information technology asset (7) - {BE{N}EF}{IT}
11 - Disregard note on musical instrument (7) - {VIOLA}{TE}
12 - Vehicle duty for one (4) - {TAX}{I}
13 - Prearranges printed sheets to cover journalist's spectacles (9) - {FOR{ED}{OO}MS}
15 - Bird is large, fatty and has a bone (7) - {OS}{T}{RICH}
17 - Painting admittedly used for one-time love (7) - {I'M}{PAST}{O}
19 - Viler pig I sloshed — it's my prerogative (9) - PRIVILEGE*
21 - The first lady's right. Always (4) - {EVE}{R}
24 - The Fuhrer has kept us captive with no one. Shrewd, unscrupulous man (7) - {H(-i){US}TLER}
25 - Exiles from toppled regimes (7) - EMIGRES*
26 - I won't pen that nonsense for the communist party (5,3,4,3) - {PAINT THE TOWN*} {RED}
1   - Match between local rivals in the German Bundesliga's first year (5) - {DER}{B}{Y}
2   - Writer's block in a poem? (6) - STANZA [CD]
3   - Writing on the wall: perhaps Steffi's in good shape to be number one (8) - {GRAF}{FIT}{I}
4   - What Gandhi was or what he made at Dandi? (4,2,3,5) - SALT OF THE EARTH [DD]

5   - Have the means for gold for daughter after a frantic fear initially (6) - {A}{F}{F}{OR}{D}
6   - Movies feature a lot of love for bullfighters (8) - {PIC{ADORe}S}
7   - Gossip when one is hugged by somebody (9) - {AS}{PERS{I}ON}
9   - Vestment raised in the wind for promotions (14) - ADVERTISEMENTS*
14 - Cap shop is dirty, pieces of cleansers needed (4,5) - SOAP CHIPS*
16 - Sudden fall as anti-slip fails (8) - TAILSPIN*
18 - Soft dismissals being double-checked with trial versions (8) - {P}{REVIEWS}
20 - Is leader of Nigeria allowed to come in at entrances? (6) - {I{N}{LET}S}
22 - Mistakes brought about by hesitation to take right alternative (the second) (6) - {ER}{R}{OR}{S}
23 - Away team's first class, at the top (5) - {A}{SIDE}

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

No 10108, Tuesday 22 Mar 11, Spiffytrix

1   - A queen's fit and fertile (6) - {A}{R}{ABLE}
5   - Drink outside good hotel with novice (8) - {BE{G}{INN}ER}
9   - Copper fixed cocaine deals here? (3-2-3) - {CU}{L-DE-SA(C)*} &lit
10 - Observe soldiers going in to write using special symbols (6) - {NO{TA}TE}
11 - Pass by polar bear (4-8) - {COLD}-{SHOULDER}

13 - Setter ‘n' solver discussed available options (4) - {ME}{N}{U}
14 - Word play for beginners — any crossword rookie oughta solve this inept clue (8) - {A}{C}{R}{O}{S}{T}{I}{C} My COD
17 - Nourishment for Lent or Ramadan? (4,4) - FAST FOOD &lit
18 - Partner ditched Democrat for Republican judge (4) - (-d+r)RATE
20 - King eats at Spain's troubled old province (4,8) - EAST PA(K)ISTAN*
23 - Fruit ignited oriental life force (6) - {LIT}{CHI}
24 - Intellectuals' empty on the top? (8) - {EGG}{HEADS}
25 - Signs like 14? (8) - INITIALS [DD]
26 - Consider fools' point (6) - {ASSES}{S}
2   - Crush fish after removing its head (4) - tROUT
3   - Casualties in census? (4,5) - BODY COUNT [DD]
4   - Loans left to go down with supports (6) - (-l)EASE(+l)LS
5   - Perhaps disc brakes avert these causes of accidents? (8,7) - BACKSEAT DRIVERS* Unfortunately my car doesn't have Disc Brakes!
6   - Crowd incited riot at glacier (8) - {GANG}{OTRI*}
7   - No one in this north Indian hill station is a native (5) - NAiniTAL
8   - Sexist term created for fanatics (10) - EXTREMISTS*
12 - Return mimic's share and break-up (10) - {SEPA<-}{RATION}
15 - They dash for special computer accessories (9) - {S}{PRINTERS}
16 - Male about a woman — the one with a priceless smile (4,4) - {M}{ON}{A} {LISA}
19 - Part of flower for Mark (6) - STIGMA [DD]
21 - Kolkata city's silent (5) - TACIT [T]
22 - Stirs up fizzy drink (4) - ADOS <-

Monday, 21 March 2011

No 10107, Monday 21 Mar 11, Spiffytrix

1   - Fool jumped without velocity and attacked (9) - {ASS}{vAULTED}
6   - Referring to a period (5) - {A}{BOUT}
9   - Head off to discover American river (5) - {fIND}{US}
10 - Almost cover male revolutionary (9) - {INSURe}{GENT}
11 - Anti US missile initially got lost in a storm (7) - TSUNA(M)I*
12 - What? He is mad to display godlessness (7) - ATHEISM [T]
13 - Santa's leg? (8,6) - STOCKING FILLER [CD]
17 - Maoist problem could be a reason for divorce? (8,6) - DOMESTIC CRISIS [DD]
21 - It's a bit late in the day for ironing (7) - EVENING [DD]
23 - Meeting opponents beside a tower (7) - {S}{E}{MINAR}
25 - Haul on ice troubled Communist leader (4,2-3) - CHOU EN-LAI*
26 - The old people's country (5) - {YE}{MEN}
27 - Fire on body (5) - SHELL [CD]
28 - After a change of heart sir opens unexpected gifts (9) - {S(-i+u)UR}{PRISES}
1   - Tough exam undertaken by a detective? (4,4) - {A}{CID} {TEST}
2   - Saint's upset with shelter lacking finish (5) - {SAD}{HUt}
3   - Release disheartened relative outside hut (9) - {UN{SHACK}cLE}
4   - Unsupported belief's not popular in education (7) - inTUITION
5   - Spiffytrix would turn up with man for women's work (7) - {DI<-}{STAFF}
6   - Disgusted expression starts to annoy and repulse girl's husband (5) - {A}{A}{R}{G}{H}
7   - Jokes about English ships (3-6) - {ON}{E}-{LINERS}
8   - Japanese rush to rag French friend (6) - {TAT}{AMI}
14 - A thing that's maximum over Antarctica? (5,4) - OZONE HOLE [CD]
15 - Madly love and marry old English Magistrate (4,5) - L(O)RD MAYOR*
16 - Old female rulers exploited artisans (8) - TSARINAS*
18 - Changes glasses after changing top (7) - (-g+t)TOGGLES
19 - Charlie's a more timid accountant (7) - CASHIERl* (Correction - {C}{A}{SHIER} - See comments)
20 - Evades bootleggers? (6) - FENCES [DD]
22 - Current business is perfect (5) - {I}{DEAL}
24 - Anaesthetises digits without hesitation (5) - NUMBerS

Sunday, 20 March 2011

No 2626 Sunday 20 Mar 11

1/6/9   - Politician very lively at social event? (3,4,3,4,2,3,5) - THE LIFE AND SOUL OF THE PARTY [CD]
10 - Filthy place close to stable, an eyesore (4) - {STY}{E}
12 - A US art critic upset Thomas Nast, for example (12) - CARICATURIST*
15 - Leave a ring on (7) - {A}{BAND}{ON}
16 - Contact one in salon I refurbished (7) - L(I)AISON*
17 - A room's musty stocked with old sherry (7) - {AMOROS*}{O}
19 - City left by British in ruins, after bombing (7) - {L}{IS{B}URN*}
20 - Fail to win card game so become exasperated (4,8) - {LOSE} {PATIENCE}
23 - Catch learner driver, man going the wrong way (4) - {NAI<-}{L}
24 - Language that may make native seem shocked (10) - VIETNAMESE*
25 - Take off around start of summer recess (4) - {AP{S}E}
26 - Dish in B&B - his hake's fantastic (5,5) - SHISH KEBAB*
1   - System of weights used for precious metals in ancient city (4) - TROY [DD]
2   - British painter and philanthropist beheaded (4) - gETTY
3   - Plant in pond, and clay pipe, oddly (7,5) - ICELAND POPPY*
4   - Joy, family member appearing topless (7) - rELATION
5   - Two things used in tennis game (7) - {NET}{BALL}
7   - For a starter, publisher is entertaining ten on new A list circuit (6,4) - {O{X}{TAIL S*}{O}UP} 
8   - Officer in place with leaseholder (10) - {LIEU}{TENANT}
11 - Hebridean island policeman is over in Sark for a film (8,4) - {JURA}{S{SI<-}{C P<}ARK}
13 - A cab's crashed going over windy canal in Moroccan city (10) - {CASAB*}{LANCA*}
14 - They may be expressly provided for the rest of the Continental passengers (6-4) - WAGONS-LITS [CD] Had to cheat for this one
18 - Drunken sot, affluent one who ignores home truths? (7) - {OST*}{RICH}
19 - The father of Odysseus relates badly (7) - LAERTES*
21 - Rosemary, for example, is from Frobisher Bay (4) - HERB [T]
22 - Swimmer in book caught in trap (4) - {WE{B}B}

Saturday, 19 March 2011

No 10106, Saturday 19 Mar 11, Neyartha

Neyartha having an early Diwali this year? But why in South India only?
Stumped by some annotations.
1   - Global warming accelerator? (10,3) - GREENHOUSE GAS [E]
9   - Bose's forces accepted the retail arrangement, among other things (5,4) - {IN{TER ALI*}A}
10 - Something corroborated in the discourse (5) - ORATE [T]
11 - Odd description, but they are not of some tennis returns (7) - TWISTED [CD?] Anno pending (Addendum - TW(-o f)ISTED - See comments)
13 - Crude tin desk is the least cold (7) - KINDEST*
14 - Mend split seams on the westbound German river (5) - RESEW <-
15 - Liberate mankind in democratic countries as a whole (4,5) - {FREE} {WORLD}
17 - Endorses bar packed with baseball catchers (9) - {BACK{STOP}S}
18 - Gift obtained by force in North Dakota for a pound (5) - E{ND}OW Anno pending (Addendum - E(-lb+nd)NDOW - See comments)
20 - Locate Gold Street before getting to the plain (7) - {AU}{ST}{ERE}
22 - Being out of debt, the untidy person advanced his love for the model (7) - {S(+o)OL(-o)VEN}{T}
23 - Bond found in cuprite mixture missing chromium (3-2) - TIE-UPcr*
24 - Capital leader (9) - PRINCIPAL [DD]
26 - Having an amiable disposition, one gets hardened candy first (5-8) - {SWEET} {TEMPERED}
1   - Sai leaves upset geriatrist on vehicle used for road maintenance (7) - GRITTERsai*
2   - Foreign inciters, agitated, circle the marked spot (9) - {E{X}TRINSIC*}
3   - Trouble for the audience at the gate (3) - NOR Anno pending
4   - Greased to get the contents of the octroi ledgers (5) - OILED [T]
5   - Castle surrounded by lights needed for Diwali in south India (9) - {SPARKLE{R}S}
6   - Pitch with spin needed for Diwali in south India (6,5) - {GROUND} {WHEEL}
7   - Adder, say, in a loop (5) - SNAKE [DD]
8   - Let lift stop to take knight aboard (6) - RE(-s+n)NTED (Addendum - RE{N}TED<- See comments)

12 - Pole's new top designed by some villagers? Not exactly! (11) - TOWNSPEOPLE*
15 - Open urn needed for Diwali in south India (9) - {FLOWER}{POT}
16 - Tabasco given to the German from the south before the shower (3,6) - {RED<-} {PEPPER}
17 - Skin deep aspect stressing character's importance? (6) - BEAUTY [CD]
19 - Chattered after commencement about being fenced with interwoven stakes (7) - (-t+w)WATTLED Not sure of Anno (see comments)
21 - Auditor's hint about the glasses (5) - SPECS (~specks)
22 - Rising noise in the quarter is hurtful (5) - {S{NID<-}E}
25 - Restrict rest of Norse chief forced out by Charlie (3) - (-n+c)CAP

Friday, 18 March 2011

No 10105, Friday 18 Mar 11, Neyartha

Photography is the theme today
1   - Quality of being firm shown by the missing model's stoicism (9) - StOLIDNESS
6   - One-hit wonder in the pan? (5) - FLASH [CD]
9   - Indicate ignorance about English rugby selection (5) - SHRUG [T]
10 - Sinhala composition describing Greece as paradise (7-2) - {SHAN{GR}I-LA*}
11 - Choose an Egyptian god for Agamemnon's daughter (7) - {ELECT}{RA}
12 - Accelerate when coming back to take the bed around to the private (6) - {CO{VER<-}T}
14 - Motionless picture? (5) - STILL [DD]
15 - Doctor, idling, brings the fool back inside with some musical notes (9) - {GLI{SSA<-}NDI*}
17 - Chemical processing requiring the fool's evaluation (9) - {NIT}{RATING}
19 - Female taking apprentice out in situation needing attention (5) - {F}{lOCUS}
20 - The French gangster arrested with thorium was quite dangerous (6) - {LE}{TH}{AL}
22 - Blind athlete abandons pot by mistake (7) - SH(-otp*)UTTER
24 - Resolved disagreement after removal of dam in the African plain (9) - SERENGETIdam*
25 - Rain god at home moving all the way back to exhaust … (5) - (-in)DRA(+in)IN
26 - … the messenger and misdirect the blame (5) - SHOOT [CD]
27 - Flying argus seen by Adam's son reportedly near the molasses source (9) - {SUGAR*}{CANE}(~cain)
1   - These IT workers improve the efficiency of complex processes (7,8) - SYSTEMS ANALYSTS [E]

2   - Army officer securing arsenic compound from a thief (9) - {L{ARCENIS*}T}
3   - I'd go up with Gita for the first lesson about a type of computer (7) - {DI<-}{GITA}{L}
4   - This English region is against ale brewing (4,6) - EAST ANGLIA*
5   - To reel in the catch, go west instead of north (4) - S(-n+w)WAG
6   - Ferocious savage does fight for the non-adhesive sticks (7) - FAGGOTS Anno pending (Addendum - FAGGOTSadhesive* - See comments)
7   - Alert letters from the magi leaders (5) - AGILE [T]
8   - Protection against crazy medical bills (6,9) - HEALTH INSURANCE [CD]
13 - Pluto's blast in Germany's capital was outrageous (10) - {DIS}{GUST}{IN}{G}
16 - Built up anticipation after tip off about a much-hated plant family (9) - NICOTIANAtip*
18 - Opposed to getting profits in Austria (7) - {A{GAINS}T}
19 - Architect's break down … (7) - FOUNDER [DD]
21 - … at the sound of a ripped stitch from the body (5) - (~tore){TOR}{SO}(~sew)
23 - Fresnel somewhat upset by his own invention? (4) - LENS [T<-]

Thursday, 17 March 2011

No 10104, Thursday 17 Mar 11, M Manna

1   - Something for the editor to consider (7) - ARTICLE [DD}
5   - Heroic lover (7) - GALLANT [DD]
9   - I'm with Nolan, working for an inconsiderable amount (7) - NOMINAL*
10 - Critically watch, to ascertain a fact (7) -  OBSERVE [CD]
11 - The stage, especially of an ancient Greek theatre (5) - SCENE [E]
12 - To cut around royal insignia shows a democratic spirit (9) - {TO}{L{ER}ANCE}
13 - Cures a patchy tan it does work (9) - ANTIDOTES*
15 - Engagement ring (5) - ARENA [CD]
16 - Duck out of a ride to east (5) - {(E)IDER*}
18 - Picking up a hoop for the others to go through (9) - {A{R{REST}ING}
21 - Will meant to go straight following an investigation (9) - {TEST}{AMENT*}
24 - Anil goes around to meet her (5) - {IL{O}NA*}
25 - A model left Costa Rica going round the island! (7) - CORSICAt* (Correction - CORSICAat* - See comments)
26 - A Marine flier (7) - SEABIRD [E]
27 - He wastes time to swindle (7) - DIDDLER [DD]
28 - Rex ordered to meet the most violent (7) - EXTREME*
1   - Why a name is bound to be forgotten (7) - AMNESIA*+&lit
2   - Play of violent disturbance (7) - TEMPEST [DD]
3   - Competitor not in favour of a certain proposal (9) - {CON}{TENDER}
4   - The French cat has a striking effect (5) - ECLAT* (le+cat)
5   - A poor keeper, but a sport? (4,5) - GOOD LOSER [DD]
6   - Amplify light to a narrow and intense beam (5) - LASER [E]
7   - Make plans to work out an agreement (7) - ARRANGE [DD]
8   - Girl we see about going into the Salvation Army (7) - {THE}{RE}{SA}
14 - Sales not too bad at the business show (5,4) - {TRADE} {FAIR}
15 - When put out over a worker he's really aggressive (9) - {ASSAIL}{ANT}
16 - Tempted one to lead him astray (7) - ENTICED [CD]
17 - Wanted to see a baronet in action (7) - {DE{SIR}ED}
19 - Revere greatly (7) - IDOLISE [E]
20 - Garden redesigned by English aristocrat (7) - {GRANDE*}{E}
22 - Cut off trouble that relates to alliance of powers (5) - {AX}{IAL*}
23 - A test made by eating a small portion (5) - TASTE* &lit

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

No 10103, Wednesday 16 Mar 11, M Manna

1   - I look inside and find some flavouring (7) - {AN{I}{SEE}D}
5   - A mate and experts live in very large splendid houses (7) - {PAL}{ACES}
9   - Imitation glue (5) - PASTE [DD]
10 - Abnormal state of mind (9) - AFFECTION [CD]
11 - On road, Rose parches by heat (6) - ROA{ST}S Anno pending
12 - The French International Organisation can cope with luxury (8) - OPULENCE* (le+un +cope) AInd ?
14 - Properly treat various species of tropical freshwater fishes (5) - TETRA*
15 - Helping as to make notes about being first (9) - {AS}{S{I'ST}ING}
18 - The sovereign taken in by an alien assassin (9) - {STRANG{L}ER}
20 - The French map is large enough (5) - AMPLE* (map+le)
22 - Point to publication which is revolting (8) - {S}{EDITION} Click on the image to see the wording below it.
24 - Same as bury, inter (6) - ENTOMB [E]
26 - Foreign boy accepted first of all was put off (9) - {ALIEN}{A}{TED}
27 - Beyond the usual course (5) - EXTRA [CD]
28 - The director is a good man always with royalty (7) - {ST}{EER}{ER}
29 - Need to positively tell off the rude fool (7) - {ASS}{URED*}
1   - Communist party organisation is given American equipment (9) - {APPARAT}{US}
2   - Brown's filling in a good man, taking only a moment (7) - {IN}{S{TAN}T}
3   - Contemplates exercise for a personal problem (3,6) - {EYE S}{TRAIN} My COD

4   - Cause to flow out of the ward in proper order (4) - DRAW*
5   - Is it publicised as suitable for pie making? (4,6) - PUFF PASTRY &lit
6   - Person belonging to a particular area (5) - LOCAL [CD]
7   - I break into song before I drink in Italy (7) - {CH{I}ANT}{I}
8   - Feel for the marbles! (5) - SENSE [DD]
13 - Room to drink for the concierge (4,6) - {HALL} {PORTER}
16 - Immaculate nails Tess trimmed (9) - STAINLESS*
17 - Large jar of liquor for a grizzled old fellow (9) - GREYBEARD [DD]
19 - Dinner we served with Burgundy or 7 down (3,4) - RED WINE* Looks like the overenthusiastic editorial staff made 'Diner' into 'Dinner' ?
21 - A conspiratorial radar operator (7) - PLOTTER [DD]
22 - Casts one's eyes over a small tin (5) - {S}{CANS}
23 - For the exact wording of a document use right note (5) - {TENOR*}

25 - Notion not quite perfect (4) - IDEAl