Wednesday 2 March 2011

No 10091, Wednesday 02 Mar 11, Nita Jaggi

8   - Fulfilling the needs of one's own desires, maybe (4,10) - SELF INDULGENCE [CD]
9   - Makes copies of the furnaces (6) - FORGES [DD]
10 - Kind of an open letter (8) - POSTCARD [CD]
11 - Soundly support the following team in an army jail (8) - {STOCK}{ADE}(~aid)
13 - Murphy's first small circular current of liquids (6) - {EDDIE}{S}
14 - Universal brand displayed in an African city (6) - {D{U}RBAN*}
16 - God of the Nile has no English title in Iceland (6) - {O}{SIR}{IS}
19 - Girl applies lip solvent (6) - {MEG}{ILP*}
21 - Storage vessels have top removed of the moth repellent for odd apes (8) - {cAMPHOR}{ApEs}
23 - Not a duplicate one (8) - ORIGINAL [E]
24 - Intrude upon popular Dave is shocking (6) - {IN}{VADE*}
26 - Not good enough for settling us in at the small foundry (14) - {UNSATI*}{S}{FACTORY}
1   - Protected the key letters of a plan to read out at midday (8) - {ESC}{ORTEDa*} 
2   - Block the publicity (4) - PLUG [DD]
3   - First-class party has no sign of revellers in front (6) - FIESTA  Anno pending
4   - Customised a cushion set-up for Edward (7) - {A}{DAP<-}{TED}
5   - Curls set differently for star groups (8) - CLUSTERS*
6   - A crime doer settles in the mountain range (10) - MERCEDARIO* Mercedario is the highest peak of the Cordillera de la Ramada range and not a range as shown in the clue
7   - Add up the bill in the register finally for you to check in between (6) - {ACC}{R}{U}{E}
12 - Heart disorders maybe traced by this method (10) - CARDIOGRAM [CD]
15 - Add nine to the schedule (8) - {APPEND}{IX}
17 - Substitutes in a cricket team (8) - STANDBYS [E]
18 - Suffer defeat wide of the mark at a lower position (4,3) - {FALL} {OFF}
20 - Straying ringleader is in for a long stretch with the scriptures (6) - E{R}RING Anno pending (Addendum - {ER{R}A}{NT} - See comments)
22 - King's issue will engrave most of the church (6) - {PRINt}{CE}
25 - Old instrument, a symbol of modesty is missing in Egypt (4) - {VeI{O}L} O from Old?


  1. 20 - Straying ringleader is in for a long stretch with the scriptures (6) - E{R}RING Anno pending


  2. Clear weather expected tomorrow.

  3. How many more, Colonel? I miss my daily dose of CW ;-(

  4. Today's must be the caboose, Gita.

  5. Gita,
    Kishore has given the weather forecast for tomorrow.

  6. Awesome! Sunny, and no ambiguity! Looking forward to it.

  7. Midday is 'A' today and noon was 'M' the other day!! By logic,A=M !!

  8. what is the clue to get "esc"

    1 - Protected the key letters of a plan to read out at midday (8) - {ESC}{ORTEDa*}

  9. key letter-Esc on a computer keyboard

  10. For those interested, Lloyd's Aha puzzles are up at:

  11. Any guesses on the anno for 3D - FIESTA?

  12. First-class party has no sign of revellers in front

    My take (though I do not appreciate it myself !)

    First class=fairest
    no sign of=deletion indicator
    revellers in front = r
    No anagrind.

  13. @Kishore: Checked the AHA puzzles site. Congrats! Hope you win the prize this month :)

  14. Sandy, I usually get all korrect as I have this month too, but not the prize. ;-) Thanks for your wishes.

  15. Many times I am the first to qualify (not yesterday, I was the 4th), but Lloyd's hat seems to have a strange fascination for retaining the slip with my name.

  16. BTW, for the record, my today's opening post is the shortest in nearly an year.

  17. Kishore-I hope it is so including future as well !

  18. Did not do yesterday's 'puzzle'
    My take for 3 down
    First-class party has no sign of revellers in front (6) - FIESTA Anno pending

    Fi(-v)e Sta(-r)
    First-Class - Five Star!
    no - deletion indicator
    v - sign
    r - revellers in front

  19. Bravo, Ajeesh. You seem to have hammered the tack on its top.

  20. Wonder if AJ can tell us which anno was in NJ's mind.
