Sunday 11 September 2011

No 2651, Sunday 11 Sep 11

1   - Cheek from defensive player about bowler, for example (8) - BACKCHAT {BACK}{C}{HAT}
5   - Child aboard very old snowmobile (6) - SKIDOO {S{KID}O}{O}
9   - Work on cheek with second cosmetic (8) - LIPSTICK {LIP}{S}{TICK}
10 - Embarrassed top MP (6) - REDCAP {RED}{CAP}
11 - Order in Japanese dictionaries (5) - EDICT [T]
13 - Stands down, putting seaman in charge during engagements (9) - ABDICATES {AB}{D{IC}ATES}
15 - Male injured too, unfortunately, in play (5,3,6) - ROMEO AND JULIET*
18 - Is in charge of a disciplined organisation in Hastings - Ruth, I suspect, ahead of Penny (4,1,5,4) - RUNS A TIGHT SHIP {RUNS A TIGHT SHI*}{P}
20 - Edible fruit in cask we brought back - money's needed upfront? (6,3) - CASHEW NUT {CASH}{EW<-} {NUT<-}
22 - Sponger left separately, reportedly (5) - LEECH {L}{EECH}(~each)
23 - Join a navy? I may have (6) - SEAMAN {SEAM}{A}{N}
24 - Speak amusingly about very loud artist producing rubbish (8) - RIFFRAFF {RI{FF}{RA}FF}
26 - Favour parking by river - could be free (6) - PREFER {P}{R}{EFER*}
27 - Hairstyle of son, top dog around family (8) - SKINHEAD {S}{KIN}{HEAD}
1   - British tree with less on top (6) - BALDER {B}{ALDER}
2   - Sign of growth to the south of island off Italy (9) - CAPRICORN {CAPRI}{CORN}
3   - Lower score (3) - CUT [DD]
4   - Praise Catholic priest during hostilities (11) - ACCLAMATION {AC{C}{LAMA}TION}
6   - Remain brief, and don't reveal one's thoughts (4,7) - KEEP COUNSEL {KEEP} {COUNSEL}
7   - Old coin adult found in passage (5) - DUCAT {DUC{A}T}
8   - Facing one's counterpart on location (8) - OPPOSITE OPPO{SITE}
12 - Book at that time peaked (a novel) (3,5,3) - THE NAKED APE {THE N}{AKED (A)PE*}
14 - Brought about, as if by magic? (3,3,5) - DID THE TRICK [CD]
16 - Travel from place to place in Italy with nervous trainee (9) - ITINERATE {IT}{INERATE*}
17 - Expert on drink has a breakdown (6,2) - CRACKS UP {CRACK}{S UP}
19 - Irritated husband in coffee shop, then daughter (6) - CHAFED {C{H}AFE}{D}
21 - Husband admitting love for Italian wine (5) - SOAVE {S{O}AVE}
25 - Endless finance for entertainment (3) - FUN FUNd 


  1. Very nice crossword with some clever and elegant clues.
    Also just completed yesterday's UK Independent, which was very cleverly themed around The Last Night of the Proms.

  2. Yes, a good one. What is a redcap? Military Police or a goblin?

  3. Mathi,

    Redcap is Military Police. Even in the Indian Army the Military Police personnel wear Red Caps.

  4. From yesterday's Times Concise in HT:

    African antelope (5)
    Instead of the usual OKAPI, this time it was ORIBI!

    There was a Xing clue:
    Heyerdahl's raft (3,4) KON TIKI
    which led to the answer.
