6 Largely decorated room with works of art (7) GALLERY*
7 Receive order (7) COMMAND [DD]
9 Belittle a foundation (5) ABASE {A}{BASE}
10 It leaves our mark all over (6,3) INDIAN INK [CD]
11 Backing Avatar or Public Enemies to win a fair share (3,4) PRO RATA [T]
13 Estimate of yield and profit in the end (6) BUDGET {BUDGE}{
15 Coppola say, went ahead of time directing this classic (10,3) APOCALYPSE NOW
19 Whatever Solomon had perhaps Norman did too (6) WISDOM [DD]
20 Fighters on horseback left to the east, in a great ordeal (7) CAVALRY CA(-l)VA(+l)RY
23 Nourishment gotten from fruit, Iron it provides (9) NUTRITION {NUT}{IRON+IT}*
24 Old lady with UN diplomat from the east (5) NANNA <=
26 Birds flying to caves (7) AVOCETS*
27 Recipe is too complex and time consuming to make, a rice dish (7) RISOTTO {R}{IS}{OT{T}O*}
1 Appeal from section of the people affected (4) PLEA [T]
2 Swelling made one extremely uncomfortable (6) OEDEMA {MADE+O
3 In the usual way, extremely touchy picture had everybody cryin' at heart (9) TYPICALLY {T
4 Green tea and rum starting to make one dizzy (8) IMMATURE {TEA+RUM+M
5 Pal and I go down to swim in shallow waters (6,4) WADING POOL {PAL+I+GO+DOWN}*
6 Catch son leaving with dad's brandy (6) GRAPPA {GRA
7 Abandon children, say (4) CEDE (~seed)
8 Information about old king living up in a North American region (6) DAKOTA {DA{K}{O}<=TA}
12 Resentment of old political leader is awkward during election (10) OPPOSITION {O}{P}{POSITION}
14 Classic main course, mostly where the focus is (9) EPICENTRE
16 Option to include topping of chocolate and that of strawberries in a dessert (4-4) CHOC-ICES {CHO{C}-ICE}{S} That should have been 'in desserts'.
17 War ravaged and split the country (6) RWANDA {WAR}*{AND}*
18 Deputy to Prime Minister, an energetic person (6) DYNAMO {DY}{NAMO}
21 Disappear in a vehicle with one's husband (6) VANISH {VAN}{1'S}{H}
22 Bends and hits (4) TIPS [DD]
25 Sign a letter (4) NOTE [DD] ?