Saturday 20 September 2014

No. 11195, Saturday 20 Sep 14, Arden

Good tricky puzzle. Lot of good clues as one expects from Arden, but DISPATCH is my COD for the devious surface that had nothing to do with the final answer.

1 Strangely, See inner fury misdirected (6) EERILY [see=ELY fury=IRE<=]
4 Beading of silver in starry environs (8) ASTRAGAL [silver=AG inside starry=ASTRAL]
10 Material man, first take note (9) GEORGETTE [man=GEORGE + Take + note=TE]
11 Saying man follows one God (in Latin) (5) IDIOM [1 + DIO + Man] Dio is Italian for God?
12 Singlet used to shine (7) GLISTEN [SINGLET]*
13 Show two workers (7) PAGEANT [workers= PAGE, ANT]
14 Not hard to cross river with a pole, for example (5) NORTH [NOT + Hard outside River]
15 Fish on top of a menu for the perfectionist (8) IDEALIST [fish=IDE + A + menu=LIST]
18 Ship well inside the channel (8) DISPATCH [well=SPA inside channel=DITCH]
20 May be mousetrap on a flat ground (5) PLAYA [mousetrap=PLAY + A]
23 Comeback with funny old priest (7) RIPOSTE [Old PRIEST]*
25 Her report on the whole thing (7) SHEBANG [her=SHE + report=BANG]
26 An issue about never-ending crime (5) ARSON [an issue=A SON outside neveR]
27 Land here to redo works in a capital city (9) AERODROME [REDO* inside A + capital city=ROME]
28 Dampen subject of recent medical research (4,4) STEM CELL [Anno pending] (Addendum - {STEM} {CELL} - See comments)
29 Diamond shaped gallery's not large (6) ARGYLE [GAlLERY]* shaped on double duty?

1 Fascinating to know England is getting old (8) ENGAGING [ENGland + is getting old=AGING]
2 Bigger or more independent, perhaps (7) ROOMIER [OR MORE Independent]*
3 His plight at sea with the beacon (9) LIGHTSHIP [HIS PLIGHT]*
5 Runners set off — people without work mix some drinks (14) STEEPLECHASERS [SET* + PEopLE* + CHASERS]
6 Regretting the absence of law in the judgement (5) RUING [judgement=RUlING]
7 Instruments to place it in sugar solution (7) GUITARS [IT inside SUGAR]
8 Stops militants fighting, sacks worker (6) LIMITS [MILITantS]*
9 Agent in hit list turns unpleasant in the end (5,2,3,4) STING IN THE TAIL [AGENT IN HIT LIST]*
16 Spooner's horse is numero uno — he can follow one from a distance (3,6) LIP READER [~horse=RIP number uno=LEADER]

Cartoon by Rishi

17 Frenchman chases criminals — it could be life threatening (8) GANGRENE [criminals=GANG + Frenchman=RENE]
19 Logjam that is keeping our representatives crowding around thus (7) IMPASSE [that is=I E outside our representatives=MPS outside thus=AS]
21 A group's on my subject (7) ANATOMY [A + group=NATO + MY]
22 Is apprehensive about excluding fathers (6) DREADS [about=RE inside fathers=DADS]
24 Appreciation cut short due to noise (5) SONIC [appreciation=SO NICe]


  1. I think 28A is {STEM} {CELL} with 'subject' on double duty

  2. Husband: Vairam, naekku laesa... (He is trying to tell his wife Vairam that he has mild pain)

  3. 28A- I thought 'dampen' leads to stem. But I am not able to proceed further.
    Happy I got quite a few, sad I missed a few.
    I liked 14A. With 'cross river' and pole, I was thinking of a different pole for a long time until I headed North.

  4. Chaser as a drink was new to me. Thank you Bhavan.
    Bhavan's bloogging looks different from his usual style (except for the opening remarks)

  5. Nice one from Arden
    Does 20A work? Missing 'The' & capitalization issue

  6. Met a sturdy roadblock in South-East corner! Was happy with other 'corners' though. Thank you Arden.

    1. Initially I thought the roadblock was somewhere in Hyd.!

  7. You're right. Should be The Mousetrap.

    Also felt George for man in 10a was unfair.

  8. Paddy: Thank you Raju for those lovely examples, needing quite a bit of lateral thinking (as you put it) You rembered those clues offhand?

    They were three days old after appearance and hence I recalled them easily !

    Again, whilst on memory recall, Have ye-all had any difficulty in solving some of the old crosswords afresh , say after a few months or years? Or have been able to recall the answers in any later versions by any of the compilers? --apart from ADAMANT which is a favourite for many?

  9. 25 across: SHEBANG: not t be confused with SHEBEEN which is low illicit hooch joint, where aunties are in charge ( invariably Goan !) ! Been there many a times in Colaba Bombay and had escaped bangs with the long arm of the law !!

  10. Very interesting xie.SE corner failed me.(playa,anatomy&argyle)I couldn't make.I could crack seemingly tough ones as in the case of astragal but miserably failed to catch anatomy.Anyway We could relish a wonderful weekend puzzle.Thank you Arden.

  11. Raghunath@10:25: Also felt George for man in 10a was unfair.


    1. Because it's a proper noun and there are thousands to choose from. Without crossings it's difficult to get the answer. Commonlu sed ones like Ed, Mac are OK.

    2. I think that's a bit arbitrary. The reason why ED, MAC, RON etc. are commonly used is because those combinations occur more often in words than GEORGE does, yet they are all proper nouns.

  12. Congrats Kishore on winning the 1st round of IXL 2014.
