Thursday, 31 March 2016

No 11664, Thursday 31 Mar 2016, Vulcan

1   Prepare a report about India's capital city (8) PRETORIA {A+REPORT}* aroind {India}
5   European style (6) POLISH [DD]
10 Hear about old divorced female becoming a crime boss! (9) GODFATHER {G{O}{D}{F}ATHER}
11 Scenes from Eclipse (5) CLIPS [T]
12 A very bitter dressing to taste (6) SAVOUR {S{A}{V}OUR}
13 Manage to rope in our male connoisseur (7) GOURMET {G{OUR}{M}ET}
14 Method followed by an American state, for the most part, to develop uncultivated stretch (8) MOORLAND {MO}{OR}LAND  Anno pending
15 England's leading trial judge backing/ protecting the rich (3,3) JET SET {Judge}{E}{T SET<=}
18 Old follower of street band (6) STRIPE {ST}{RIPE}
20 In U.S., coated with lead? Deem unfit (8) ENAMELED* (Addendum - Error in fodder - See comments)
22 You don't need any written material to do this (3-4) LIP-READ [CD]
25 Red polish that's mostly expensive (6) RUBRIC {RUB}{RICh}
27 Primarily crass and vulgar (5) CRUDE {Crass}{RUDE} Semi&lit
28 Bizarre U-turn Alan made (9) UNNATURAL*
29 Be around to participate in meeting/ discussion (6) DEBATE {D{EB<=}ATE}
30 Oddly eager to change suppressing envy (8) BEGRUDGE {B{EaGeR}UDGE}

1   Call out for bellboy (4) PAGE [DD]
2   Attempt to complete under any circumstances, say (9) ENDEAVOUR {END}{EAVOUR} (~ever)
3   Experiencing success without end, having a ball (2,1,4) ON A ROLL {wON} {A} {ROLL} Success on double duty?
4   At home guy takes a break — it's natural (8) INHERENT {IN}{HE}{RENT}
6   Stop upcoming company getting a hint about the beginning of downtrend (7) OCCLUDE {OC<=}{CLU{Do...d}E}
7   Expression coming from mostly stupid men at the top (5) IDIOM {IDIOt}{Men}
8   Wavered after the date is fixed (9) HESITATED*
9   Pull a paper with a note on top (4) DRAG {D}{RAG}
14 Misguided MCP ladies thrashed (9) MISPLACED*
16 Old desire somehow fulfilled — served in the army (9) SOLDIERED*
17 Fascinate with approach (8) ENTRANCE [DD]
19 Offer to host (7) PRESENT [DD]
21 Second suspect, best ringleader, member of a crime syndicate (7) MOBSTER {MO}{BEST*}{Ring}
23 This is what the fruit sounds like when pronounced exactly (5) PLUMB (~plum)
24 Down with stroke, beat (4) DRUB {D}{RUB}
26 What is this? Hint to get letters basically in (4) CLUE {C{Le...s}UE}


Wednesday, 30 March 2016

No 11663, Wednesday 30 Mar 2016, Lightning

1   Save criminal valet (8) CONSERVE {CON}{SERVE}
5   Swear by a fellow organisation (6) AFFIRM {A}{F}{FIRM}
9   Chapter we learn has to be rewritten by novelist (8)  LAWRENCE {C+WE+LEARN}*
10 Country ruled primarily by an extremist group in a state of distress (6) CRISIS {Co...y}{Ru..d}{ISIS}
12 A fight’s close (5) ABOUT {A}{BOUT}
13 Respect order to stop working at national church (9) OBEDIENCE {OBE}{DIE}{N}{CE}
14 Secret agent covering thousand international miles — not enough? (6) SKIMPY {S{K}{I}{M}PY}
16 Boss that makes a gent grow older by end of hour (7) MANAGER {MAN}{AGE}{houR}
19 Annoyance at communist disrupting prosperity (7) BOREDOM {BO{RED}OM}
21 Trade exposed resistance to accept final amendment (6) BARTER {BAR{a...nT}E}{R}
23 Most voters care for a change, respond strongly (9) OVERREACT {VOTERs+CARE}*
25 Celebrity packing one instrument (5) SITAR {S{1}TAR}
26 Optimistic of having an advantage, take a chance with second hand (6) UPBEAT {UP}{BE{hAnd}T}
27 German in middle-eastern territory to relocate (8) EMIGRATE {EMI{G}RATE}
28 Make a mistake next to a list of corrections (6) ERRATA {ERR}{AT}{A}
29 Returns to bury saint outside central cathedral (8) INTEREST {INTER}{c...E...l}{ST}

1   Grab a leash (6) COLLAR [DD]
2   Novel delivery by East American (3,6) NEW YORKER {NEW} {YORKER}
3   Powerless authority to make a strenuous effort (5) EXERT EXpERT
4   Triumph of conservative after six by-elections essentially (7) VICTORY {VI}{b...C...s}{TORY}
6   One from outside in favour of admitting rule by earl (9) FOREIGNER {FO{REIGN}{E}R}
7   Glib sentry providing asylum to playwright (5) IBSEN [T]
8   Skill at shooting deer, perhaps with extremely negligible effort (8) MUSKETRY {MUSK}{n...lE}{TRY}
11 Side match (4) TEAM [DD]
15 Paintings from 20th century not marred by accident (6,3) MODERN ART*
17 Magnificent dog from Demark? (5,4) GREAT DANE {GREAT} {DANE}
18 A black substance that can be dissolved is pure (8) ABSOLUTE {A}{B}{SOLUTE}
20 Malicious person consuming ecstasy (4) MEAN {M{E}AN}
21 Border, say of British Isle thrust back at the start (7) BATSMAN {BATS<=}{MAN}
22 Stripe worn by father (6) PRIEST*
24 Remembered to supply a piece of wood (5) EMBER [T]
25 Proceed to institute legal proceedings against harbours, say (5) SEGUE {S{EG}UE}


Tuesday, 29 March 2016

No 11662, Tuesday 29 Mar 2016, Incognito

8   Furniture I abandoned in capital (4) SOFA SOFiA
9   Get dry kiln rebuilt for Svlad Cjelli (4,6) DIRK GENTLY*
10 Grade top-grade perfume (6) ASCENT {A}{SCENT}
11 Cap distilled murky ale (8) YARMULKE*
12 Prohibit watering hole in charge becoming inhuman (8) BARBARIC {BAR}{BAR}{IC}
14 Seduce ET with nice cocktail (6) ENTICE {ET+NICE}*
16 Wild animal returned to stream (4) FLOW<=
17,18 Hurry and dance (5,1,3) SHAKE A LEG [DD]
19 A forbidding behind (6) ASTERN {A}{STERN}
21 State Banks are restructured (8) NEBRASKA*
23 Noble lady's drinking place on English ship (8) BARONESS {BAR}{ON}{E}{SS}
26 Magical baton possessed by artist's country (6) RWANDA {R{WAND}A}
27 Living around Santana's BMW? Enchanting! (10) BEWITCHING {WITCH} in {BEING}

28 Trip to the outskirts of Ulaanbaatar (4) TOUR {YO}{Ul...oR}

1   Policemen study animal quarters (10) CONSTABLES {CON}{STABLES}
2   What Archer may do before and after a successful performance (4,1,3) TAKE A BOW [DD]
3   Edward returned Indian bread to newspaperman (6) EDITOR {ED}{ITOR<=}
4   Force resident in Kolar, Mysore (4) ARMY [T]
5   Possibly give rage? (8) AGGRIEVE* Semi &lit
6   Introduce Indian pipe (6) INDUCT {IN}{DUCT}
7   Anti-aircraft fire from Florida and Alaska (4) FLAK {FL}{AK}
13 Shackle top-notch naxalite chief behind church (5) CHAIN {CH}{A1}{Na...e}
15 Inspected and left a hotel (7,3) CHECKED OUT [DD]
17 A judgment may contain some words like this (8) SENTENCE [DD]
18 Herb's Amarnath transportation (8) AMARANTH*
20 Electronic chip containing rubbish can be arousing (6) EROTIC {E}{ROT}{IC}
22 Plant embargo's revised after losing of some money (6) BORAGE EmBARGO*
24 Birds found in Gravesend (4) AVES [T]
25 Float small whaler in Madras initially (4) SWIM Acrostic


Monday, 28 March 2016

No 11661, Monday 28 Mar 2016, Scintillator

1   With special festivities following, abandoned afternoon sleep (6) SIESTA {S}{fIESTA}
4   A bid to become part of Union (8) PROPOSAL [DD]
9   Stray kid that's ordinary managed to secure a concentration (6) ORPHAN {O}{R{PH}AN}
10 Harvest from cultivar bore a leaf on trees (8) ARBOREAL [T]
12 Is moaning somewhat terrible bedroom complaint? (8) INSOMNIA {IS+MOANINg}*
13 Calling in Spanish, “Hello!”, priest interrupts a commotion (6) HOOPLA {HO{OP}LA}
15 Rage for designer clothes (4) GEAR*
16 Albeit in half measure, approximately or completely (10) THOROUGHLY {THOugh}{ROUGHLY}
19 In formal meetings, put to rest personal opinions (10) INTERVIEWS {INTER}{VIEWS}
20 Over and above all round production (4) OPUS {O}{PUS<=}
23 Forty winks not just for Tom (6) CATNAP [CD]
25 Tall person with head upright (8) BEANPOLE {BEAN}{POLE}
27 Tower, public house and cabin building (8) BARBICAN {BAR}{CABIN}*
28 In bed — husband or ... partner? (6) COHORT {CO{H}{OR}T}
29 Son loafing around without hesitation and playing with catapult (8) SLINGING {S}{LINGerING}
30 Northern parts vital to remain with an African (6) KENYAN {KE{N}Y}{AN}

1   It's unpleasant in bedroom to sing and not be comprehended (7) SNORING {NOR} in {SING}
2   Tricky position — in the end, spent a second over a move in chess (2,7) EN PASSANT  {p...oN+SPENT+A+S}* over {A}
3   With Uma Thurman killing a human, this problem is resolved (6) TRAUMA {UMA+ThuRman+A}*
5   Remarkable letters in literary circles (4) RARE <=
6   Expert criminal put off (8) PROROGUE {PRO}{ROGUE}
7   Strips from the bottom to hit the sack (5) SLEEP<=
8   This is to soothe baby to get rid of bawling, primarily (7) LULLABY {LULL}{bABY} &lit
11 Nearly fasten a loose garment (7) NIGHTIE {NIGH}{TIE}
14 Had 7 Dn. worded differently to protect Saint (7) DROWSED {S} in {WORDED}*
17 Study heavy edges on constructed polygon (9) HYPNOLOGY {HeavY}{POLYGON}*
18 Aspiring German wanders off, one in Germany previously (8) DREAMING {D}{REAM{1}NG*}
19 Inexperienced person in America going out — that's a nightmare! (7) INCUBUS {IN}{CUB}{US}
21 Soften small butts in gun (7) SWEETEN {S{WEE}TEN}
22 Continue button in the Land of Nod? (6) SNOOZE [DD]
24 One roti doled out outside temple gateway (5) TORII {1} in {ROTI}*
26 A boring person with yellow beard (4) YAWN {Y}{AWN}

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Special, Sunday 27 Mar 2016, Cymothoid

Welcome to our new setter Cymothoid. Brickbats and bouquets welcome.
Three answers per commenter as usual till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory)
Please provide all your answers in a single comment.


1   Beromycin cured underdeveloped with potential for growth (9)
6   Fruit without energy gives variable spread (5)
9   German cake is made by mixing lots, starting with lard, eggs and nuts (7)
10 Clad titanium carbide alloy with gemstone to produce visible result (7)
11 No French communication to the unlisted officer (3,3)
12 Listen to bee take away ten from our bonnets to bake cream biscuits (8)
14 What public relations exit costed was frozen (4)
15 In Genoa, Louis masticated something rich and oily (10)
18 A good friendly mixer served American sponge cake (4,6)
20 Fashionable berry starts a craze amongst Italians (4)
23 Avalon and Valhalla have timeless retro style and one in total roundabout (8)
24 Elite soldier is a strict disciplinarian, taking time out to discharge head of troops (6)
26 Inform of impending doom before conflict with the North (7)
27 Stricter actions are needed for errant renters (7)
28 Protocol to discard the unnecessary takes the waste from glossy rot out (5)
29 I mix spice in rum for gourmet indulgence (9)

1   Members of the Nile asset are crucial (9)
2   Have in soft cheese a rich dessert (7)
3   The journalism was in the end, lowly, crude (6)
4   Midday foibles are taboo (2-2)
5   The cocoa is mixed with the skin of lychees into sweets (10)
6   One takes banned substance to take a trip around the sun (8)
7   Hear me pick cool cocktail from flute (7)
8   Shouts “You old leftist liberals!” (5)
13 Man started off with white wine followed by unstuffed game, to settle down with a sweet gelatinous dessert (10)
16 Flavouring vat produces a heady liquor (6,3)
17 Potency of drug was initially found faulty in critical analysis conducted yearly (8)
19 Wine quality that is the heart of proseccos (7)
21 Church person is against Italian wine (7)
22 Margate author has eaten creamy cake (6)
23 'Expelliarmus!' Ejaculated Indian American, left with weapon to discharge (5)
25 A good man gets one drink (4)

Across Lite version can be accessed at CYMOTHOID 1


The Sunday Crossword (2886), Sunday 27 Mar 2016

1   Clumsy person breaking section in wall (7) PARAPET {PAR{APE}T}
5   Discourage delay (3,3) PUT OFF [DD]
8   Reliable police officer with watchword back in base (6-8) COPPER-BOTTOMED {COPPER}-{B{OTTOM<=}ED}
10 Left with desire to disrupt mad show (10) ILLUSTRATE {I{L}{LUST}RATE}
11 Ring linked to odd elements in sale of capital (4) OSLO {O}{SeLf}{Of}
13 Learn good tip (5) GLEAN {G}{LEAN}
14 Air in large shed (9) BROADCAST {BROAD}{CAST}
15 Controller's true goal ruined by resistance (9) REGULATOR {TRUE+GOAL}*{R}
17 Substitute returning pass with doubtful expression (5) LOCUM {LOC<=}{UM}
19 Gain vase, according to report (4) EARN (~urn)
20 Pressure to join in courses arranged for part of orchestra (10) PERCUSSION {P}{IN+COURSES}*
23 Fellows taken in by devious effect, false modesty (4-10) SELF-EFFACEMENT {MEN} in {EFFECT+FALSE}*
24 Level enclosure filled with mineral (6) STOREY {ST{ORE}Y}
25 Article in store, not right for impetuous type (7) HOTHEAD {HO{THE}ArD}

1   Exercises on record oddly involving monarch and hierarchy (7,5) PECKING ORDER {PE}{C{KING} ORDER*}
2   Agent with service admitting large defeat (7) REPULSE {REP}{U{L}SE}
3   Agreeably different panel last year (10) PLEASANTLY {PANEL+LAST+Y}*
4   River in wood, miles away (5) TIBER TImBER
5   Prepared to erupt if getting little cake? (5,4) PETIT FOUR*
6   Attempt to encapsulate love for city of Paris? (4) TROY {TR{O}Y}
7   Flower father planted on raised area, I notice (7) FREESIA {FR}{EES I<=}{A}
9   No admittance after development is polluted (12) CONTAMINATED*
12 Benefit in advancement for young person (10) ADOLESCENT {A{DOLE}SCENT}
14 Book entirely about loud insect (9) BUTTERFLY {B}{UTTER{F}LY}
16 Something with which chap covers part of body? (7) GARMENT {G{ARM}ENT} &lit
18 Language used by machines extensively (7) CHINESE [T]
21 Disagree with Conservative whip (5) CLASH {C}{LASH}
22 At a distance from Nadal, upset? (4) AFAR RAFA*

Saturday, 26 March 2016

No 11660, Saturday 26 Mar 2016, Arden


1 Refreshing to see Bill inland (7) BRACING {BR{AC}ING}
5 Wealthy people act fast, surprisingly (3,4) FAT CATS {ACT FAST*}
9 Sloshed over at the store (5) DEPOT {TOPED<=}
10 Nothing survived except rejected army material (5,4) OLIVE DRAB {O}{LIVE D}{RAB<=}
11 Once you British occupied a number of plants (9) EYEBRIGHT {E{YE}{BR}IGHT} Plural?
12 Seat under lock and key — it's the other way around (5) CHAIR {C}{HAIR}
13 Gets special entry, a bit fast (4) LENT (T)
15 Resolute and mean-spiritednot same but different (8) INTREPID {meaN sPIRITED}*
18 Represent Stanford? (5,3) STAND FOR {STANFORD*} 
19 Shout and cry out in pain like a coward (4) YELL  YELL+OW gives like a coward
22 Backward American city, leading American state (5) ASSAM {A}{SSAM<=} ? MASS is a state
24 Got up wet and smelling good (4,5) ROSE WATER {ROSE}{WATER} Defn does not lead to a noun
26 Calm around midnight, it's back to the reserve (9) SERENGETI {SEREN{G}E}{TI<=}
27 Polish people follow government (5) GRACE {G}{RACE}
28 Night service during midweek, all together (2,5) EN MASSE {E{N} {MASS}E}
29 Refined metal — exchanging information for end products (7) GENTEEL {(+GEN-s)TEEL} Addendum : See comments


1 Trouble the animal... (6) BADGER (DD)
2 Pat Riley won't like it (2,7) AT PRESENT {PAT*} {RESENT} It is redundent
3 Season hasn't startedkeep it underground (5) INTER {wINTER}
4 My god! An oxymoron! (4,5) GOOD GRIEF Good grief is oxymorn of My god
5 Fob off with empty hand (5) FOIST {F{O}IST}
6 Go outside, come to the point using guile (9) TREACHERY {T{REACH}{E}RY}
7 It comes straight from the heart, say in Kannada or Tamil (5) AORTA (T)
8 Corrupt forcibly take up during a day (6) SUBORN {SU{BOR<=}N}
14 Houses oriental people in temporary shelters (9) TENEMENTS {TEN{E}{MEN}TS}
16 Beating it, overspeeding (9) THRASHING {TH{RASH}ING}
17 May be local anaesthetic will not catch on, feeling uncomfortable (3,2,4) ILL AT EASE {LocaL AnAESthETIc}
20 Harry and Henry in sales (6) HASSLE {H}{SALES}* Harry on double duty?
21 Good choice before an author (6) ORWELL {OR}{WELL} Addendum : See comments
23 Hesitate to crack problem of drug (5) SERUM {S{ER}UM}
24 Official bird (5) REEVE (DD)
25 Vehicle came first, but got second prize (5) WAGON {W{AG}ON}

Reference list

Bill=Ac, Nothing=O, Once you=Ye, British=Br, American=A, Government=G, Night=N, Information=Gen 
Empty=O, Point=E, Day=Sun, Oriental=E, Henry=H, Hesitate=Er, Second prize=Ag (Silver)

Color/Font Scheme

Definition,Solution,Component letters,Anagram Indicator,C/C indicator,Reversal Indicator,Hidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicator,Deletion Indicator,Homophone Indicator,Movement Indicator,Positional Indicator,Substitution Indicator


Friday, 25 March 2016

No 11659, Friday 25 Mar 2016, Arden

1   Girl's service return — it's not easy to get on top of it (5-8) SENNA FOREHAND ?{S'ENNA<=} {FOREHAND} (Addendum - PENNY FARTHING {PENNY} {FAR<=}{THING} - See comments)
10 Crime committed under pressure by a man of god (5) ARSON pARSON
11 Alliance cut short — atomic bombs make it self-evident (9) AXIOMATIC {AXe}{ATOMIC}* What's the role of 'Alliance' ? (Addendum - {AXIs}{ATOMIC}* - See comments)
12 Complain about complaint (9) BELLYACHE [DD]
13 Make a hole through material (5) DRILL [DD]
14 Avoid dip in wading poolit could be self-defeating (3,4) OWN GOAL {WAdiNG+pOOL}*
16 Saw finally three animals (7) EPIGRAM {t..eE}{PIG}{RAM}
18 Identification grants entry, he goes west (4,3) NAME TAG {NAM}{E TAG}<=
20 It prevents loosening of hair on head (7) LOCKNUT {LOCK}{NUT}
22 Tailless ram on the hill (5) BUTTE BUTTEr
24 Lignites for making mutton chops, say (9) SIDEBURNS {SIDE BURNS}  Anno not clear (Addendum - {SIDE} BURNS} - See comments)
26 Scandal breaks up, private banks create a scene (9) LANDSCAPE {SCANDAL}*{Pr...tE}
27 Brace Mark? (5) TWAIN [DD]
28 A big mistake for vehicles to carry small outdated arms (13) BLUNDERBUSSES {BLUNDER}{BU{S}SES}

2   Character used pen to describe grain storage (7) EPSILON {PEN}* around {SILO}
3   Girl in a big city will attack animal (5-4) NANNY-GOAT {NAN}{NY}-{GO}{AT} (Addendum - {N{ANN}Y}-{GO}{AT} - See comments)
4   Most of the country once used this money (5) FRANC FRANCe
5   Sid will create a scene (5,4) RAISE HELL (~sid<=)
6   Odd hour, foolish to get up — it's hot (5) HUMID {HoUr}{MID<=}
7   New attire makes one better dressed (7) NATTIER {N}{ATTIRE}*
8   Rentable wombs — surrogate services issue? (3,6,4) SAM BROWNE BELT*
9   Getting used to a capital overseas — that said, siting is difficult (13) ACCLIMATISING {A}{CC}{LIMA}{SITING}* overseas = ~cc seas = CC See comments
15 Make laws with support and seal it off (9) LEGISLATE {LEG}{SEAL+IT}*
17 Develops slowly in country set up (9) INCUBATES {IN}{CUBA}{TES<=}
19 Limited format in a larger context of morning service (7) MATINAL [T]
21 “Kind of warrantee, we reject”, you say (7) NARRATE wARRANTEe*
23 City in Europe makes sensational claims (5) ESSEN [T]
25 The nerd departs with a small book (5) DWEEB {D}{WEE}{B}


Thursday, 24 March 2016

No 11658, Thursday 24 Mar 2016, Arden


1   May be no. 6 dealt with true justice, say (8,6)  CARDINAL VIRTUE  {CARDINAL} {VI}{TRUE}*
10 Material from Long island (5) LISLE {L}{ISLE}
11 Please freely invest money in the Middle East (9) PALESTINE {TIN} in {PLEASE}*
12 Document makes former US President hold his head (7) CHARTER {C{His}ARTER}
13 Music plays havoc in business (7) CALYPSO {C{PLAYS*}O}
14 Star or delta? Been switching (5) DENEB {D}{BEEN}*
16 Schedule over issue of story book internally (9) TIMETABLE {TIME<=}{TA{B}LE}
19 It's normal resolution as opposed to 1 (6,3) MORTAL SIN*
20 For example, one must understand the thing (5) DIGIT {DIG}{IT} Defintion corrected. See comments
22 Loaded gun went off — Bill fled as one slouched (7) LOUNGED {GUN}* in {LOadED}*
25 Praise a good man — one follows ancient language (7) AVESTAN {AVE}{ST}{AN}
27 Kids leave with low density ore (5,4) FOOLS GOLD {FOOLS} {GO}{L}{D}
28 Express pain to allow one so young to fly (5) OWLET {OW}{LET}
29 Fireworks as Tom's girl pours wine over the rascal (9,5) CATHERINE WHEEL {CAT}{HER}{INE W}*{HEEL}

2   Can Frank Sinatra be a teetotaller? (9) ABSTAINER*
3   Stayed to dig up dirty secret at last (5) DWELT {DWEL<=}{s...eT}
4   Uses this pen, writing one complaint (9) NEPHRITIS {THIS+PEN+R+1}*
5   Name surfaced about island flower (5) LILAC {L{I}LAC<=}
6   Offended as American held and put in a secure environment (9) INSULATED {INSUL{A}TED}
7   Heart transplant hasn't made him any better (5) TWIRP TW(-e+i)IRP [CD]
8   Looks at 27 — it's ugly (7) EYESORE {EYES}{ORE}
9   Still no sign displacing freely (6) PLACID DisPLACIng*
15 Stay for a month — is French English making a fine gesture? (4,5) BEAU GESTE {BE}{AUG} {EST}{E}
17 Push and shove — he will deal with it (9) MANHANDLE {MAN}{HANDLE}
18 Grab at a fashion magazine — it's nothing much (9) BAGATELLE {BAG}{AT}{ELLE}
19 Not good if camel goes crazy (7) MALEFIC*
21 Note — practice principles (6) TENETS {TE}{NETS}
23 About to become deadly under water (1-4) U-BOAT*
24 Worked endlessly wrapping warm piece of clothing (5) DHOTI {D{HOT}Id}
26 Policeman covering up for some time (5) EPOCH {E{POC}H}<=

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

No 11657, Wednesday 23 Mar 2016, Arden

6   It's also outside American state capital (5) TOKYO {TO{KY}O}
7   One fled to the West in a lawless state (8) ANARCHIC {A}{NAR<=}{CHIC}
10 Relying on support to end Monarchy (7) BANKING {BAN}{KING}
11 What you ask for when you sneeze loudly (7) ATISHOO (~a tissue)
12 A grand design to annex Eastern island State (7) GRENADA {E} in {A+GRAND}*
13 Magical spell may make you fall (7) CANTRIP {CAN}{TRIP}
14 “Picnic food wasn't spicy” said Spooner (6,5) PACKED LUNCH (~ lacked punch)
19 Resolute way to start becoming lawless (7) STAUNCH {ST}{lAUNCH}
21 It blooms as you plead for love in a resort (7) BEGONIA {BEG}{O}{IN+A}*
23 Talk about a field event on Sunday (7) DISCUSS {DISCUS}{S}
25 A second to wake up — unending display of love (7) AMOROUS {A}{MO}{ROUSe}
26 Animal trainers not allowed in representational set up (8) ANTELOPE rePrEsENTatiOnAL
27 Power cut takes centre stage (5) STEAM {STE{stAge}M}

1   Church quiet about being compassionate — like beauty, perhaps (4-4) SKIN-DEEP {S{KIN-D}EE}{P}
2   On leave, keen to take up bare back riding like her (6) GODIVA {GO}{DIVA<=}
3   Land report by boy — he's confused (10) BANGLADESH {BANG}{LAD}{HE'S}*
4   A big NO, say, to come up with a story (4) SAGA {SAG}{A}<=
5   Article goes in free over Twitter... (6) DITHER {DI{THE}R<=}
6   ...besides carrying luggage to a place in the Caribbean (6) TOBAGO {TO{BAG}O}
8   Tied up hair restricting style — no, no good bringing them up (7) CHIGNON  CHI{G}{N}{ON<=} CHI = X ? (Addendum - {CHIc}{G}{N}<={ON<=} - See comments)
9   Agent's idle, gets sentimental (5) SOPPY {S{OP}PY} OP = out of print = idle? See comments
13 Graduated as a politician, boxed in from all sides (10) CALIBRATED {C{A}{LIB}RATED}
15 Middle row certainly invites criticism (7) CENSURE {CEN}{SURE} (Addendum - {sCENe}{SURE} - See comments)
16 European city has a constant headache, say (8) HANGOVER (~ hanover) (Addendum - {HAN{G}OVER} - See comments)
17 Like fish it is outside the subject discussed (5) ASIDE {AS}{IDE}
18 Carriage in fact is better than some cabs (6) HANSOM [T]
20 Poisonous gas used during wars in Europe (6) ARSINE [T]
22 Bird's moan (6) GROUSE [DD]
24 Loafer may be asked to go away (4) SHOE (~shoo)


Tuesday, 22 March 2016

No 11656, Tuesday 22 Mar 2016, Buzzer

1   Deputy taking over in speech (5) VOICE {V{O}ICE}
4   Tiny portable mosaic tub (9) SUBATOMIC*
9   Laid-back group having second exclusive language (7) DIALECT {DIAL<=}{sECT}
10 Estate agent is utter rubbish on reflection (7) REALTOR {REAL}{TOR<=}
11 Insufficient message has nothing mostly (3,6) NOT ENOUGH {NOT E}{NOUGHt}
12 Having a tendency to be lying (5) PRONE [DD]
13 Rue losing regularly designer sock (6) ARGYLL reGuLARLY*
15 Standing minister, one in the end government rep at the centre (8) PRESTIGE {PR(-1)EST(+1)I}{G}{rEp}
18 Internal petition to inspect aerosol (5,3) SPRAY CAN {S{PRAY} CAN}
19 Liberal class has a stronghold (6) CASTLE {CAST{L}E}
22 Tea very revolting in mess (5) CHAOS {CHA}{OS<=}
24 High-level art second preference for a tourist (9) TRAVELLER {LEVEL+ART}*{pRe...e}
26 Place for hanging perhaps each dress: clothes-line (7) EARLOBE {EA}{R{L}OBE}
27 Fear smuggling electronic goods... (7) FREIGHT {FR{E}IGHT}
28 ... next in line cutting such tax as an alternative (9) SUCCESSOR {SUCh}{CESS}{OR}
29 Going west, fashionable wearing torn outfit (5) TUNIC {TU{NI}C}<=

1   Review and vet a system of philosophy (7) VEDANTA*
2   Doing exercise being unfit (5) INAPT {IN}{A}{PT}
3   Essentially pet bird, friend forever (9) ETERNALLY {pEt}{TERN}{ALLY}
4   Arrange for leave (3,3) SET OUT [DD]
5   It shows a plot by lawyers talking around rule (3,5) BAR CHART {BAR} {CHA{R}T}
6   Walk wearily through public transport parking (5) TRAMP {T}{RAMP} (Addendum - {TRAM}{P} - See comments)
7   Believer is fickle — do test him (9) METHODIST*
8   Get upset in essence with entourage (7) CORTEGE {COR{TEG<=}E}
14 Old and doddering e.g. 20 (9) GERIATRIC {EG+ERRATIC}* Seems to be an error in the fodder
16 Telling statistic setter initially omitted (9) STATEMENT {STAT}{cEMENT}
17 One serving on ship, underweight reportedly (8) WAITRESS (~weight}{WAIT}{RE}{SS}
18 Revolts thus succeeded gaining understanding (7) SICKENS {SIC}{KEN}{S}
20 Wandering sewer rat I chased around (7) ERRATIC [T]
21 Bear the cost or suffer consequences (3,3) PAY FOR [DD]
23 Range of street deliveries curtailed (5) STOVE {ST}{OVEr}
25 Block in operation to gain access to a computer (3,2) LOG IN {LOG} {IN} (Addendum - LOG ON {LOG} {ON} - See comments and solution tommorow)


Monday, 21 March 2016

No 11655, Monday 21 Mar 2016, Buzzer

8   Terrible experience said to stifle retiring editor (6) ORDEAL {OR{DE<=}AL}
9   During college initially studying and working simultaneously (2,6) IN UNISON {IN} {UNI}{St...g}{ON}
10 Part of hand held by maiden is cold (8) UNWARMED {UNW{ARM}ED}
11 Escort in suit (2,4) GO WITH [DD]
12 Abandoned building for users of firing range (8,7) SHOOTING GALLERY {SHOOTING} {GALLERY}
14 Romantic I had knocked back cold breaking hearts (7) IDYLLIC {I'D}{YLLIhC<=}
16 Chap is reportedly an angler (7) FISSURE (~fisher)
19 Those discriminating against women have masculinist bent (4,11) MALE CHAUVINISTS*
22 Newlyweds in couples, not grooms primarily (6) BRIDES BRIDgES
24 Safe nest rarely contains a hole (8) FENESTRA [T]
25 Staff reductions, they make people distressed (4,4) CREW CUTS {CREW} {CUTS}
26 Will left nothing but rubbish (6) DRIVEL {DRIVE}{L}

1   Divided farm inside a garden (8) BRANCHED {B{RANCH}ED}
2   Carrot a gelding ate up smoothly (6) LEGATO [T<=]
3   Idolism had turned exacting and punctilious (3-7) OLD-MAIDISH*
4   Get to understand old mythical monster (7) WINDIGO {WIN}{DIG}{O}
5   Suspended a barbarian government (4) HUNG {HUN}{G}
6   Lose will to be involved in boring places (3,5) OIL WELLS*
7   Be unsteady after tripping right foot (6) TOTTER TrOTTER
13 Lover from a timeless story having trouble (10) AFICIONADO {A}{FICtION}{ADO}
15 Fellow lost in snowfield fitfully rests (4,4) LIES DOWN SNOWfIELD*
17 Quipped it is wrong to cut grass (8) RETORTED {RE{TORT}ED}
18 Dark stubby? Four such appeared frequently (7) SUBFUSC {StUbBy}{FoUr}{SuCh}
20 Sunrise in the middle of Nauru, more fab (6) AURORA {nAURu}{mORe}{fAb}
21 Impress and awe flaunting waistline (6) INSTIL waISTLINe*
23 Horse to bolt (4) STUD [DD]

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Special, Sunday 20 Mar 2016, Dr Satyen Nabar

Three answers per commenter as usual (with annotations) till 6 PM
Please provide all your answers in one comment.

1   Son interrupting Greek King’s recurrent love of cruelty (6)
4   Carry on perusing nurse with a lazy eye (6)
8   Turn this to ignore when briefly numb with terror (4,3)
9   Surfer is here to join team (2,5)
11 Where cryptic clues appear automatically? (10)
12 & 22D All twisted skill that America will endlessly acquire from Indian guide (4,5)
13 That is in Latin? (2,3)
14 Everything is obvious when danger is over (3,5)
16 &18 Strong resemblance seen in tobacco chewer’s photograph, perhaps (8,5)
18 See 16 Across
20 A small drink for doctor during the morning (4)
21 More like Vin Diesel on speed? What rot! (10)
23 Father to quit miserable retreat for houses of worship (7)
24 Quick reply to uncontrolled ire about mail (7)
25 Meal for pet at home (6)
26 Number of years for this political party to develop a program (6)

1   Take a bargain (5)
2   Remove barrier for protection (7)
3   Void filling up; it’s the extraordinary food (9)
5   Anxious to indicate time (5)
6   This provides inspiration underwater? (7)
7   Fabric for wise man at brawl (9)
10 Unusually stumped by reach of martial artist, I hear (9)
13 Chief procurer loses head to rant furiously (9)
15 Distressed jungle cats of two species, dawdling without purpose (9)
17 In return, discharge is cancelled for period of leisure (4,3)
19 Also in a short time, et cetera (3,2,2)
21 Indian dish for Harbhajan Singh? Avoid jalebi at the start (5)
22 See 12 Across

Across Lite version can be accessed at Dr SATYEN NABAR 4


The Sunday Crossword (2885), Sunday 20 Mar 2016

1   Dismal churl's plea out of order (10) SEPULCHRAL*
6   Fancy missing hour after second reel (4) SWIM {S}{WhIM}
10 Deceive kind partner (7) CONSORT {CON}{SORT}
11 Funds from hundred volunteers (7) COFFERS {C}{OFFERS}
12 Undemanding music, say, is in gentle broadcast (4,9) EASY LISTENING*
14 Academic posers for unravelling (9) PROFESSOR*
16 Empty clamour surrounding artist (5) DRAIN {D{RA}IN}
17 Blushing about thanks, in retirement, deserved (5) RATED {R{AT<=}ED}
19 Old life is transformed in areas yielding fuel (9) OILFIELDS*
21 Sales talk in particular behind desire for ceramic design (6,7) WILLOW PATTERN {WILL}{OW {PATTER}N}
24 Clear sailor with volume in fish (7) ABSOLVE {AB}{SOL{V}E}
25 Confirm contest to grab attention (4,3) BEAR OUT {B{EAR} OUT}
26 Back in classes learning more (4) ELSE [T<=]
27 Soldier enters inflexible city alone (10) SEPARATELY {SE{PARA}T}{ELY}

1   Excerpt from classic known poorly (4) SICK [T]
2   Write meal menus, including price for church members (15) PENTECOSTALISTS {PEN}{TE{COST}A}{LISTS}
3   Viewing river going north in Cornish town (4-3) LOOK-SEE {LOO{K-SE<=}E}
4   Part of Bible taken in by man and left in place for guests? (5) HOTEL {H{OT}E}{L}
5   Name received by experts on search yielding weight of family history (9) ANCESTRAL {A{N}CES}{TRAwL}
7   Song on life will have moving, overwhelming emotion finally (4,1,4,2,4)  WHEN I FALL IN LOVE {ON+LIFE+WILL+HAVE}* around {e...oN}

8   Not loudly, signify most cranky person averse to women (10) MISOGYNIST {SIGNIfY+MOST}*
9   Hurt, not on purpose (6) OFFEND {OFF}{END}
13 Sea creature well below wave in south-west (5,5) SPERM WHALE {S{PERM} W}{HALE}
15 Whose epic developed into outstanding example? (9) SHOWPIECE*
18 Drawing line in poem supporting party (6) DOODLE {DO{OD{L}E}
20 Restriction in furniture seller's floral art (7) IKEBANA {BAN} in {IKEA}
22 Bone identified by one cutting a fragment up (5) TIBIA {TIB}{1}{A}<=
23 Wait for prop (4) STAY [DD]


Saturday, 19 March 2016

No 11654, Saturday 19 Mar 2016, Neyartha


1 A gun in such hands could be dangerous (7-5) TRIGGER-HAPPY (CD)
8 Reach out to embrace the doctor in the assembly room (7) CHAMBER {REACH}* Around  {MB}
9 Minaret in Assam features a part of the eye (6) RETINA (T)
11 Intentionally got poorly made bottle for gin concoction (9) MEANINGLY {MEANLY} Around {GIN}*
12 Clear in understanding that a missing hothead needs expulsion (5) EMPTY {EMPaThY}
14 Fail to snare alternative inside a small bed (4,5)  COME SHORT {CO{ME SH}{OR}T}
16 Dismiss // criticism (4) FIRE (DD)
18 Unsure about gate encircling the castle (4) TORN {TO{R}N<=}
19 Anil's gong used in a musical gathering (9) SINGALONG {ANIL S GONG}*
21 Rig looks out-of-place somewhat in a dome-shaped dwelling (5) IGLOO (T)
22 Shreds for the lads trapping an insect (9) SMIDGEONS {S{MIDGE}ONS}
23 Auditor's depressed after a Greek character is caught with small pastry sheets (6) PHYLLO {~PHI LOW}
25 Monarch gets rid of a vitamin in some fruits and freshwater fishes (7) PERCHES {PE(-a+R}CHES}
26 Act as a host by voicing right to shun hooter in trouble (2,3,7) DO THE HONOURS {~DUE} {SHUN HOOTER}*


2 Naval officer married Lara at sea (4,7) REAR ADMIRAL {MARRIED LARA}*
3 Most talkative toddlers cut out the article with a return label around it (8) GABBIEST {GA{BaBIES}T<=}
4 For example, ten drowning in the northbound stream is shocking (9) EGREGIOUS {EGR{EG}{IO}US<=}
5 Trouble with the luxury car driving into something used as fodder (5) HARRY {HA{RR}Y}
6 Time for the king with the baggage-attendant to monkey around (6) POTTER {PO(+T-r}TER}
7 Irritate by censoring article written up in old style over there (3) YON {YONna<=}
8 Son at the wrong place in Universal tour gets a newspaper cartoon (5,5) COMIC STRIP {CO(-s)MIC (+S)TRIP}
10 Absence of a lid distressingly breaks down some drugs (10) SYNERGISTS  {diSTRESSINGlY}*
13 Greek character and the Spanish work with her to get to the thinker (11) PHILOSOPHER {PHI}{LOS}{OP}{HER}
15 Dangerous prison's number put on top by one making a living off a sport (6,3) TENNIS PRO {TEN}{PRISON}*
17 Fair trials are unlikely in this court (8) KANGAROO (CD)
20 Oscar's discarded bootleg concoction in a chalice (6) GOBLET {BoOTLEG}*
22 Gem from Boulder (5) STONE (DD)
24 Note sent up in an open box attached to a long pole handle (3) HOD {HOD<=}

Reference list

Doctor=MB, Alternative=Or, Gate=Not, Castle=R (Rook), Greek character=Phi, Monarch=R (Rex), Vitamin=A

Article=A, For example=Eg, Ten=IO, Luxury car=RR (Rolls Royce), Time=T, Article=An, Son=S,  The Spanish=Los, Work=Op, Number=Ten, Oscar=O, Note= Doh

Color/Font Scheme

Definition,Solution,Component letters,Anagram Indicator,C/C indicator,Reversal Indicator,Hidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicator,Deletion Indicator,Homophone Indicator,Movement Indicator,Positional Indicator,Substitution Indicator