Thursday 11 October 2018

No 12444, Thursday 11 Oct 2018, Gridman

1   Woman took on and brought in learner, then spun rapidly (7) WHIRLED {W}{HIR{L}ED}
5   Ponder with a hard Islamic teacher (6) MULLAH {MULL}{A}{H}
9   Follow mother's strong belief (5) DOGMA {DOG}{MA}
10 Will a swish of it bring dawn? (5,4)  MAGIC WAND {DAWN}* [RA]
11 That is to say, accept cranky Times list (7) ITEMISE {I{TIMES*}E}
12 Gather prisoner is met by archdeacon at far end of nave (7) CONVENE {CON}{VEN}{navE}
13 Blasts energy out of visitors (5) GUSTS GUeSTS
14 Fine edge daily first takes — with this presentation aid? (9) FLIPCHART {F}{LIP}{CHAR}{T}
16 Yes, argued about the keenly sighted (5-4) ARGUS-EYED*
19 Socks — they are used for manual restriction (5) CUFFS [DD]
21 Part of Metrouncelebrated beat (7) TROUNCE [T]
23 Metal you finally gave up for Chennai's head (7) CRANIUM (-u+c)CRANIUM
24 Tackle English joke linking old boys with model (9) EQUIPMENT {E}{QUIP}{MEN}{T}
25 Compare Left leader's note about former U.S. president (5) LIKEN {L}{IKE}{Note}
26 Musical group's small English text put out (6) SEXTET {S}{E}{TEXT*}
27 Leaves son to get out of courses (7) DESERTS DESsERTS

1   They are held in celebration after a union is sealed (7,7) WEDDING PARTIES [CD]
2   Entrance of one party having company left behind (7) INGRESS {1}{coNGRESS}
3   Opening parts of long editorial articles done in new style (4-3) LEAD-INS Acrostic
4   Lad and myself dissected insect (9) DAMSELFLY*
5   Wise men begin claiming charm (5) MAGIC {MAGI}{Cl...g}
6   The French company almost fair and using few words (7) LACONIC {LA}{CO}{NICe}
7   American promenade sees boy and a dame exercising (7) ALAMEDA {AL}{A}{DAME*}
8   Men raved: test is about commercials (14) ADVERTISEMENTS*
15 Showed car model to Edward (9) INDICATED {INDICA}{TED}
17 See ugly bulge about small sphere (7) GLOBULE {G{LO}BULE*}
18 Beats students up in tropical beach (7) SUNSPOT {TOPS}{NUS}<=
19 Child and friends without a bit of elegant fabric (7) CHALLIS {CH}{ALLIeS}
20 Spark shown by movie engineer (7) FLICKER {FLICK}{ER}
22 Throw out Conservative in plane after extreme furore (5) EJECT {f...rE}{JE{C}T}



  1. 18D How does one get SUN from STUDENTS? will someone pl enlighten me

    1. Did you see the link given by Col?

    2. I didnt see Col's link but NUS I knew as National Union for Students.

    3. See the link over the word students in the main post

    4. NUS often crops up in British crosswords. More in the Times and FT puzzles.

    5. Students take over today's Guardian cryptic too!
      Ray's students rejected support (7)

  2. 'Nus' was news to me.Got 'sunspot' but could not parse.

  3. Alameda & challis were also new, but could get them with wp & crossings.

  4. Today's gave a mix of many nice, easy clues and a few tough ones. Enjoyed solving though!

  5. 23A) Chennai = C?
    3D) Again double duty for indicator?
    "First takes = T" OK I think but not sure about "Begin claiming = C"

    1. Valid questions. The clues could have been handled better. Escaped attention in multiple checks.

    2. On first reading I took C as Chennai's head. Only later I realised that Head is the def.
