Sunday, 31 March 2019

Special, Sunday 31 Mar 2019, Final IIT(M) Crossie Open 2019

Three answers per commenter as usual till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory)
Please provide all your answers in one comment.

This crossword was set by Ramki Krishnan.

Thanks to Kumaresh Ramakrishnan of IIT(M) for sharing this with us.

1   Butcher starting to marinate fish (6)
5   No. 1  in cryptics? He's a member playing ingeniously - our new winner (8)
9   FDA ruled compound to be terrible (8)
10 Opposing extremely crass jokes (6)
11 School pins notice for review (10)
12 Want to massage, say (4)
13 His work could be highly noted (8)
16 In April, days are long, ultimately sultry, scorching sun on top (6)
17 Tricks and passes out, reportedly (6)
19 Unusual mess I clear up (8)
21 Soldier's pledge (4)
22 Showing devotion when welcoming cleric at one time (10)
25 Shape of coarse rug I finally rejected (6)
26 Avoiding exercise (8)
27 A French composer's works out (8)
28 Most painful...therefore, take a break (6)

2   Expert wearing an overall (5)
3   Understanding Agra's princely homes (5)
4   Results of massaging feet and face regularly with sulphur (7)
5   Dog runs to a worker of mine (7)
6   Con a good saint to become corrupt (7)
7   Possible workaround, with cunning, talent, and a bit of intelligence (9)
8   Together, they play or box, running around, primarily (9)
14 Frank not quite helping in surgery (9)
15 At first Professor Linnaeus moved to India perhaps (9)
18 Drink's on me? Excellent! (7)
19 Irons Penny's clothes, except the top (7)
20 Annoys, mostly in contests (7)
23 Winning a top (5)
24 They could be used for navigating a golf course (5)

Across Lite version can be accessed at IIT(M) OPEN FINAL 2019


The Sunday Crossword No 3041, Sunday 31 Mar 2019

Everyman has had a change of setter for the worse!

 Loses hope as spa dries. (8) DESPAIRS* Anagram indicator?
5   Partially risk a terrible injury on the ice. (6) SKATER [T] Why injury?
9   Endless confused action for raccoon. (5) COATI ACTIOn*
10 E-learning astray, by and large. (2,7) IN GENERAL*
12 E.g. "Best foot forward", given on dismissal. (8,6) MARCHING ORDERS [CD]
13 Accomplish easily, and dispense with the pre-match routine (4,3) TOSS OFF [DD]
15 Gate man verifies one's identity. (4,3) NAME TAG<=  Indicator for reversal missing See comments
17 Opening position heard to be vigilant (2,5) EN GARDE (~ on guard)
19 Roughen no cares. (7) COARSEN* Roughen on double duty
21 Telephone meeting to discuss pear name? (10,4) CONFERENCE CALL {CONFERENCE} {CALL}
24 Terrorise madly a noisy reveller. (9) ROISTERER*
25 Terminate island dependency: that's self-evident. (5) AXIOM {AX}{IOM}
26 Pass by eastern failing. (6) ELAPSE {E}{LAPSE}
27 Rare occurrence of a depressed satellite. (4,4) BLUE MOON {BLUE}{MOON}

1   Adorn a device for measuring up to 11 yards? (9) DECAMETRE (~deck}{DEC}{A}{METRE} Homophone Indicator missing
2   Step one in celestial body. (5) STAIR {STA{1}R}
3   Sounds like the ideal accompaniment to a sneeze. (7) ATISHOO (~ a tissue)
4   Referring to or concerning a period of brutal oppression. (5,2,6) REIGN OF TERRORConcerning as Anind?
6   Lacking dominion in part. Not in this realm. (7) KINGDOM [T] Semi&lit?
7   Bitter charges for acidic salts. (9) TARTRATES {TART}{RATES}
8   Depend on it, only without me. (4) RELY meRELY
11 Nerve centre for land management. (6,7) GROUND CONTROL {GROUND}{CONTROL}
14 Foreign miss by design or inadvertently. (9) SIGNORINA [T] Telescopic indicator missing?
16 Convenience for adult males. (9) GENTLEMEN [DD]
18 Disproves arbiter set up around university. (7) REFUTES {REF}{U}{SET<=}
20 Mean to state how old one is. (7) AVERAGE {AVER}{AGE}
22 Friend to a damaged imago. (5) AMIGO*
23 Daughter leaves new wife for cheese. (4) BRIE BRIdE

Saturday, 30 March 2019

No 12587, Saturday 30 Mar 2019, Dr. X


1. Foresee guys losing money and face (8) ENVISAGE {mEN}{VISAGE}
5. Inclined to run breaking limits of speed (6) SLOPED {Spee{LOPE}D}
10. Caught dear husband dancing around maiden mesmerised (7) CHARMED {C}{DEAR+H*} around {M}
11. Eggs on toast! It’s nice (7) ENTICES {ITS+NICE*} (Correction - INCITES - See comments)
12. Desperate adults wanting date in American city (5) TULSA {AdULTS*}
13. Disheartened wives tackling depression with alcohol indiscriminately (9) WHOLESALE {Wive{HOLE}S}{ALE}
14. Make the critical difference! Destroy plastic sheet (3,3,6) TIP THE SCALES {PLASTIC+SHEET*}
18. Make drunk // approach the principal (2,2,4,4) GO TO ONES HEAD (DD)
21. Strengthen hold on army (9) REINFORCE {REIN}{FORCE}
23. Tree in front of London Bridge (5) LARCH {London}{ARCH}

24. Not new to rock in Goa with rum and fish (7) GOURAMI {In+GOA+RUM*}

25. Criminals concealed aboard steamer (7) SINNERS {S{INNER}S}
26. One carrying marijuana and ecstasy caught by guide (6) REEFER {RE{E}FER}
27. Rogue seen around camp making deals (8) ENTENTES {SEEN*} around {TENT}


1. Conservative aboard flight beginning to earnestly provoke (6) EXCITE {EX{C}IT}{Earnestly}
2. Sailor drawn in by horrible sound (6) VIABLE {VI{AB}LE}
3. Mischievous child wearing fancy coat is congenial (9) SIMPATICO  {COAT+IS*} around {IMP}
4. What a sewer worker might do // to be totally wasted? (2,4,3,5) GO DOWN THE DRAIN (DD)
6. Caught in temptation for riches (5) LUCRE {LU{C}RE}
7. Hazards from potholes over slope (8) PITFALLS {PIT{FALL}S}
8. Criticize essentially and break up (8) DISPERSE {DIS}{PER SE}
9. What a tug-of-war contestant might do // to be obstinate? (3,4,5,2) DIG ONE'S HEELS IN (DD)
15. Tax measure withdrawn in amendment (9) CHALLENGE {CHA{ELL<=}NGE}
16. Jelly in a bait brought up a fish (4-4) AGAR-AGAR {A}{RAG<=}{A}{GAR}
17. Approach contemptible person interrupting a duet rudely (8) ATTITUDE {A+DUET*} around {TIT}
19. Silver ring lost? No great shakes (6) ARGENT {No+GREAT*}
20. Spirits given by good innkeepers (6) GHOSTS {G}{HOSTS}
22. Student breaks bogus chip (5) FLAKE {F{L}AKE}

Reference List

Money=M, Caught=C, Husband=H, Maiden=M, Date=D, New=N, Steamer=SS, Ecstasy=E
Conservative=C, Sailor=AB, Ring=O, Good=G, Student=L

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded linksTheme word Anagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous


Friday, 29 March 2019

No 12586, Friday 29 Mar 2019, Skulldugger

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.

Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only

The regular blog will replace the clues at 2 PM.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

5   Visionary newspaperman to fly off the handle (3,3) SEE RED {SEER}{ED}
6   Westbound ballerina in a badly maintained jacket (6) BANIAN [T<=]
9   "Illegal delivery for bigwig" getting American by-lines (2,4) NO BALL {NOB}{A}{LL}
10 For instance, Hydra spymaster is moderately content (8) ASTERISM [T] Went on a wild goose chase thinking of the HYDRA organisation
11 Certainly the old expression of surprise (4) YEAH {YE}{AH}
12 Quarry worker around Utah that moves 1440 times a day (6,4) MINUTE HAND {MIN{UT}E HAND}
13 Misconduct charge undoing of emphatic men (11) IMPEACHMENT*
18 Schemed and defeated besieged Asian nation (10) MACHINATED {MA{CHINA}TED}
21 Sign for one more parcel from the East (4) OMEN [T<=]
22 Earl in channel, navy in distress (8) STRAITEN {STRAIT}{E}{N}
23 Frenzied woman decapitated headman brutally (6) MAENAD hEADMAN*
24 Imported drug leading to convulsion, claims second-in-command (6) EXOTIC {E}{XO}{TIC}
25 It helps score with Lisa's sister somewhat (6) ASSIST [T]

1   Divine entities miraculously spare the lad (8) SERAPHIM {SPARE*}{HIM}
2   Fruitcakes, nuts found here! (6) BEDLAM [CD]
3   Handyman's detailed profile on emblem, say (8) FACTOTUM {FACe}{TOTUM}(~totem)
4   Old fashioned address upset Harris (6) SIRRAH<=
5   Excavate small wretched dwelling (6) SHOVEL {S}{HOVEL}
7   Slowly moving horse prevented from eating (6) NOSING [DD] (Addendum - NOShING - See comments)
8   Vandalising cons incarcerated in holding with wood panelling (11) WAINSCOTING {WAI{CONS*}TING}
14 Intellectual regularly designs drinking vessel (8) EINSTEIN {dEsIgNs}{STEIN}
15 Recently produced secretion unopened before fermentation (8) NEOTERIC sECRETION*
16 Penniless gossip's baby's toy (6) RATTLE pRATTLE
17 Meal break interrupted by subordinate (6) REPAST {RE{PA}ST}
19 Directly opposed to tail off (4-2) HEAD-ON {HEAD}{ON}
20 Noble facade filleted by Red (6) DAMASK DA{MASK} Anno pending. 


Thursday, 28 March 2019

No 12585, Thursday 28 Mar 2019, xChequer

7   Not new at university to get burnt out (4-2) USED-UP {USED}{UP}
8   Crack on epitaph's stone foundation (6) RIPRAP {RAP}<=>{RIP}
10 Case where say you may escape rule-breaking charge without consequences (4-4) SCOT-FREE {SCOuT}{F{R}EE}
11 Guide people reaching prominence (6) MENTOR {MEN}{TOR}
12 Sore, painful cervical wound (5) ULCER [T]
14 Token victory has queen adopting expression of pain (7) VOUCHER {V}{OUCH}{ER}
15 Flare up very loudly in folly, then head going for a spin (3,3,3,6) FLY OFF THE HANDLE {FF} in {FOLLY+THEN+HEAD}*
18 Pop drinks wine before sunrise (7) PREDAWN {P{RED}AWN}
19 Aerial salute for the Reverend according to pilot (3-2) FLY-BY {(-b+fl)FLY}{(-fl+b)BY}
20 Small light meal over, folding empty cloth bag (6) SACHET {S}{A{ClotH}ET<=}
21 Creep out when husband leaves hall? (4,4) EDGE AWAY Defintion by example
23 Flip side of British public houses (6) OBVERT {O{B}VERT}
24 Promising misery if switching sides (6) BRIGHT B(-l+r)RIGHT

1   Joke's effective without introduction or prompt (8) PUNCTUAL {PUN}{aCTUAL}
2   Fresh every time (4) PERT {PER}{T}
3   Henry breaking down on turning a dictator (6) FUHRER {FU{H}R}{RE<=}
4   Indiscreet type, preposterous private doctor, entering bar ahead of hospital (3,5) BIG MOUTH {B{GI*}{MO}UT}{H} (Addendum - {B{GI<=}{MO}UT}{H} - See comments)
5   Knockout count, having hooked right with risky punch (10) TRENCHANCY {T{R}EN}{CHANCY}
6   Turmoil in northern Argentina or outskirts of Peru (6) UPROAR {AR<=}{OR}{PerU}<= Overall reversal indicator? (Addendum - {RA}{OR}{PerU}<= - See comments)
9   Hot day had even turned oppressive (5-6) HEAVY-HANDED {H}{DAY+HAD+EVEN}*
13 Squeaker's vocal, see impossible to keep silent (5,5) CLOSE SHAVE {VOCAL+SEE}* over {SH}
16 Uniform sample boasting English flannel (8) FLATTERY {FLAT}{T{E}RY}
17 Destroy at will, razing contents? Answer in short, yes! (3,5) LAY WASTE {AT+WilL+A+YES}* Semi&lit
18 Instruments of pain, so dreadful (6) PIANOS*
19 Pentagon possibly unleashing new weapon in bombardment (6) FIGURE {FI{GUn}RE}
22 Star going round a constellation once (4) ARGO [T]


Wednesday, 27 March 2019

No 12584, Wednesday 28 Mar 2019, xChequer

xChequer back in form after last month's relatively easy round

7   Playful man leaves present for one with a bow (6) ARCHER Anno pending (Addendum - {ARCH}{hERe} - See comments)
8   Flue designed to carry exhausted nitrogen in chimney (6) FUNNEL {FU{Ni...eN}EL*}
10 Two hundred grams had created a shift in ship? (8) DOGWATCH {TWO+C+G+HAD}*
11 Pilot downed through splinters (6) AVIATE {A{VIA}TE}
12 Chess champion's time showing form (5) IMAGE {IM}{AGE}
14 The gods beginning to get really crazy (7) GALLERY {Get}{REALLY*}
15 Result of ore man processed, without iron ultimately? (3-7,5) NON-FERROUS METAL {RESULT+OF+ORE+MAN+iroN}* Semi&lit
18 Protocol on elevating commanding officer (7) COLONEL [T]
19 Doctor needs money order after bringing down temperature (5) MEDIC {M}{EDICt}
20 Riff-raff make fun of dog (6) RAGTAG {RAG}{TAG}
21 This does set out fine house design! (4,4) FENG SHUI {F+HoUSE+desIGN}* &lit
23 Civil staff possessing desirable quality (6) POLITE {POL{IT}E}
24 About to be dead, reportedly die showing grief (6) ?O?O?R Someone to answer this without cheating (Addendum - DOLOUR (-c+d)DOLOUR - See comments)

1   Mounted doctor left in anguish over a horse (8) PALOMINO {PA{MO}{L}<=IN}{O}
2   Lower docking line in barge (4) SCOW SCOWl
3   Condition of celebration crossing timeline (6) FETTLE {FET{T}{L}E}
4   Obligations to keep saving going up with loans primarily for consumer appliances (8) DURABLES {DU{BAR<=}{Lo..s}ES}
5   Really filled with anger when finally desperate (2,4,4) IN DIRE NEED {IND{IRE}{wheN}EED}
6   Outright cunning curbed at length (6) FLATLY {FL{AT}{L}Y}
9   One in extremes of delight revelling in luxurious existence (3,4,4) THE GOOD LIFE {OnE+OF+DELIGHT}*
13 Fluid tutti all performing like the clappers? (2,4,4) AT FULL TILT {FL+TUTTI+ALL}*
16 Charge to protect a gun-running fugitive (8) RUNAGATE {R{A+GUN}*ATE} New word for me
17 Extremely chic to wear a shocking dress (8) ACCOUTRE {A}{ChiC}{OUTRE}
18 Vices of student-hosted parties (6) CLAMPS {C{L}AMPS}
19 Limited time at this time for inconsequential person (6) MINNOW {MIN}{NOW}
22 Arrest section head (4) STOP {S}{TOP}


Tuesday, 26 March 2019

No 12583, Tuesday 26 Mar 2019, Vulcan

1   It is unclear, vague and theoretical (11) UNREALISTIC*
8   Mock meat initially served for starters (4) SHAM {HAM}<=>{Se...d}
9   There's no stopping when you have this (5,5) GREEN LIGHT [CD]
10 First to express shock over retrial (6) APPEAL {APPAL} over {Ex...s}
11 Foot pedal's design altered (7) TREADLE*
13 Main breeding place (6,3) OYSTER BED [CD]
15 Play one boring film (5) MOVIE {MOV{1}E}
16 Element of fear gone (5) ARGON [T]
18 Culprit drew old partner in, got stumped (9) PERPLEXED {PERP}{L{EX}ED}
22 Keep complaining about old weapon (7) HARPOON {HARP ON} over {O}
23 Short training at a British university to start with (6) ABRUPT {PT}<=>{A}{BR}{U}
26 Criminal hanged, this deadly one (10) NIGHTSHADE*
27 Standard in Spain or Mexico (4) NORM [T]
28 Uptight, perhaps pure bureaucrat (5-6) PAPER-PUSHER*

1   Fun chap starts off poorly, extremely disappointed (7) UNHAPPY {fUN}{cHAP}{Po..lY}
2   Pack that's for herb (5) RAMIE {RAM}{IE}
3   A langur that's kind of bony (7) ANGULAR*
4   Concept not entirely Utopian (4) IDEA IDEAl
5   Plain and lightundramatic content (6) TUNDRA [T]
6   Flower on hair Jessica evenly had around (5,4) CHINA ROSE {ON+HAIR+jEsSiCa}*
7   Bite one and it's hot (6) CHILLI {CHILL}{1}
12 Delay yield (5) DEFER [DD]
14 Stumble outside old shop building to find transport (9) TROOP SHIP {TR{O}{SHOP*}IP}
17 One behind the scenes Radiohead had missed when travelling (6) ROADIE RADIOhEad* New meaning for me. I always thought of one as a traveller only.
19 Plate with gold to make level (7) PLATEAU {PLATE}{AU}
20 English politician's mistake to let go of this excellent leader (7) EMPEROR {E}{MP}{ERrOR} Deletion of R not clear
21 Really good to be back, drink and chat (6) GOSSIP {SO}{G}<={SIP}
24 Farm managed by church (5) RANCH {RAN}{CH}
25 Fine show (4) FAIR {F}{AIR} &lit or is it a [DD]


Monday, 25 March 2019

No 12582, Monday 25 Mar 2019, Anon

1   Wishes for direction in tales (6) YEARNS {Y{E}ARNS}
4   Rest with wine embracing record (6) REPOSE {R{EP}OSE}
9   Starts hustling and just joins pilgrimage (4) HAJJ Acrostic
10 Join friend after Malaga revolution (10) AMALGAMATE {MALAGA*}{MATE}
11 Illustration of personality (6) FIGURE [DD]
12 Angry bee buzzing in US city (5,3) GREEN BAY*
13 Got into chaotic cities in vain (9) EGOTISTIC {E{GOT}ISTIC*}
15 Converses with bowler, say, in campus limits (5) CHATS {Cam{HAT}puS}
16 Accept notice from US University (5) ADMIT {AD}{MIT}
18 Baseball fielder takes acid bath? (9) SHORTSTOP [DD]
22 Has scratch, unhappy with shave (4,4) MARK DOWN {MARK}{DOWN}
23 Ruin European language, remove trace of nativity (6) FINISH FINnISH
25 Men who pause ripped up their seats (10) HESITATERS*
26 Crawl back to rendezvous (4) MEET<=
27 Chased at beginning of time the elderly protecting girl (6) TAGGED {Time}{AG{G}ED}
28 Counselling for Bill’s defect (6) ADVICE {AD}{VICE}

1   Losing source of respiration, panting while giving birth (8) YEANING YEArNING New word for me
2   Pear found in Afghan journey (5) ANJOU [T]
3   Straightens out new, disorderly senate (7) NEATENS {N}{SENATE*}
5   Birds, nearly ageless, confused (6) EAGLES AGELESs*
6   Thus returns man, to broken huts with flowering plant species (9) OSMANTHUS {SO<=}{MAN}{HUTS*}
 Pull out regular tarp in demand (7) EXTRACT {EX{TaRp}ACT}
8   Thrift shopper ransacks turbine hangar (7,6) BARGAIN HUNTER*
14 Swindling around final jail, running slowly (9) TRICKLING {TRICK{jaiL}ING}
17 Call alien without initial clue of language (7) DIALECT {DIAL}{E{Clue}T}
19 Said no to garbage dumpster’s lid (7) REFUSED {REFUSE}{Du...r}
20 Shocking regular bomb at spot (7) OBSCENE {bOmB}{SCENE}
21 Remove bit of scrap from stamp with thick soup (6) POTAGE POsTAGE
25 Naomi wandering in Australian  river (5) NAMOI*


Sunday, 24 March 2019

Special, Sunday 24 Mar 2019, Prelim IIT(M) Crossie Open 2019

Three answers per commenter as usual till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory)
Please provide all your answers in one comment.

This crossword was set by Ramki Krishnan.

Thanks to Kumaresh Ramakrishnan of IIT(M) for sharing this with us.

1   Supporting children to become footballers (8)
5   About to get defeated, runs to Dhoni perhaps (6)
9   Being drunk, signora leans against man (8)
10 Funny airs about America or its rival (6)
11 Animal in an ark at sea carrying 1000 eggs (8)
12 Wife with shoes and rings (6)
14 Acknowledged fashion designer controls firm (10)
18 Brave and polite knight finally makes way for a girl (10)
22 In ship near US city, Queen beams (6)
23 Smart to catch fish that could be lost (8)
24 A girl taken in by subterfuge, endlessly sad (6)
25 No film (8)
26 Protest again - second time in Chennai (6)
27 Gave excellent grades to perhaps Leo the journalist (8)

1   Lots of fine hair (6)
2   King's old and angry (6)
3   Queen with a large temper (6)
4   "Spinner's bowling spell ultimately expensive" - Dravid observed (10)
6   Girl upset, hides an expression of disgust in sounding cheerful (8)
7   South American authors reportedly in tension (8)
8   Composed extremely hilarious parody or poem (8)
13 True novels about unselfish folks (10)
15 Blockbuster? (8)
16 They come once a week to play duets, say (8)
17 They help to make buns using Irish pan (8)
19 Loud cheerful greeting in US state (6)
20 Sight Virat Kohli on vacation near Mumbai suburb (6)
21 Yes, it's a sin (6)

Across Lite version can be accessed at IIT(M) OPEN PRELIM 2019


The Sunday Crossword No 3040, Sunday 24 Mar 2019

1   Unconcerned about heartless arbiter (8)  CAREFREE {CA}{REFeREE}
5   Mark made by small vehicle (4) SCAR {S}{CAR}
10 Answer with regret suppressing good debate (5) ARGUE {A}{R{G}UE}
11 Constant friend outside pub before getting round (9) PERENNIAL {INN}{ERE}<= in {PAL}
12 Many, censor noted, wrongly observe formalities (5,2,8) STAND ON CEREMONY*
13 Be consistent in business at this place (6) COHERE {CO}{HERE}
14 Account for former partner, one in scheme (7) EXPLAIN {EX}{PLA{1}N}
17 Ever youthful actress, elegant in part, coming back (7) AGELESS [T<=]
19 Pinches back and a length of backbone (6) SPINAL {NIPS<=}{A}{L}
21 Let's cite memo, mistaken about European court, in parliamentary group (6,9) SELECT COMMITTEE {LETS+CITE+MEMO}* over {E}{CT}
23 Discover a spot occupied by church beside river (9) ASCERTAIN {A}{S{CE}{R}TAIN}
24 Chatter about country (5) GABON {GABON}
25 Speaker's joined trend (4) TIDE (~tied)
26 Small dramas created by nervous ally in revolutionary procedure (8) PLAYLETS {P{ALLY*}ETS<=}

1   Reason to keep line in section of contract (6) CLAUSE {C{L}AUSE}
2   Outfit, medium, with a part in performance (9) RIGMAROLE {RIG}{M}{A}{ROLE}
3   Singer, divine one in liberated element (7,7) FREDDIE MERCURY {FRE{D}{1}E} {MERCURY}
4   Flower mostly found in river area (7) EXPANSE {EX{PANSy}E}
6   Atmosphere in Colorado is capital (5) CAIRO {C{AIR}O}
7   Motorsport getting better? (8) RALLYING [DD]
8   About to wear hat, beginning to expect period of cold weather (6) FREEZE {F{RE}EZ}{Ex...t}
9   Boldly come in and carry on about revolt (14) ENTERPRISINGLY {ENTER}{P{RISING}LY}
15 Versatile plug attached to a piece of furniture receiving power (9) ADAPTABLE {AD}{A}{P}{TABLE}
16 Part of engine's mass in fact has broken (8) CAMSHAFT {M} in {FACT+HAS}*
18 Spies in very large party (6) SOCIAL {SO}{CIA}{L}
19 Note French city, rising to be influential (7) SEMINAL {LA}{NIMES}<=
20 Wrong trap lifted in game (6) TENNIS {SIN}{NET}<=
22 Clear line for all to see followed by police (5) LUCID {L}{U}{CID}


Saturday, 23 March 2019

No 12581, Saturday 23 Mar 2019, Lightning


1. Force leaderless, depressed cricket side to bat again (6,2) FOLLOW ON {F}{hOLLOW} {ON} Anno correct? Depressed=Hollow? See comments
5. Fearful of a fine, search by police (6) AFRAID {A}{F}{RAID}
9. Somehow I regret holding second record (8) REGISTER {I+REGRET*} around {S}
10. Ailment curtailed a river animal (6) COUGAR {COUGh}{A}{R}
12. Heat source sent back? Overwhelming energy charges (5) RATES {STAR<=} around {E}
13. Sailor cop busted at citadel (9) ACROPOLIS {SAILOR+COP*}
14. Knock down every other steel sword in tent (6) TEEPEE  {sTeEl}{EPEE}
16. Shiny decoration is grand waste (7) GLITTER {G}{LITTER}
19. Theft of large bow at eastern New York (7) LARCENY {L}{ARC}{E}{NY}
21. Leaders of third unit entering den on the way back for ceremony (6) RITUAL {LAIR<=} around {Third}{Unit}
23. Ordinary lines come almost broken up by punctuation mark (9) SEMICOLON {O+LINES+COMe*}
25. Passage in a land surrounded by water (5) AISLE {A}{ISLE}
26. Appeal by insurers covering area in leaning type (6) ITALIC {IT}{A}{LIC}
27. Millions participating in firm and direct protest (8) COMPLAIN {CO}{M}{PLAIN}
28. Penguin easily dwells in this country (6) GUINEA (T)
29. Intern he corrected is essential (8) INHERENT {INTERN+HE*}


1. Commotion in messages, you are breaking at the front (6) FURORE {F{U R}ORE}
2. Astronomical unit of trivial period of our orbit (5-4) LIGHT YEAR {LIGHT}{YEAR}
3. Water source ordinary and without warranty (5) OASIS {O}{AS IS}
4. Missing primary drug recipe, had to run (7) OPERATE {dOPE}{R}{ATE}
6. One could stomp this to impress and get space for resources (9) FOOTPRINT {FOOT}{PRINT}
7. A new member backing early stage investor (5) ANGEL {A}{N}{LEG<=}
8. At first extremely sorry, I’d become insulting (8) DERISORY{Extremely+SORRY+I'D*}
11. Boast about clothing (4) BRAG {GARB<=}
15. Order public relations secretary to restrain engineer (9) PRESCRIBE {PR}{E}{SCRIBE}
17. Convert lean start for a change (9) TRANSLATE {LEAN+START*}
18. Boon bowled without batting glove to begin with (8) BLESSING {B}{LESS}{IN}{Glove}
20. American university withheld many alerts (4) YALE (T)
21. Operated with hired thug at former capital (7) RANGOON {RAN}{GOON}
22. Place protecting each new source of oil (6) PEANUT {P{EA}{N}UT}
24. I’m coming back twice to go around a port city (5) MIAMI {I'M<=}{A}{I'M<=}
25. Plenty of core specimens (5) AMPLE {sAMPLEs}

Reference List

Force=F, Fine=F, Second=S, River=R, Energy=E, Grand=G, Large=L, Eastern=E, New York=NY, Ordinary=O, Appeal=It, Insurers=LIC, Area=A, Millions=M, Firm=Co
Recipe=R, New=N, Public Relations=PR, Engineer=E, Bowled=B, Batting=In. Each=Ea

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded linksTheme word Anagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous


Friday, 22 March 2019

No 12580, Friday 22 Mar 2019, Incognito

Shall leave it to a non-regular commenter to identify the theme and themed words of today's crossword.

7   Woman in Germany gets piece of chicken (4) WING {W}{IN}{G}
8   Officer's vehicle carrying excited mom goes around North Dakota estate at first (9) COMMANDER {C{MOM*}A{ND}{Es...e}R} AS per word play this becomes {CAR} over ({MOM}* over {ND}{Es...e})
10 Pure tea on street has energy (6) CHASTE {CHA}{ST}{E}
11 Tirade when aid is returned by clan (8) DIATRIBE {AID<=}{TRIBE}
12 1 usually involves this sort of nice love (8) VIOLENCE*
14 Goes around men with parts (6) ORBITS {OR}{BITS}
16 Sprightliness of a soldier burning before end of enmity (7) AGILITY {A}{GI}{LIT}{e...tY}
18 Young lady on French island makes an arrow, for example (7) MISSILE {MISS}{ILE}
21 Note by student: Study hobby, perhaps (6) FALCON {FA}{L}{CON} Hobby? See comments
23 Manufacture oven and hats for poor people (4-4) HAVE-NOTS* {OVEN+HATS}*
25 Removal from jet I once flew (8) EJECTION* &lit
27 Wound Indian group of decision makers (6) INJURY {IN}{JURY}
29 Mince puce pears? Capital! (5-4) UPPER-CASE*
30 Adds drinks (4) TOTS [DD]

1   Rookie drops out of air travel to get gin cocktail for battle (8) FIGHTING {FlIGHT}{GIN*}
2   Wandering sage grows old (4) AGES*
3   Show hide (6) SCREEN [DD]
4   Little insect’s stuck between poles (7) SMIDGEN {S}{MIDGE}{N}
5   While on the move, Marconi consumed a type of penguin (8) MACARONI* {MARCONI}* over {A}
6   German or Polish river? (4) ODER {DE+OR}* (Addendum - [DD] - See comments)
9   Right boot is fitted to automaton (5) ROBOT {R}{BOOT*}
13 Small air-conditioner's colour (5) LILAC {LIL}{AC}
15 Buffalo's first bus is running (5) BISON {Bus}{IS}{ON}
17 Inert gas synthesised in Moroccan city (8) TANGIERS*
19 Can read tile rate after rewriting (8) LITERATE*
20 Revolutionary not available in Northern Ireland city (7) CHENNAI {CHE}{N{NA}I}
22 Endlessly Don Juan travels to old French province (5) ANJOU {dOn+JUAN}*
24 Announced part of invoice description (6) VOICED [T]
26 Policeman gets Axis’s promotional material (4) COPY {COP}{Y}
28 Planes, for example, jungle elm tree slats, for starters (4) JETS Acrostic


Thursday, 21 March 2019

No 12579, Thursday 21 Mar 2019, Incognito

Land ahoy!

8   Comedian's spirit found at the bottom of Pandora's box (4) HOPE [MD]
9   In geography, landforms conceal subdivisions of kingdoms (5) PHYLA [T]
10 Elliptical like POTUS' office (4) OVAL [DD]
11 Some kind of pig's money? (6) GUINEA [DD]
12 Breeze followed by rain was an unexpected bonus (8) WINDFALL {WIND}{FALL}
13 Dress suitable for islands (8) BERMUDAS [DD]
15 Word said during shooting? (6) CHEESE [CD]
17 War where America intercedes between Costa Rica and Germany (7) CRUSADE {CR}{USA}{DE}
19 One comes in and one goes out of a town in European country (7) BELGIUM BELG(-a+1)IUM
22 Guide soldiers to river (6) MENTOR {MEN}{TO}{R}
24 Dog with tail docked, preceded live royal soldier and another dog (8) DOBERMAN {DOg}{BE}{R}{MAN}
26 Practice about the funerary vehicle (8) REHEARSE {RE}{HEARSE}
28 Type of beans or trays (6) KIDNEY [DD]
30 Petty criminal seen at South Pole, initially, with four Romans following (4) SPIV {S}{Pole}{IV}
31 Officer commanding takes each man finally to a large body of water (5) OCEAN {OC}{EA}{maN}
32 Trot back, resulting in a contravention (4) TORT<=

1   Flying saucer goes back after time to get some food (4) TOFU {T}{UFO<=}
2   Writer discloses identity of literary psuedonyms (3-5) PEN-NAMES {PEN}{NAMES}
3   Mountainous region in state territory (6) UPLAND {UP}{LAND}
4   Cleaning of optical organ? Bunkum! (7) EYEWASH {EYE}{WASH}
5   Man leaves manacle behind farm building to get marine creature (8) BARNACLE {BARN}{manACLE}
6   Sweet for nob with two notes (6) TOFFEE {TOFF}{E}{E}
7   Welshman returns armour (4) MAIL<=
14 Lake surrounds round unknown eagle's nest (5) EYRIE {E{Y}RIE}
16 Puts up a Buddhist reliquary (5) STUPA {PUTS<=}{A}
18 Place where one may see things developing (8) DARKROOM [CD]
20 VKS Padukone, master of French race (4,4) GURU DUTT {GURU}{DU}{TT}
21 Stuck to present day, present location decision at first (7) ADHERED {AD}{HERE}{De...n}
23 Dozen of these can be gross! (6) TWELVE [CD]
25 Island wear (6) BIKINI [DD]
27 See Eastern secret agent (4) ESPY {E}{SPY}
29 Make money in the midst of learning (4) EARN [T]

Bhargav's Talepiece


TWELVE in a hot afternoon day.

Paul In his BERMUDAS ADHERED to his MENTOR'S instructions in the REHEARSAL and said "CHEESE".

The song was to be GURU DUTT's Sun sun sun Zalima...

All of a sudden - the girl emerged from the DARK ROOM wearing a BIKINI.

One could see HOPE in Paul's eyes....

What happened next?


Wednesday, 20 March 2019

No 12578, Wednesday 20 Mar 2019, Neyartha

1   Raid retreat hiding priest from the east with cases of protective garments (6,5) BOILER SUITS {BO{ILE<=}R<=}{SUITS}
9   Rich fat needing carbon removal right away (7) OPULENT cOrPULENT
10 Floating insect behind the brown counter (6) NATANT {TAN<=}{ANT}
11 Old clown's daughter driving away the Tesla of the online harasser (5) DROLL (-t+d)DROLL
12 Jonathan orders the concealment of a self-feeding furnace (7) ATHANOR [T]
15 Annoying location for pain? (4) REAR [CD]
16 Kitchen furnace obtained after avoiding work to build repositories (10) ROTISSERIE REpoSITORIES*
18 Omit Mercer's faulty caliper (10) MICROMETER*
20 Family welcoming the new driver with a furnace (4) KILN {KI{L}N}
23 Crafty person seizing brief cut short prior to the modification of a furnace (7) FIREBOX {FOX} over {BRIEf}*
24 Fashion a furnace for working with metals (5) FORGE [DD]
26 Remove the top left on a stupid person (6) BEHEAD Anno pending (Addendum - BonEHEAD - See comments)
27 Break the musical instrument with Lawrence (7) VIOLATE {VIOLA}{TE}
28 Danger! DNA break-down after helium immersion could make a weapon (4,7) HAND GRENADE {DANGER+DNA}* over {HE} (Correction - {DNA}* in {HE} - See comments)

2   Exercise in a solitary environment without reserve (6) OPENLY {O{PE}NLY}
3   Former model trading places with the student in a story (4) LATE (-t+l)LA(-l+t)TE
4   Twist reported by an editor covering the auditor's story with a description of some lemurs (4-6) RING-TAILED {RING}{TAIL(~tale)}{ED}
5   Muralist excited by radical philosophy (8) ULTRAISM*
6   Kitchen furnace's core turning up outside the gate (7) TANDOOR {T{AND}OOR<=}
7   Reserved student going out for a run with excitement to get a plant-protecting enclosure (4,5) COLD FRAME {COLD}{F(-l+r)RAME}
8   Burning coal circling the superior furnace (6) CUPOLA {C{UP}OLA*}
13 Instrument with a postman that could lead to a recipient's enrichment? (5,5) MONEY ORDER [CD]
14 Ram needed resolution, having been on an aimless journey (9) MEANDERED*
17 Nitwit leader getting a token concession up front (8) BONEHEAD {HEAD}<=>{BONE}
19 A mythological monster's impossible dream (7) CHIMERA [DD]
21 Drove, we hear, to find the Indian nationalist leaders on top making progress (6) INROAD {In..n}{Na...t}{ROAD}(~rode)
22 Manage to pay for a note about the shallow river crossing (6) AFFORD {FA<=}{FORD}
25 Furnace described in a part of the covenant (4) OVEN [T]