Monday 4 March 2019

No 12564, Monday 04 Mar 2019, Afterdark

9   Physicist featuring in TV network; covered by state on January 26 (7) GODDARD {GO{DD}A}{RD}
10 Visa issued in time to escape (7) EVASION {E{VISA*}ON}
11 Not odd to have gin cocktail at the end of day (7) EVENING {EVEN}{GIN}*
12 Shaft turned at the beginning of the day to reinforce part of the sail (7) YARDARM {RAY<=}{Day}{ARM}
13 Marriage is mother's trial to get over one half of a day (9) MATRIMONY {MA}{TR{1}{MONday}Y}
15 Perhaps a duct in lavatory is accidentally cut at the source (5) ILIAC Acrostic
16 Resistance against state organised around capital of Rajasthan by apostates (7) RATTERS {R}{ATTE{Ra...n}S*}
19 Last month an engineer received money at unit (7) DECIBEL {DEC}{1}{BE}{L}
20 Plant gets support to creep around a rod primarily (5) BRIAR {RIB*}{A}{Rod} Indirect anagram? (Addendum - {BR{I}A}{Rod} - See comments)
21 Tending to go back on holiday, I first vacated establishment (9) RECESSIVE {RECESS}{I}{Va...d}{Es...t}
25 Storm will lead to trouble marooning seamen (7) TORNADO {TO}{RN}{ADO}
26 A coward before mother-in-law, king is given to wet (7) MILKSOP {MIL}{K}{SOP}
28 Million years back, a student chapter at England found this ancient branch of natural philosophy (7) ALCHEMY {A}{L}{CH}{E}{M}{Y}
29 Spilt oil near part of the aircraft wing (7) AILERON*

1   A great meal cooked by Bright... (6) AGLEAM {A}{G}{MEAL*}
2   ...coming in commercial; recipe is new (6) ADVENT {AD}{VE{N}T} (Correction - ADVE(-r+n)NT - See comments)
3   Vehicle from Tesla's a cross, uses electric current (4) TAXI {T}{A}{X}{I}
4   An eccentric individual at the middle of the block being at ease in Rome (6) ADAGIO {A}{DAG}{I}{blOck}
5   Innocent woman, basically young, energetic yuppie featuring in performance (4-4) DEWY-EYED {DE{W}{Yo..g}{En...c}{Yu...e}ED}
6   Maybe it’s a fantasy held by cashier; to be disguised in wigs (10) HAIRPIECES {PIE} in {CASHIER}* Pie from 'Pie in the sky'
7   A short account on the origin of medicine in book on essential nutrient (7,1) VITAMIN B {VITA}{Me...e}{IN}{B}
8   In Cochin, mica laminates are opposed (8) INIMICAL [T] I missing from fodder
14 Unusually rained a bit, took off; a break in the middle and got drunk (10) INEBRIATED {RaINED+A+BIT+brEak}*
16 Negation of Ram in certain quarters... (8) REBUTTAL {RE{BUTT}AL}
17 article covers atrocities at the top in the channel (8) TAILRACE {ARTICLE}* over {At...s}
18 Don's X-ray reveals stone (8) SARDONYX*
22 Commanding officer hires doctor, a vet by the end of battle (6) COMBAT {CO}{MB}{A}{veT}
23 Press in India? News without substance, editor extremely upset at the end (6) INSERT {I}{NewS}{Ed..oR}{u..eT}
24 Spandex needs no introduction, can be made to stretch (6) EXPAND sPANDEX*
27 Beat student taking a little time (4) LILT {L}{I}{L}{T} L/Little?

Bhargav's Talepiece


Paul was no MILKSOP. He had only one in mind and any other DEW EYED approaching him with a MATRIMONY proposal was sent away.

Neither dancing to a low DECIBEL ADAGIO nor a TORNADO approach worked!

What happened next?



  1. 20AC I think it is: BR[I]A R where support is BRA; a =I and R

    1. Now, why is 'support' always BRA? Don't men in violent sports or maybe in ballets wear support for certain part of their body? Cannot 'support' yield whatever that support is called by?
      Is this convention because most setters are males?
      Isn't this one more instance of partiality to be addressed by the National Board for Women?

    2. Thought-"provoking" and BRAzen idea!

    3. I always felt that support for bra is unmentionable!

    4. Touché CV Sir. It is your favourite support.

  2. 27DN Little is LIL informally. Student may be redundant

  3. Thanks Col. for the pics of aileron and Sardonyx. Never knew the former was called this.

    1. I too very much liked the aileron picture with animation.

  4. col.sir...animation for 29A.....was awesome ...and well explained. Today's puzzle seems more substitution. Maths lovers can enjoyed. Thanks to After Dark.

  5. 25A. In the parsing, the letter 'o' is struck across i.e. it is deleted, right? A correction needed?
