Tuesday 19 March 2019

No 12577, Tuesday 19 Mar 19, Buzzer

9   Short-tail on Australian native bird (7) ROOSTER {STERn}<=>{ROO}
10 Mutation of clone embodying male group at a level (7) ECHELON {EC{HE}LON*}
11 North-eastern close ally? (5) NEPAL {NE}{PAL} &lit
12 Childhood years lady recollected (5,4) EARLY DAYS*
13 Stop agreeing so much and shut up (3,2,4) SAY NO MORE [DD]
14 Echoing prayer, receiver of ashes to feel sadness (5) MOURN {OM<=}{URN}
15 Nothing venerable about American subject (7) NEVADAN {NADA}{VEN}<=
17 Counsel is most comfortable with name-dropping (7) SUGGEST SnUGGEST
19 Knocked back magnificent drink (5) LAGER <=
20 Sort of curry to seek in earnest (3,3,3) CRY OUT FOR*
22 Special destructive avatar is of a goddess (9) SARASVATI {S}{AVATAR+IS}*
24 Do one's best every second in charge (5) ONSET {dO+oNeS+bEsT}
25 Island be turning into hint of very pale colour (3-4) ICE-BLUE {I}{C{BE<=}LUE}
26 I undo knots bound by handcuffs, irons primarily (7)  HOUDINI {I+UNDO}* in {Ha...s}{Ir...s} &lit

1   Soaks up noise surrounding skating courses (6,2) DRINKS IN {D{RINKS}IN}
2   Toe the line and act out in a dense manner (6) COMPLY COMPactLY
3   Demanding task rounding up chartered roll at airport (1,4,5) A TALL ORDER [T<=]
4   Capital font we're developing (8) FREETOWN*
5   Costanza perhaps earthy, right revolting example (6) GEORGE {GEO}{R}{EG<=}
6   Way to pronounce serum (4) WHEY (~way)
7   Delight in unspoiled grassy lands (8) PLEASURE {P{LEAS}URE}
8   Complete agreement in how dune gets to be done (6) UNISON {UN is ON} to convert DUNE to DONE
14 Summon up a cast showcasing grand work of art (6,4) MAGNUM OPUS {SUMMON+UP}* over {G}
16 Attorney-General engaged in changes, changes that are unexpected (8) VAGARIES {V{AG}ARIES}
17 Case of kitty sneaking through small window (8) SKYLIGHT {S{KittY}LIGHT}
18 Take flight off Turin, Italy crossing borders (4,4) TURN TAIL {TURIN+iTALy}*
19 Look rigid taking one's snap (4,2) LOSE IT {LO}{SE{1}T}
20 Alpine accommodation is robust in cold temperature (6) CHALET {C}{HALE}{T}
21 Remains doubly stoic at first during defeat (6) FOSSIL {FO{St..c}{St..c}IL}
23 Pressure is solid in ball game for one (4) SOLO (-p+s)SOLO



  1. Wonderful puzzle! Favourites were 26A,3D but the COD has th be Unison. Thanks Buzzer and Col. for an instructive blog.

  2. The much awaited Hindi Crossword puzzle is up in Crossword Unclued. Do give it a try.

    1. My response below, Vasant. Joint venture of Kishore & Shuchi. Happy & colorful Holiday to ye-all. Life is colorful indeed !

  3. Enjoyed the puzzle! HOUDINI was my COD

  4. 13a stop agreeing: say no
    So much:more

    Is it still a DD?

  5. My 11th Crossword in Telugu is available online at the following link:


    I request those interested in solving them to give it a try. Thanks

    1. Thanks KKR ji. Good workout on a train journey. Nati inks dorakaledu. Send it as soon as I get her.

    2. Thanks KKR! I certainly will give it a try.

    3. That's a fantastic achievement. Composing crosswords in two languages. I am sure those who know Telugu would be lapping it up.

    4. Not able to open the link sir :(

    5. Sorry to note. You should have given a try with eemata.com in case the link given hadn't worked

  6. This is a Holi special,,, every year, though I wonder why it was missed out over the last few years. I have always enjoyed the earlier ones, though one has to revamp ones mind .Will certainly have a go at it, along with my wife.

