Saturday 16 March 2019

No 12575, Saturday 16 Mar 2019, Arden


1. Perhaps get a verdict, it's starting from the mouth (9,5) DIGESTIVE TRACT {GET+A+VERDICT+ITS*}
10. It's included in the ten per cent to be paid (5) TITHE {T{IT}HE}
11. Add some vitamin in food, animal gets a piece of meat (9) MEDALLION {ME{D}AL}{LION}
12. Boy's turned his back on girl — off you go! (7) DISMISS {SID<=}{MISS}
13. Work's mostly free on plant (7) OPUNTIA {OP}{UNTIe{{A}

14. City is very big, goes by another name (5) OSAKA {OS}{AKA}
16. Slim, it is no entry (3-6) OFF LIMITS Reverse anag of{SLIM+IT}
19. Can erase a wrong delivery (9) CAESAREAN {CAN+ERASE+A*}
20. Chronic headache triggered during recess... (5) NICHE (T)
22. the middle doctor lives in dread (7) AMONGST {A{MO}NGST}
25. Combination of regular haulage — morning before and morning after (7) AMALGAM {AM}{hAuLaGe}{AM}
27. Angry worker assumed number one role, it's said (9) CROISSANT {CRO{I}SS}{ANT} Defn = ~role=roll
28. Hunter makes port stop working (5)  ORION {O{RIO}N}
29. Peer over opening — it's retreat of the chief legal officer (4,10) LORD CHANCELLOR {LORD}{CHANCE}{ROLL<=} ? See comments


2. No will to take part in test at Edgbaston (9) INTESTATE (T)
3. I feel emission is a bit of a sticky issue (5) ELEMI (T)
4. It carries a grave message (9) TOMBSTONE (CD)
5. See nothing in such recording (5) VIDEO {VIDE}{O}
6. Earthling develops ill-nature (9) TELLURIAN {ILL+NATURE*}
7. Listed athe International law tribunal by leaders (5) ATILT (Acrostic)
8. Headgear that's assumed to be fashionable (3,4) TIN HATS {T{IN} HATS}
9. Boss is over the moon in his workplace... (6) STUDIO {STUD}{IO}
15. I glance around for some medicine (9) ANALGESIC {AS+I+GLANCE*}
17. Worker's breakfastessentially rice — it's terrific (9) FANTASTIC {F{ANT}AST}{rICe}
18. Cognitionsurprisingly goes unidentified (9) INCOGNITO {COGNITION*}
19. One among churches, left some area for the clergy and choir (7) CHANCEL {CH}{AN}{CE}{L}
21. Fur — it underminework done by animal activists to some extent (6) ERMINE (T)
23. Whiff going round and round 18 (5) ODOUR Anno not clear (Addendum - {O+ROUnD}* - See comments}
24. Crown's taken regularly on a triabroad (5) TIARA {TrIp AbRoAd}
26. Everyone gets into Bikini, for example (5) ATOLL {A{TO}LL}

Reference List

Some vitamin=D, Boy=Sid, Work=Op, Very big=OS, Doctor=MO, Morning=AM, Worker=Ant, Number one=I, Port=Rion, Working=On
See=Vide, Nothing=O, Moon=Io, One=An, Church=Ch, Church=CE, Left=L

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded linksTheme word Anagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice grid. Off late, am getting acquainted with Arden's special tools! To name a few today...'breakfast' in 17Dn and 'into' in 26Dn. Could complete the puzzle today as well! Thanks Arden.

  3. 23 first round:round
    Second round: o
    18: incognito:name less -n
    Rou(-n)d O <=

  4. Dear Experts, 25a the movement indicator reflects even (haulage) where as 24d the movement indicator reflects odd (trip abroad). how to determine the definition. (both puzzles indicated in green color).

    1. Regular indicates periodic, in crosswords it turns to be even or odd (may be because of space constraint. Someone can write a clue to pick up 1-4-7-10 etc but it would be pretty big fodder). Even/odd is solver subjective.

    2. well Sree_sree. Thanks for your Prompt response.

  5. I didn't understand 29A. Could someone please help?

    1. Peer:lord
      Opening: chance
      Retreat: roll back:roll<=llor

  6. It seems Col set a wrong time (10.30 instead of 8.30) for today's Sunday Times appearance!

  7. Can you please explain why io for moon, atilt for listed & atoll for bikini.

    1. Io is a moon of Jupiter
      Atilt means leaning towards/listed
      Bikini atoll - Check it out on Google, that's where US did their nuclear tests
