Sunday 10 March 2019

The Sunday Crossword No 3038, Sunday 10 Mar 2019

1   Oppose matter, given time by court (10) COUNTERACT {COUNT}{ERA}{CT}
6   Gush, giving up time to offer encouragement (4) SPUR SPURt
9   Swift in air (7) EXPRESS [DD]
10 Perfect, not loud and unruly (7) LAWLESS fLAWLESS
12 In India cricket's turned around (5) CIRCA [T<=]
13 Happy environment or sad? (9) UPSETTING {UP}{SETTING}
14 Party politician, with nothing certain, showing unease (12) DISCOMPOSURE {DISCO}{MP}{O}{SURE}
18 Reformed feudal land so abruptly (3,2,1,6) ALL OF A SUDDEN*
21 Negative eccentric ran cult active at night (9) NOCTURNAL {NO}{CULT+RAN}*
23 Disadvantage that's hidden in contract (5) CATCH [DD]
24 Greatest king in line grows old and decrepit finally (7) LARGEST {L}{A{R}GES}{d...iT}
25 Slow to follow one, very cut off (7) ISOLATE {1}{SO LATE}
26 Force in peculiar myth (4) ARMY [T]
27 Ragged number outside commercial pub (10) THREADBARE {THRE{AD}{BAR}E}

1   Firm before receiving constant pressure (6) COERCE {CO}{ER{C}E}
2   Doubtful expression beginning to perplex and anger judge (6) UMPIRE {UM}{Pe...x}{IRE}
3   Might a cut feel wrong in opera? (3,5,5) THE MAGIC FLUTE*

4   Embittered, dry up after referring to funds (9) RESOURCES {RE}{SOUR}{SEC<=}
5   Pass on tips from trainers for young players (5) COLTS {COL}{Tr...rS}
7   Rice soup not normally costly (8) PRECIOUS*
8   Gave up being philosophical (8) RESIGNED [DD]
11 Humorist, refined, entertaining a hundred, with endless heart, all together (4,3,6) WITH ONE ACCORD {WIT}{HONE{A}{C}{CORe}D}
15 Created row, grabbing auntie's last cake (9) MADELEINE {MADE}{L{a...iE}INE}
16 Tree I yearn to climb in Massachusetts area (8) MAGNOLIA {MA}{I+LONG}<={A}
17 Pick second item of clothing in range, not first (8) PLECTRUM {sP{cLo...g}ECTRUM}
19 Levels achieved by son with skill raised cheers (6) STRATA {S}{ART<=}{TA}
20 Steal hearts in match against Spain (6) THIEVE {T{H}IE}{V}{E}
22 Stirring chant, of course (5) NATCH*


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