Wednesday 12 January 2022

No 13452, Wednesday 12 Jan 2022, Vulcan

Solution to 13A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.
Rangoli by Gowri
1   Slim, small and delicate (6) SLIGHT {S}{LIGHT}
4   Imprison one after the other, say (6) INTERN (~in turn)
8   Mature fruit primarily brought down (7) PLUMAGE {AGE}<=>{PLUM}
9   Move abroad, after forking out $1000, to Abu Dhabi! (7) EMIRATE EMIgRATE
11 Agree to keep in touch (10) CORRESPOND [DD]
12 One with title — ahead of time for the most part (4) EARL EARLy
13 Endless sadness after I get home (5) I?L?O (Addendum - IGLOO - {GLOOm}<=>{I} - See comments)
14 Different option is set (8) POSITION*
16 Poles moving outside America getting support (8) ESPOUSAL {ESPO{USA}L*}
18 Book eventually unfinished (5) ATLAS {AT LASt}
20 Working with the states is a great burden (4) ONUS {ON}{US}
21 Message that’s not in writing? (6,4) MENTAL NOTE [CD]
23 Promise novelist after a wager (7) BETROTH {ROTH}<=>{BET}
24 Intense or neutral in colour (7) VIOLENT {VIOLE{N}T}
25 Chernobyl never has backing in a fair way (6) EVENLY [T<=]
26 Old name in a list (6) AGENDA {AGE{N}D}{A}

1   Shots of colossal volume (5) SALVO [T]
2   Everlasting timeless evil (7) IMMORAL IMMORtAL
3   Interesting sections of this grand and posh ground (4,5) HIGH SPOTS {THIS+G+POSH}*
5   Called mean Democrat out (5) NAMED {MEAN+D}*
6   Make money and set out to become dedicated (7) EARNEST {EARN}{SET*}
7   Infamous tour our leader is on after stir (9) NOTORIOUS {TOUR+Our+IS+ON}*
10 Huge principal amount, without security, initially loaned (9) CORPULENT {CORPUs}{LENT}
13 Lying in pain since recently (9) INSINCERE [T]
15 Fearing as it’s rough navigating (9) SEAFARING*
17 Old base to help in study (7) OBSERVE {O}{B}{SERVE}
19 All in on mixing a fatty ingredient (7) LANOLIN*
21 Place to stay in a remote location (5) MOTEL [T]
22 Seize a country (5) TONGA {TONG}{A}

Reference List
Small = S, $1000 = G = Grand, Neutral = N, Name = N, Time = T, Democrat = D, Old = O, Base = B


  1. 13A IGLOO = home {GLOO ensless sadness after I}

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Vladimir's AGENDA was EARNEST and clear,
    Not INSINCERE - he longed for someone dear
    Made a MENTAL NOTE
    To love and dote;
    Thus a change in his POSITION - something to cheer!

  4. Lovely grid. My favs...EARNEST, INSINCERE, SEAFARING.

  5. Col.
    Not able to enlarge and view the Rangoli like I used to do earlier.

  6. Me too. I dont know why.

  7. Yday i could enlarge. Today highly pixellated. Colonel knows better.

    1. If I open from cell phone, I am able to enlarge but not through computer🤔🤔🤔

    2. Even with cell phone it is different from the igloo picture which enlarges easily.
      Anyway I was able to make it bigger by moving with fingers. Thank you Vasant.
      Beautiful- peacock & peahen? Very colourful. Whole moth of Rangolis.

  8. Interesting Grid. EMIRATES, AGENDA, NOTORIOUS, OBSERVE are my Fav...........

    Gowri's rangoli too nice. divine treat for our eyes. Efforts are highly appreciated.
